Torre de Hercules - details and images
Tower of Hercules (Torre de Hercules) is an ancient Roman lighthouse located on a peninsula, just 1.5 km from the city of La Coruna, Spain.
Corunna very name is said to derive from the old columns (Column) novels in the area.
The lighthouse is 55 meters high and over 1,900 years old.
It was refurbished in 1791 and is the world's oldest Roman lighthouse still in operation.
Meanwhile, the Tower of Hercules lighthouse is the second largest in Spain.
According to legend, Hercules fought Gerion, a king came from Troy. Hercules beheaded him and buried him in a small rocky peninsula, near the sea. In honor of defeating the enemy has built over the place, the famous Tower, which since 1521 is Coruniei arms. On the crest, near the Tower, and there's a skull but Gerion tibia.
The year 2009 was included in UNESCO list of monuments located.
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