Vidra Lake and Dam - Voineasa - details and images
Vidra Lake located at the highest altitude in Romania, is the largest lake in the hydropower-Ciunget Lotru. Man-made lake formed in 1972 has a volume of 340 million m3, area 940 ha, length 9 km and is surrounded by spruce forests.
For the otter, from north-west on the road contour lake of the same name, is reached after 4 km at Vidra dam. This river is the only building of its kind not made of rocks and concrete. In the vicinity, on the opposite shore, waters debuseaza gallery brought by a network of catchments north cascades as a white, foamy, visible when the lake is lower. From here begins the descent into coils, toward the downstream of the dam. On the right, concrete path leads to the former career "Chioar", where the stone was extracted for the dam.
Locals say that in this area is a gold mine, kept in extreme secrecy, which was exploited by the Nazis in World War II. They worked with prisoners, and when they learned that the Germans were defeated, they put all the documentation and prisoners were dynamited in one hand and, since then no one knew where the stones fallen from the walls because of steep slopes covered much of the area.
The dam is located on the river otter Lotru, Vidra gorge, 30 km upstream from the resort Voineasa. Is the main development of the river development scheme Lotru.
About 25% of adjusted flow of intake comes Lotrului having an annual average flow Vidra about 4.5 cm / sec.
In the main lake and other river otter are captured through the collection and secondary catchments, which includes 81 catchments grouped into three distinct branches:
North Branch (gravity and pumping), South Branch (gravity and pumping), West Branch (gravitational)
Vidra dam is 121.50 m high with a central clay core, protected by filters and transition zones of alluvial material. Sealing is continued in the bedrock through a veil of sealing a 57 m deep. Foundation rock type consists of eyes gneise "otter" and paragneise the left side in bed, altered to depths of 40-50 m on the right side. ASL 1293 is to share the crown, which it ranks 3rd in the country after Bolboci and Galbenu.
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