Reci Natural Reserve - Covasna - details and images
Floristics Reserve with an area of about 34 ha located in Black River floodplain tributary of the Olt, represented by a complex of eutrophic marshes populated by a number of rare species, glacial relicts such as dwarf birch, ferns, wild angelica.
It is the largest reserve in Covasna county, geologically complex by nature, flora and fauna. This environment is the area of developing marsh blue frog whose southern limit is this reservation and venue, and last stop of the flocks of storks which starts in warm countries.
Reserve also has a pine plantation bancsian, a rare species that fit over the land with vegetation conditions very stepmother.
In 2003, the natural environment of the Birchen Reci have poured some of the famous movie 'Cold Mountain' scenes, Oscar-winning in 2004, which starred actors Nicole Kidman and Law Jud. Chalet, built inside the mill and barn were demolished by the manufacturers reserve, to the disappointment of the locals who remember with pleasure the abandoned ranch the two main heroes had their romance.
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