Ursuline church - details and images
The first building erected on this spot in 1474 was a Dominican convent, which functioned until 1543, when, at religious reform led to the passage of a majority of the population Saxon Lutheran religion, place of worship came into possession of Lutherans.
Later Ursuline nuns taught church (mentioned in Sibiu in 1718), who rebuilt starting in 1728.
Outside the church has many Gothic elements, the original of which stands the main gate, windows and pillars of protection.
The church has a broken arch closed Gothic portal, a niche above the two columns are polychrome sculpture of St. Ursula.
The interior is a typical baroque church hall, but elganţa wrought iron balcony on the south wall of the choir and a huge arcade, which allows access to the sacristy, from which it comes in a chapel at right angles to the ship; in this chapel could reach the monastery of nuns. There are three altars in the church of recent origin.
The main altar is an oil painting representing the Virgin crown and left side on the altar is an oil painting depicting the appearance of the Holy Martyrs St. Angela Merici in front of Ursula, who founded the Order of Ursulines.
Above is the picture of St. Emeric, and on the right, symmetrical to the left, is the second side altar, which is an oil painting representing the Holy Angela instructing children. Statues of saints who have been highly appreciated by the nuns are located on both sides of the ship.
Of particular importance is given to the inscription above the arch of triumph that recalls the church binefacatoarea, Empress Maria Theresa.
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