Shankar's International Dolls Museum - details and images
Extensive collection is housed on the first floor of Children's Book Trust, New Delhi, an area of over 5,000 square meters, an impressive museum dedicated to see as many toys. In the two sections of the museum there are over 160 huge glass box, mounted on walls, gathered while doll house.
In the first section there are dolls European countries, USA, Australia, New Zealand, while in second place and found the puppets from Asian countries, Middle East, Africa and India. Here you will find a special exhibition with over 150 kinds of Indian costumed dolls, made in a workshop of the museum. Shankar dolls from the Museum are special, being made crafts and dressed in traditional costumes and modern countries they represent.
At first the museum's collection was situated over 1,000 dolls, but by 1987 their number had grown by another 5000, most gifts sent to museums and passionate. Currently, there are over 6500 Shankar Museum of dolls representing many cultures from all over the world.
Today Museum Shankar is one of the most important tourist attractions in New Delhi, visited by both children and adults.
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