Roman Catholic Church - Saint Anthony of Padua- Campina - details and images
Church, with an area of 212 sq m (18x12m) is Romanesque, the narthex, nave and presbiteriu, maximum height of 10 m. It has an interior with a bell tower (the left only the small 2 tonnes, three each were initially), and is covered with tin. Is of stone masonry, blocks Albesti Muscel career with stone window and door frames from Rusciuk (Bulgaria).
In the narthex, is stained glass representing the baptism of Jesus Christ, pots with holy water and a font of white marble monument (baptiseriul) Carrara marble (Italy). Inside, there are three altars, a central higher presbiteriu, which is celebrated daily Mass, and two side in front. The altars are black and colored marble. Presbiteriu Also in the background is a group of three statues in the center, the St. Anthony of Padua with the Infant Jesus in her arms, patron church in Campina, from left, Barbara St. statue and the right, the statue of St. Joseph. The shrine is located next to windows two windows representing the two angels in adoration. Also, the left side of the plane of the front, is the pulpit decorated with frescoes of the four evangelists. Statues and pulpit from workshops Stufflesser Gardena (Italy). In the arcade side of plans over the altar is the 2001 two large paintings with themes: Jesus Christ teaches and nourishes us.
In the nave stands columns, interior belt and interior stucco ornate. On the left, front, is a large oil painting, classical image: Jesus on the Cross. On the right, a group representing big relief to the heavenly Mother of God (Christian Aid - Auxilium christianorum). On the side walls on each side by 7 in relief, are 14 images representing Jesus Christ's sufferings on the Cross (Via Crucis).
In Easter of 2000 was framed in the arch blessed back the bas-relief depicting the risen Christ. In 2000 it mounted the altar representing the stained glass angels standing in adoration.
The church was renovated and blessed by the Arch Bishop of Bucharest, Ioan Robu together with several priests on the day of 28 April 2001 during the administration of the mystery of the ointment in the Roman Catholic Church in Campina.
The book "Aus Rumänien" by Archbishop Raymond Netzhammer, the church appears as the "second architectural monuments in Romania." According to the State Commission of Historic Monuments, the church is "unique monument that originality and beauty."
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