White Jade Buddha Temple - details and images
Next to it was a white jade Buddha brought from Burma by a Chinese monk in 1882: a sculpture prone to receive daily offerings - fruit, flowers or grain. Upstairs there is a Buddha surrounded by 7,000 Buddhist sutras, over two centuries old - can be visited with the payment of ten yuan (about five million): a statue of Buddha of 1.95 meters high and three tons of one piece of white jade (considered the most valuable), encrusted with emeralds, and agate.
A strange feeling when you try in some representation of the Buddha, she sees a small swastika on the chest of the statue - svastikav time, you know, comes from Sanskrit, meaning "to be lucky," having a same meaning today in Buddhist temples .
It was founded 128 years ago, but will look at younger and more "modern" temple of the four presented to us. This sense of "new" neighborhood is also due to skyscrapers and twenty-storey blocks Shanghai, which you can admire if you raise your eyes in the courtyard where the Buddhists come to burn scented stick in huge ovens.
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