Prague Castle - Hradcany - details and images
It represents a complete architecture, which you need to visit almost daily. It consists of Hrad, or castle, former residence of kings and current residence of the President of the State, whose bases were first made towards the end of sec. IX, Paintings, Gothic cathedral of St. Vit the Crown Jewels are kept, Dalibor's Tower, St. Jiří, black tower. Inside is the famous resort Zlate ulička "street goldsmith. The colorful boxes of ancient alchemists, who tried to get gold through various methods, different souvenirs sold today. In front of the castle is open one of the most beautiful views over the city, which you can admire the naked eye or through special telescopes installed for a small fee.
To the south, near the palace gardens merge with one of the most beautiful and famous baroque gardens in the terrace in Prague in the early 18th century, Ledeburské záhrady. In the middle is a terreni hall and a fountain with a statue of a giant.
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