Victory Temple - Milan - details and images
Tempio della Vittoria is a marble memorial that is near the barracks of Garibaldi. It was inaugurated on November 4, 1928 at the 10th anniversary of Vittorio Veneto - battle won by the Italians in WWI. This monument commemorates the dead milanezii war. Memorial has been cause for controversy since the earliest days of the project led by Giovanni Muzio in collaboration with his team consisting of CABI Ottavio, Alberto Novello Alpago and Giò Ponti.
The structure has an octagonal shape and three floors. An impressive range of material was used during the construction works of the Tempio della Vittoria. Inside there are many beautiful monuments such as Mausoleo di Rosa dei Venti Teodorico or di Atene. Signal light from the top of the building can be seen at night and 15 km away. During the Second World War memorial has suffered significant damage due to bombing.
It has been meticulously reconstructed and today can be admired in all its splendor. Notable are also the faces carved niches in the facade, carved by artists such as Lombardi, Supino, Maiocchi. Among them is the Adolfo Wildt and Sant'Ambrogio.
Address: Piazza Sant'Ambrogio
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