San Telmo - details and images
San Telmo is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Buenos Aires. The area is characterized by well-preserved colonial buildings and attract tourists thanks to tiny shops, bookshops and artists who sell their goods here.
If the rich Argentine families once lived here, today is one of the centers tango district and also one of the places in the antique tradition. They sell many antiques from sculptures to jewelry, furniture and paintings, and the main commercial area is located in San Telmo Market. Also in San Telmo have one of the oldest churches in town, San Pedro Gonzalez (or Nuestra Senor of Belen), built in 1734 by jezuiti.
What you find in San Telmo? Everything is old and beautiful: from the time irons grandparents (of those that run on coal) to the suction cups cold, woolen knitting, whole collections of matchboxes, stamps, jewelry (some real works art), thimbles, musical instruments and even furniture from times long past (armchairs, chairs, tables or cabinets încrustraţii). Prices range between several and several thousand lei lei. Do not forget! The joy of going shopping in a place like this is completed, at nightfall, a fascinating show. After collecting their stalls of vendors in the market district in central pairs of lovers gather to dance tango - some better, others left, but the atmosphere of intimacy that you read on their faces make you want to be there with your loved . And if you're with your partner in Buenos Aires, no longer only have to go out dancing.
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