Romanian Athenaeum - Bucharest - details and images
Romanian Athenaeum is a concert hall in Bucharest, on Calea Victoriei building located in the George Enescu Square (north side of Palace Market). Here is situated Philharmonic "George Enescu".
In 1886 he began building the present edifice, a part of the funds were collected by public subscription, at the urging Give one leu for the Athenaeum. Building plans were designed by French architect Albert Galleron so that they can use the foundation already poured started riding "Equestra Romanian society."
The building is preceded by a peristyle, supported by six Ionic columns. Below are five peristyle mosaic medallions representing the five great rulers of the country: Neagoe Alexander the Good, King Charles I, Vasile Lupu and Matei Basarab. Construction is complete with a richly decorated dome.
Inside the concert hall has 600 seats in the ground floor and 52 boxes (total of approximately 794 seats). Top Lodges, all around the dome drum, except the location of the scene, is pursuing a broad fresco of 3 meters and 70 meters long, the work of the painter Costin Petrescu. Fresco is composed of 25 scenes representing the history of Romania:
1. Emperor Trajan in Dacia fall
2. Colonize Dacia Roman Legionnaires
3. Daco-Romanian people's formation
4. Roman garrison
5. Barbarian invasion
6. The beginnings of Romanian people
7. Statornicirea
8. Dismounting
9. Military State
10. State administration - sharing dignities
11. Rumanian Crusade
12. Stefan cel Mare
13. Age of peace and faith
14. Michael the Brave
15. The beginnings of Romanian culture
16. Horia Crisan Hen and
17. 1821 - Revolt of Tudor Vladimirescu
18. 1848 in Transylvania
19. 1848 Principalities
20. Al.I. Cuza
21. 1859 - Union principalities
22. Charles I - the War of Independence
23. National reunification War 1916-1918
24. Ferdinand I, who unified
25. Age of building
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