St. Nicholas Church Brasov - details and images
Documentary mentioned for the first time in the Papal Bull of 15 November 1399 as a wooden church, the cathedral began to be built in stone in 1495, by the locals with Romanian ruler, Neagoe. Construction takes about 100 years. Princely church, she has always been a bastion of the Romanian Orthodox community. Its impressive dimensions dominates the old part of Brasov - Brasov Scheii.
Romanian Orthodox Church and school, built in proximity, have been an important spiritual and cultural center for the Romanians from around Barsa. Their action extends over the entire Roman Romanian space, especially after coming Coresi Deacon (who was Greek Chios), which began here to print religious books in Romanian.
Many gentlemen and their families have given donations Schei church, even the Russian empress, Catherine II, sent expensive gifts to the church consisting of cash, priest and bishop's cope and precious metal objects of worship. The church is built in Gothic style initially, and then suffer various changes in Baroque style in the eighteenth-century church plan augmented by adding a porch and chapels. Voivezilor numerous donations of the two Romanian countries were endowed churches with a significant collection of old icons. St. Nicholas Church was renovated in the interwar period by local care and keep the great fresco painter executed Misu Pop.
In the church cemetery are buried important figures in the history of the national and local Nicholas Titulescu, Dr. Aurel Popovici Vasile Saftu priest to
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