The Zarifios Educational Academy - details and images
For more than half a century (1923-1947), it was the only higher education institution. Both the staff and the students had a great cultural impact on the locals, and the teachers who were "produced" from the academy passed knowledge about the whole of northern Greece. The academy received donations from the national benefactor Zarifis, which is why it was named after him.
The figure of Georgios Zarifis is carved on a marble bust by the sculptor Perantinos and can be seen in the garden of the building that now houses the model schools of the Teaching Academy of the Dimokritos University in Thrace. The construction is made in neoclassical style and faithfully reflects the well-being of the founder. In the classrooms, the floor is made of crystal, and the roof has been raised from glass, allowing natural light to penetrate throughout the course hours. George Zafirios continues to serve in the academy that bears his name. His bust, made of white marble, is displayed in the inner courtyard of the Academy. From an educational point of view, this center has renowned teachers and students with very good results, which contributes to the prestige of the academy.
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