St. Dionysios Church - details and images
Church, the largest in town, is dedicated patron of the island and is on the beach in Zakynthos. It was built in 1708 and survived the earthquake of 1953, the bell tower is very tall and is recognized as soon as you enter the port.
Saint Dionysios was born in Zakynthos in 1546, refusing his social position and living only for charity. It is the protector of the island and for this reason it was built in 1708 dedicated to St. Dionysios. St. Dionysios body is in the church and many pilgrims come each year on 24 August, to pray to him. Even if no special carcateristici outside when you enter it remains impressed by the numerous frescoes and its colors.
Among the artists who contributed to this magnificent church, there is also painter and engraver Doxaras Bafas who engraved silver shrine where the remains of Saint Dionysios was. Bell is full of light at night gives you a beautiful picture.
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