Sinaia train station - details and images

The first was built in 1913 by the Company "Demeter Cartner, and second, a bit later and was reserved exclusively for the royal family and guests, that foreign state leaders. On the station platform Sinaia is a commemorative plaque in memory of Prime Minister Roman I. Gh. Duca Guard assassinated in 1933, even in that place.

Is an important station, where trains stopped at the beginning and Arlberg Orient Express or Express. Regarding the Royal Station, located a few tens of meters away, was built by architect Mark Duiliu in 1939. It is a Romanian-style stone building, which bore the royal insignia at that time, Charles II. The building had a draw in that fit all the royal train. In front of the station is a large square, corresponding to the arrivals level of heads of state. In the central room of the station there is a mural painting (5.50 x 5.50 meters), representing a royal hunting wild boar, with 8 characters riding, full size, inscribed in Latin: Prince Basarab the fourteenth century.

Destination station was preserved and the communist regime. Presidential train brought here by U.S. President Gerald Ford and Nicolae Ceausescu on August 6, 1975. Not open to the public.

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