Trajan's Column - details and images
Trajan's Column was built between 106-113 AD to honor the victories of emperor Trajan in Dacia. It was located in the column of Trajan's Forum (forum which had just been inaugurated in those days) and surrounded by buildings.
A spiral relief is engraved around the column. Embossing tape has a length of 180 meters and its width varies from 60 cm to 120 cm below the top. On the column there are over 2,000 characters engraved scenes depicting the story of Roman Dacia wars of 101-102 and 105-106. Scenes begin with the Roman soldiers who are preparing for war with the Dacians and ends thrown from their native land. Trajan's Column is made of 29 pieces of white marble, the largest of them weighing nearly 77 tons. The bas-reliefs were not always white, they were originally gilded and many other Roman monuments, various colors.
Originally, a statue of an eagle was found in the top of the column, but after Trajan's death, it was replaced with one over 6 feet tall statue of the emperor. Trajan's ashes and his wife later Plotinus, were submitted to the column. In 1587 the statue was replaced again, this time with one of St. Peter.
Legend says that this monument was saved from demolition thanks to Pope Gregory the Great, thanks. It is said that he was so moved by a scene on the column as it helps portray the mother of a dead soldier Trajan, that he prayed for the salvation of the soul of the pagan Emperor. Then the Lord told the pope that Trajan's soul was saved. All Trajan legend as his tongue was still intact when his ashes were removed from the column, a sign of salvation of his soul. The area around the column was then declared a sacred area, saving column from demolition.
Trajan's Column is located in Trajan's Forum - part of the imperial forums - Via dei Fori Imperiali, near Piazza Venezia.
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