Sea ice - details and images
The Mer de Glace (Sea of Ice) is a glacier located on the northern slopes of the Mont Blanc massif, in the Alps. At 7 kilometres long and 200 metres deep, it is the longest glacier in France.
It originates at an elevation of 2,400 metres where it is fed by the confluence of Glacier du Géant, Glacier de Lechaud and Cascade du Talèfre, north of Mont Tacul, and descends to 1,400 metres.
The Mer de Glace, like all glaciers, is constantly renewed under the effect of two phenomena: accumulation, notably due to snowfall and ablation, essentially due to melting. The Mer de Glace flows permanently under the effect of its own weight, crusting crevasses, seracs or pockets of water to form, depending on the type of ground.
The glacier's speed, although not perceptible to the naked eye, is considerable - one centimeter per hour.
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