Yellowstone National Park - details and images
Yellowstone National Park was established on 1 March 1872 the first national park in the world. He is on three federal states within the North American and 96% of the park is located in Wyoming, 3% in Montana territory, and only 1% of the territory of Idaho.
Yellowstone National Park is the largest national park in the United States and one of the largest in the world, having an area of 8987 km ², which corresponds approximately to the island of Corsica. The park has a north-south length of 102 km, and 87 km east-west direction.
The park includes part of Rocky Mountain mountains, so that has an average altitude of 2440 m, highest point is Eagle Peak with an altitude of 3462 m above nm and the lowest point being the northern elevation with altitude 1620 m above nm. The name comes from the name of the park namesake river, the Yellowstone, which is the largest fresh water from the park.
Among the park's famous Yellowstone features can be mentioned, and the frequent presence geysirelor springs, and the existence of animals such as bison, grizzli bears, wolves. In 1978 he was declared world heritage by UNESCO.
Thermal springs of mammoths delineates a region where there are no geysers in the park, because the water temperature is not necessary to generate such a phenomenon. With still a temperature of 167 degrees Fahrenheit, 78 degrees Celsius water manages to create a series of travertine terraces, the surprise guest of color and grandeur.
Yellowstone Geysers is the phenomenon that is recognized worldwide, thanks to their spectaculozitatii. They are found in the park's main river basins: Norris, Lower, Midway, Upper, West Thumb, Shoshone and Heart Lake. Even if the most famous is Old Faithful, the other amazing with shapes, sounds and colors.
Yellowstone Lake, located in a volcanic caldera located at an altitude of 2315 m above sea level, has a shoreline length of 176 km. The shores and beyond is the living environment of rare species of birds: hawks, bald eagles, white pelicans, cormorants. Moreover, the bank and often meet grizzly bears and moose.
Yellowstone is the ideal habitat of bison and elk, but the grizzly bears, coyotes and wolves. In spite of civilization, that penetrated to the heart of the park, visitors are always advised not allowed to approach wild animals that come their way, are advised not to graneasca and to keep their distance. All these warnings are required to prevent accidents but also to protect the animals from human intervention.
This natural paradise has suffered a heavy loss in 1988, when a fire that lasted about three weeks, nearly 700,000 acres of land have been devastated. The result was horrible burned thousands of trees, dead wildlife and some human lives lost, the firefighters who battled the flames. Following this disaster, scientists and park managers have decided not to intervene in the cycle of nature, by cleaning the area of bodies and replanting trees, but to let nature take its own prescription for restoring normal.
Even so, today, 12 years after the fire, May meets another visitor, silhouettes of trees charred burned. Yellowstone Park remains an impressive creation of nature, which induce, year after year, tourists, to open to one of the five gates.
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