Toader Hrib Village Museum - details and images
Farmers Hrib family for three generations gathered a little hoard consisting of various objects, among which household utensils were found and various Romanian peasant, weapons, old money, etc.. My grandfather and his father then gathered these ancient objects in a large crate. Having inherited a passion for antique objects from his predecessors, he toured Toader Hrib localities around the village and bought tree, where I have been asked for money, peasant household objects.
Between the two world wars and the years of imprisonment, a lot of objects and materials, along with some manuscripts were lost. Out of prison, he continued to collect paintings, religious objects, household items, agricultural tools, etc. obsolete. He tried to obtain official approval to open a museum in his home, but failed.
The value of his collection has been recognized once in early 1966, a part of his collection was bought by the Museum of Suceava County, to be displayed in its windows. In the same year, the district has Rădăuţi party opinion to be open a museum collection in his home. "We went to the labeling of objects in the museum, and on the front of his house to put a plate that read" museum. " The museum was housed in two rooms and the porch of the house.
The museum was set value of antique objects, some unique (pieces of clay, wood tools, scimitars, rusty chain mail, helmets and cannonballs, grenades, chests, his shoes, a meteor, old coins, a wooden plug, a balance, candle Cuza "beautiful Arghir History" printed in Cyrillic, Darius outlaw scale saddle, flutes, bagpipes, old photos, eggs, towels, icons, etc.). How he lived, Toader Hrib wanted to staff receive visitors. Annually, thousands of visitors from all over the world have crossed the threshold of this museum, at the end of 1979 was passed in the log about 70,000 visitors. [2]
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