Venice Lagoon - details and images
Venetian Lagoon is the largest area of permanently wet habitats including marshes, swamps and coastal lowlands of the Mediterranean Basin. In lagoons, estuaries and large amount of algae are more than 16 times more productive than open ocean areas represent suitable breeding fish.
Laguna communicate with the Adriatic Sea through three inlets: Lido, Chioggia and Malamocco. Large variations occur in the Venetian lagoon's water level, the largest being Spring-Summer flow is known as "acqua alta ', which often fills a large part of Venice. Venetian Lagoon is the largest lagoon-estuarine system of survivor. In the sixth century, the lagoon offers security crumbling Roman invaders (in most of the Huns). Later, the natural protection provided conditions for the development of the Venetian Republic and the maritime empire. Still provides a base for sea port, the Venetian arsenal and fishing, and a small number of hunters and a new industry for fish breeders.
Laguna was formed six or seven hundred years, when due process of advancing sea water to land, the effect of lowering the earth's crust move and immediately after the Ice Age has flooded the high slopes of the Adriatic Sea. River sediments have compensated sinking coast and sand dunes along the coast tended to close mouth of the river Po.
Today's appearance is due to human intervention of the lagoon. In XV-XVI century, hydraulic projects have prevented the Venetian lagoon to turn into a swamp by changing the meaning of the lagoon's natural evolution. Pumping the aquifers (underground rivers where the queen extract various unconsolidated materials (sand, mud) through various electrical pumps, since the nineteenth century the water level has risen considerably. Initially, many of the islands of the lagoon were mlastinose but due to program drainage have been given for housing (though many of them are artificial islands are actually some initial dune). Venice is the largest island in the lagoon and has an area of 5.17 km2.
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