The Old Ladies Stones in Bucegi - details and images
''Babele'' Stones (The Old Ladies) is the famous natural monument located on the Bucegi Plateau, which has always been a tourist attraction, at an altitude of 2,292 meters, near the ''Baba Mare'' peak, with the same altitude and with a north-south direction. Historians say that these formations were once the appearance of mountain deities named by the Romans, "Deae veteres" (ancient goddess).
The appearance of the Babele is due to the mountain area, which is made of limestone and sandstone, which has been damaged by the weather and the passage of time. Scientists say that water, wind, but also frost and thaw have created these two rocks that look like bumpy bumps. In the geography books it is said that these rocks with strange and interesting shapes are called rocky "mushrooms" and are delimited by the Jepilor Valley to the east and the Snug Valley to the west.
There are, of course, many stories about the origin of the Babele Stones. Their strange forms gave birth to the legends, who say that they had the role of Dacian sanctuaries where sacrifices were offered to the gods. Of course, legends say a lot, but one thing is certain: the rare beauty of these natural monuments.
The Babele monument was also called the "Cyclopean Altar in Caraiman", being consecrated to the Earth and the sky, the sun and the moon, due to their proximity to another natural monument - the Sphinx, which guards them. And even if we accept that the Babele are strange stone faces standing on the barf near the Sphinx, they are just nature's creation and not the work of some distant ancestors. It is not known if they have always been this way or the man intervened on them, giving them the shape of today.
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