Victoria Palace - Bucharest - details and images
Victoria Palace is the work of Professor Mark Duiliu (1885-1966), pupil of the Higher School of Architecture in Bucharest (1906) and then the Ecole de Beaux-Arts in Paris (diploma in 1912). After a first period of activity, framed first in French academicism formulas, then those of the neo-Romanian style, Duiliu Mark joined the modern trend in the '30s, becoming one of its main protagonists in Romania.
Since the mid '30s, Mark Duiliu made several important public buildings - Superior War School, Victoria Palace, the Palace of the General Directorate of Railways - designed not as isolated objects but as parts of urban ensembles. Band poster, on the one hand, the official function of these buildings and the architectural and cultural-political context of the moment, on the other, explains the option to order monumental neo-classical and simplified language.
Victoria Palace was started in 1937 and ended in 1944. Because of damage caused by bombing in 1944, work was resumed and completed in 1952.
Originally designed for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Victoria Palace was during the communist period the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Council of Ministers. In 1990 he became head of Romania's first post-communist government. In 2004, Victoria Palace was included in the list of historical monuments. (Excerpt from brochure)
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