Temple Shri Mangueshi - details and images
The temple is dedicated to King Mangueshi, an incarnation of Shiva. He is a kuldevta for many Hindus in Goa, including Saraswati Brahmins. He also mentioned that the washer (King of Goa) by Hindus.
Mangesh Linga is said to have been killed on Mount Mangireesh (Mongir), on the banks of Bhagirathi river by King Brahma, Saraswati Brahmins from where they brought Trihotrapuri in Bihar.
This temple had its origins in Kushasthali Cortalim fact, a village in Saxty (Salcette), which fell under the terrible invading Portuguese army in 1543. In 1560, the Portuguese began converting to Christianity Salsette taluka.
This temple is one of the biggest, most exciting, and most frequently visited in Goa.
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