Severin Fortress - details and images
Medieval name Severin city could have three possible origins:
- A Latin name of the emperor Septimius Severus associated;
- A glory associated with the word "Severn" translated by the word "north" or "Nordic"
- A religious, St. Severin of Noricum associate, patron saint of the church in medieval Latin in medieval precincts when it was used by monks Catholic missionaries arrived in the region of Upper Austria (Noricum).
The remains can be seen today not only originate from a single building. According to experts, there are three stages in the city seems most likely to have been erected on the ruins form allowing for a current.
There were two enclosures, one inside and one outside, the latter inprejmuita a ditch.
Following the excavations have revealed a series of square towers flanking the courtyard, two are placed on the side which flank the inner chamber, two are situated on the southern side of the extreme ends, and two others located on the inner side wall defense. The tower which is located in the north-east wall is still preserved, growing to inaltinea three floors, it features 11m, 9m in length and a width of 2.5 m.
In south-eastern corner of the city had a gate.
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