The Ribat from Sousse - details and images
Ribat site - all dating from the aghlabid period, is one of the most famous and best preserved fortified monasteries Tunisia.Turnul 27 meters tall offers a magnificent view of the entire city.
The word 'Ribat' has its roots in the old term 'marabout' African name for 'holy man'.
Sousse Ribat of a square shape with sides 38 m with four towers at each corner of a tower-tower built in 821 and three half-round towers shorter. This Ribat includes a single gate, a lobby nose tips usable square at the intersection, plus the emergency rooms provided with recesses serving as libraries. The four wings on each floor are home to both rooms reserved for mourabiton, the mosque, the hammam, and reserves for arms.
Ribat in Sousse Ribat communicate by light signals with neighboring sites: Hergla north and south Skanes and Monastir.
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