Wind Cave - details and images
The Wind Cave is the largest cave in the country, having gained its reputation from the underground labyrinth of Romania. In the year of the discovery of the Wind Cave only 500 meters were explored, but in 1967 the total length of the known galleries exceeded 15,000 meters.
There are three distinct floors consisting of galleries, halls, wells and furnaces of very different sizes and shapes, with all types of speleothems: stalactites, stalagmites, columns, parietal leaks but also crystals and gypsum.
Bats colonies were also identified in the hibernation stage as well as for reproduction. There is also a wide variety of highly specialized invertebrates (spiders, myrrhides, snails) that can be found in the cave and in the high calcium soils around them.
Of all, the "Racoviță Labyrinth" is distinguished, as the most entrenched cave sector in the country or "Hippodrome Gallery", similar to a subway gallery.
Although the Cave of the Wind has a declared length of 49 kilometers, for sightseeing only a first touristic route of 800 meters and a speoturistic one of two kilometers are available. Only last year it is available to tourists, after a period of 50 years in which it has worked continuously for visitors to be safe in this cave considered to be quite dangerous, because it has only one entrance.
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