State Theatre - Oradea - details and images
The exterior of the building blends neoclassical style, dominating style of the whole facade, neo-Renaissance and neo-baroque elements, while the interior finishes and ornamentation are dictated by a increased rococo tone.
The building was divided into three levels: the room, boxes, balcony. In designing the halls it was intended to achieve a perfect acoustic. It has also been fitted with an orchestra pit. These characteristics, unchanged, transforms into an ideal location to mount performances of plays, the opera and concerts. Hall currently has a total capacity of 670 seats.
In the summer of 1955 it was founded Oradea State Theatre , which operates when the two sections, Romanian (Iosif Vulcan band) and Hungarian (Szigliget Tarsulat). The first play was played on 26 November 1955 under the auspices of the new theater was Lost letter by IL Caragiale.
From then on stage Oradea pieces were played by famous Romanian writers as Michael Sorbate, IL Caragiale, Lucretia Petrescu, Octavian Goga, but also from universal repertoire.
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