Temple of Supreme Felicity - Kek Lok And - details and images
And Kek Lok Temple is a Buddhist temple located in the town Air ITAM in Penang and is one of the best known temples on the island. It is the largest Buddhist temple in Southeast Asia.
Mahayana Buddhism and traditional Chinese rituals are a mixture into a harmonious whole, both in terms of temple architecture and artwork, as well as daily activities of monks.
Temple construction began in 1890 and was inspired by the great monk of the temple Goddess of Happiness in Pitt Street. With the support of the consular representative of China in Penang, which ratified a law of the Guangxu imaparatului it Adonai 70,000 volumes of Buddhist sutras Imperial edition.
In 1930, the seven-story pagoda of the temple or Pagoda of 10,000 Buddhas, was completed. This pagoda combines a Chinese octagonal base with an average level of Thai design and a Burmese crown, including both Theravada Buddhism, Mahayana and one.
In 2002, 30.2 feet bronze statue of Kuan Yin was completed and opened to the public. Kuan Yin statue was replaced with the Broz, because the one before, a white plaster statue was damaged in a fire. The bronze statue is situated on a hillside above the pagoda, while the previous head of the statue that survived the fire is kept and placed in the upper right of the statue in November.
The temple festival is the focal point of Chinese community in Penang. Chinese New Year celebrations are particularly impressive. For 30 days after the Chinese New Year, the temple remains open until late at night as thousands of lights transform the landscape into a sea of light.
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