Shoemakers Tower - Sighisoara - details and images
Shoemakers Tower is attested for the first time in 1594. In its current form is one of the towers recently, he betraying some influences of baroque architecture. It was rebuilt in 1650. The relatively small size vertically, the tower is a hexagon with unequal sides. The roof is shaped like a long crest of tile, which emerges from table south to the city within a small observation tower.
In 1676 completely destroyed, being rebuilt from scratch and getting the current issue with Baroque influences in 1681. Within its two important inscriptions were discovered, preserved in the collection of the Museum of History today. The first epigraphic document appears first emblem of the city and above it is written the slogan "Combined Turiis Fortissima Domini" ("The name of the Lord's strongest tower"), and the second is written "Under the reign of Prince G. Rakocyi ilustrisimului and prealuminatului II, by the grace of God Prince of Transylvania and the Szeklers commit "
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