Wilanow Palace - Warsaw - details and images
Wilanów Palace (Polish: Pałac w Wilanowie) is a royal palace located in the Wilanów district, Warsaw. Wilanów Palace survived the time of Poland's partitions and both World Wars and has preserved its authentic historical qualities, also is one of the most important monuments of Polish culture.
The palace and park in Wilanów is not only a priceless testimony to the splendour of Poland in the past, but also a place for cultural events and concerts. Since 2006, the palace is a member of the international association of European Royal Residences.
Wilanów Palace was built for the Polish king John III Sobieski in the last quarter of the 17th century and later was enlarged by other owners. It represents the characteristic type of baroque suburban residence built entre cour et jardin (between the entrance court and the garden). Its architecture is original - a merger of European art with old Polish building traditions. Upon its elevations and in the palace interiors antique symbols glorify the Sobieski family, especially the military triumphs of the king.
After the death of John III Sobieski in 1696, the palace was owned by his sons and later by famous magnate families.
In the year 1805 the owner Stanisław Kostka Potocki made a museum in a part of the palace, one of the first public museums in Poland. Besides European and Oriental art, the central part of the palace displayed a commemoration of king John III Sobieski and the glorious national past.
The structure of the palace was designed by Augustyn Wincenty Locci. The architecture of the palace is a unique merge of different constructional traditions - Polish mansions of the aristocracy with side towers, Italian suburban villa and a French palace entre cour et jardin with two oblong wings on each side of the cour d'honneur.
The most prominent Polish and foreign artists participated in decoration of the palace interiors.
Integral part of the palace, almost since its beginning, was a garden. Initially it had a character of a baroque Italian garden in the semicircle form surrounding the palace form the east. Nowadays the garden displays rich vegetation, sinuous paths and cascades.
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