Dobrogea, RomaniaAt about 20 kilometers from the border with Bulgaria, coming from Ostrov, on a hill where you can admire the sparkling waters of the Danube, once protected from flooding, is Dervent Monastery. White walls and red roofs, steeples attract attention to your silver away.
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Valea Oltului, RomaniaMuereasca Situated in the village, 25 km from Ramnicu Valcea, Frasinei Monastery is actually two churches.
Frasinei Monastery Church, and called the Great Church, with dedicated "Assumption", with the entire ensemble of buildings, in the shape of the city, is founded by St. Calinic Cernica, Ramnic Bishop, who built it between 1860-1863, year and sanctify it.
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Transilvania, RomaniaPrislop monastery is situated at an altitude of 640 m and a distance of about 15 km from Hateg 500 years old, houses the miracle working icon of Our Lady, and icons painted Boca Arsenie father, whose name is renaissance connects the monastery.
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Dobrogea, RomaniaAs the Cave of St. Andrew is known a religious institution (monastery) located in Dobrogea, near Ion Corvin, Constanţa. It is built around a cave where tradition says lived and popular Christianity, St. Andrew. The cave is located at more than 2 miles from the "Mihai Eminescu Drinking Fountain" at approx 4 km from Constanta highway - Ostrov.
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Transilvania, RomaniaArnota Monastery is a monastery of nuns with communal, situated in the village Costesti, Valcea county. Monastery dedicated to "St. Archangels Michael and Gabriel is one of the largest monasteries of Romania. It is situated in a picturesque corner of the heights of the Carpathians.
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Maramures, RomaniaBarsana Monastery is located in the village of the same name in Maramures county.
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Valea Oltului, RomaniaEnsemble crumbled monastery, situated in the village Francesti crumbled village, Valcea county, 12 km from the railway station and 3 km Babeni Monastery "In a Wood", is dated to the early eighteenth century, being enrolled in historical monuments. The monastery is built on the site of another church built in his time Neagoe, Tudor Stanciu Dragoescu and his brother, the nation Buzesti landowners.
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Valea Oltului, RomaniaCozia Monastery, situated 5 km from the resort Calimanesti on the right bank of the Olt River and approx. 20 km north of Rm.Valcea, was built between 1387-1388 by Mircea the Old, at the advice of Tismana monk scholar Nicodemus, "Mircea get the divine counselor.
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Marginimea Sibiului, RomaniaGrasping the Transfagarasan up, from Sibiu to Arges after Badea Cartan's village, on the left you see a crucifix, quietly marking a forest road. After 2 km, on a meadow, when the world seems rests Cartisoara Monastery.
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Maramures, RomaniaAmong the valuable monuments of church and religious art, which attract the admiration and appreciation of visitors from the country and abroad, a leading place is occupied by the "Sfânta Ana" - Rohia Monastery, from "Lapusului Country", Maramureş County. Set in a picturesque setting, on the crest of a hill, in the middle of a beech and oak forest, Rohia Monastery is the privileged place of seekers of peace and soul comfort, of lovers of artistic and natural beauty.
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Valea Prahovei, RomaniaCaraiman Orthodox Monastery is a monastery located in the area of logs at the foot of the massif Caraiman. Cross on Caraiman steps like guarding the path that leads pilgrims to the monastery. Going to lift the logs, at a time, on the left, a sign and an icon shows the path, with slabs of stone in places, leading to the monastery.
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Valea Oltului, RomaniaTurnu Monastery is a large monastic spirituality of Christian homes, the Diocese Ramnic located in a secluded spot on the left bank of the Olt River, in Mount tails, two miles from the church founded by Prince Mircea the Old Monastery tails.
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Valea Oltului, RomaniaBistrita Monastery founded by noblemen Craiovesti dating from around 1490. But the first document of the monastery are preserved in the "decree of donation" dated 16 March 1494 Vlad Voda monk belonging.
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Muntenia, RomaniaDealu Monastery is one of the most remarkable architectural buildings in our country. Raised in a period of great artistic (XVI century), the church reflects both the structurally and in terms plasticii decorative creative contribution to the promotion of local artisans brought Romanian architecture.
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Valea Oltului, RomaniaStanisoara monastery called, until the eighteenth century, Nucet, is situated at the foot of the massive tails, the slope and the southern territory Calimanesti town, Valcea county. Name of the monastery - "Stanisoara" - comes from sheep that were Stanele in the ground.
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Bucovina, RomaniaPutna Monastery is an Orthodox monastic sanctuary, one of the most important cultural, religious and Romanian art. It was dubbed the "Jerusalem Romanian People" (M. Eminescu).
The monastery is 33 km from the city of Radauti in northern Moldova.
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Valea Oltului, RomaniaCornetu Monastery is a monastery in Romania Brezoi located in the town, city Calinesti component, Valcea county. Former monastery of monks, nuns monastery now dedicated Beheading of St. John the Baptist Romanian architectural monument of the XVII century Tara N. Ghika-Budesti which said that the most interesting is the plan and the most picturesque time, as the architecture outside.
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Bucovina, RomaniaVoronet Monastery was founded in September 1488 (3 months, 3 weeks ago) by Stefan the Great and is dedicated to the Holy Great Martyr George.
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Clisura Dunarii, RomaniaMraconia Monastery is situated in Mehedinti County Duhová village at a distance of 15 km west of the city Orsova, on the left bank of the Danube, which forms in place, the most beautiful gorge This large across them.
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Delta Dunarii, RomaniaNothing can be seen today in these places do not betray the existence of priceless treasures which were hidden there. Earth barren, wild vegetation, brambles, thistle, abundant dust, heat, desert as the eye can see. Forgotten places of the world, but not the God who hide their gifts carefully guarded by His grace and reveal them when, from faith to those who want to use them, spring pleasers of facts
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Romanian Seaside, RomaniaOne of the most attractive sights of the southern coastline is mosque "Sultan Esmahan" Mangalia, the oldest Muslim place of worship in Romania. Mosque "Sultan Esmahan" was built in 1573 or the year after 931 Muslim calendar Hadjira in memory of one of the most important rulers of that time the Ottoman Empire, Selim II, by his daughter, Esma.
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Valea Oltului, RomaniaPolovragi Monastery is located northeast of Tg. Jiu Tg on the road. Jiu - Ramnicu Valcea, in a picturesque setting at the foot of Stone Polovragi, 18 km from Horezu Polovragi nearby cave. Monastery entrance is through a massive wooden gate, beautifully carved, which reads: "Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord." On the right side of the gate is a beautiful carved wooden crucifix on the concrete pedestal, dedicated to Romanian heroes and martyrs.
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Moldavia, RomaniaGalata Monastery is located on the hill 400 years Miroslava can be easily observed from different locations of Iasi.
Monastery church is dedicated to "Resurrection", was consecrated in 1584.
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Bucovina, RomaniaMonastery of Moldova is one of the oldest monastic settlements, with a strong historical background. Its origin is not precisely known, but tradition still recalls the time a Muşatini rulers. Under the reign of Alexander the Good was the first church built of stone, between 1402-1410 documented the entire set of constructs, having already been dedicated to the Annunciation and a cultural center.
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Maramures, RomaniaPeri Monastery is located near the village Sapanta. It is a traditional monastery, founded at the time the site of an ancient rulers Dragosesti Hermitage, the patron saint wearing Michael Arghanghel
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Moldavia, RomaniaThe monastery is a fortress built by Gheorghe Duca, Ruler, dedicated to the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and built between 1669-1672.
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Marginimea Sibiului, RomaniaCity Charter and the monastery is situated 43 km from Sibiu on the road to Brasov. Here are preserved the ruins of the Cistercian monastery, one of the oldest and most important monuments of early Gothic in Transylvania stiului.
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Maramures, RomaniaBotiza monastery, convent of nuns which is dedicated to "Changing the Face", was built in 1993.
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Valea Oltului, RomaniaGovora Monastery is an ancient monastic settlement, nestled in the foothills of Great Shopping on the commune Mihaesti, 6 miles from Bath Govora and 18 miles from the city of Ramnicu Valcea. Govora Monastery is a convent of nuns dedicated to the Assumption, one of the oldest monasteries in the Romanian Country, and a medieval architectural monument of rare beauty.
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Valea Prahovei, RomaniaSinaia Monastery - after three hundred years of existence, the monument continues to ensure the city bearing his name and whose symbol is the spiritual.
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Valea Oltului, RomaniaIt is located about 25 km south of the city of Ramnicu Valcea and 12 km north of Babeni, Otasaului valley in the village Francesti. According to ancient local traditions, can be traced in the first decades of the sixteenth century, by building this place of rolling a single oak. It was built in honor of the Virgin Mary Icon, the icon that keeps the stone in the monastery church. Based on this tradition of monastic settlement here called Out of a timber.
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Valea Teleajenului, RomaniaLocated on the thread Teleajenul, 40 kilometers Valenii Mountain, a ridge at the foot of the grains large, sheltered convent of nuns Suzana. Teleajenul waters, rocks and Rabbit, who are united in front of the monastery, which make up here a cross hit the valley in a single course. From above, the settlement is seen as a village, cluster of houses stuck together, as if afraid they would not fly any storm. Otherwise, houses smart, neat.
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Marginimea Sibiului, RomaniaSambata de Sus monastery, known as the Upper Monastery Brâncoveanu Saturday, is a monastic establishment of monks. Initially, he had a wooden church with dedication double (Assumption and Healing Spring) was built in 1657, the initiative Brâncoveanu official Preda.
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Moldavia, RomaniaAs it appears to us today, convent and other buildings of the complex beauty of this architecture are the result of work that began four centuries ago and suffered, in the next epoch, the radical transformations. These places have made history during the second reign of Peter Schiopul and founder of the first church of Nice (1583) was Melinte Balica, noble princes who held high in Moldova sofa.
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Transfagarasan, RomaniaSituated at the end of a lime avenue for hundreds of years old, Arges Monastery is the most important place of pilgrimage and prayer in Arges county, with dedicated "Assumption."
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Oltenia, RomaniaHorezu Monastery (Hurezi) was founded by Constantin Brancoveanu year 1690-1697. Among the historical monasteries, monastery Hurezi is considered as the most representative complex architecture style defining Brancoveanu.
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Bucovina, RomaniaBuilt four centuries ago, the royal command, as a fortress that can not penetrate the foot of the pagan, Sucevita Monastery, with its towers and walls, the church and hundreds of his paintings that cover the exterior walls, is one of the jewel Bukovina and Moldavian feudal arts summit
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Moldavia, RomaniaDurau Monastery is located in the spa and climatic Durau Ceahlau in the eastern mountains at a distance of 5 km from Duruitoarea waterfall, from which, according to tradition, they would be named.
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Valea Prahovei, RomaniaMonastery Jesu Congregation (Congregation of Jesus) from the Timisul de Sus, a Roman Catholic monastery whose patron is St. Teresa of the Child Jesus, was founded in 1926.
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Bucovina, RomaniaLocated in the middle of a charming landscape with gentle slopes and forested mountains, known travelers who cross the lands of Bukovina, the valley of the river whose name it will borrow Sucevita monastery seems at first sight an imposing medieval fortress with high walls, with battlements and watch road, reinforced corners with strong defense towers.
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Oltenia, RomaniaTismana oldest monastery monastic establishment of the Romanian country, having a role in maintaining the orthodox faith throughout the past 600 years, is located in Tismana city, 36 km from the city of Targu-Jiu.
Monastery, is a monument of silence and worship, to honor the ancestors of our faith, an edifice of ancient art too beautiful. She was also a defense of the country post-war times and the host of many personalities.
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Delta Dunarii, RomaniaStipoc Monastery (Monastery St. Athanasius), the only monastery located in the Danube Delta, located Stipoc Sand, near Chile.
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Valea Teleajenului, RomaniaIt is situated 50 km north of Ploiesti Ploiesti-Brasov road through the Mountain Valenii key sources in the commune, built in the woods near the creek Krasna, at the foot Ursoaia.
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Transilvania, RomaniaHasmas foothills, where the two brothers, Mures and Olt, Tansilvania decided to cut through different paths took her on a saddle of spring Mures Monastery road stretches.
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Moldavia, RomaniaHidden in thick and high walls, doors locked like a fortress, the church bright and richly endowed "combine" three kinds of crafts: lesesc, Greek and moschicesc "as seen from the description made in 1711 by Peter the Great of Russia. The "moschicesc" is represented by the features of Russian architecture, the "Greek" the Byzantine features, and the "lesesc" represents the Baroque revival, then spread, as in most of the countries of central Europe, where craftsmen brought Vasile Lupu.
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Valea Prahovei, RomaniaKey Monastery, a monastery of monks dedicated to the Holy Trinity is located on the right bank of the river Tampa, in the south-east of the town. Certified since 1770, was destroyed by the Turks, rebuilt, then destroyed by fire. The present church was built of brick between 1835-1839 and painted by George Tattarascu in 1837.
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Transilvania, RomaniaArchitectural Complex includes Franciscan Franciscan church and monastery, which, around 1444, were built by the Franciscan order. The complex houses the exhibits of great value: the treasure from Seica Minor Panade hoard of various pieces of folk pottery.
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Bucovina, RomaniaThe church was built in 1530 by Toader Bubuioc steward and his wife, Anastasia. The monastery is built about 300 meters from the ruins of an old church whose construction has been done since the days of Alexander the Good, in 1400.
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Valea Oltului, RomaniaHere at the confluence with the river Olanesti Cheia Cheia Valley village in the middle which was known until 1964 as Sararcinesti inscription reads, almost 300 years lies in the beating winds and storms Saracinesti former monastery church.
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Bucovina, RomaniaIn 1503 Luca Arbore - Goalkeeper of Suceava - elevates his church with his Lord in the village that today bears his name. Construction has begun on the second day of April and was completed in the same year, on August 29
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Banat, RomaniaThe natural beauty of the place has caused people to build good faith in the years 1945 - 1946, the foundation stone and iron, a beautiful wooden church, like the wooden churches of Maramures.
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Banat, RomaniaThe Saint Ana Monastery is located in the town of Orșova on the Danube Gorge, one of the most beautiful natural places in our country. It is located on the ridge of Dealul Moșului, which dominates the city of Orșova. It was founded by the interwar journalist Pamfil Sheicaru, who fought in the Orsova area as a sub-lieutenant of the 17th Infantry Regiment in the First World War.
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Bucovina, RomaniaDragomirna Monastery is a fortified monastery complex in Bukovina, built between 1602-1609 in Mitocu Dragomirnei village in the homonymous commune (currently in Suceava county) by Metropolitan Crimea Anastasia of Moldova. Dragomirna Monastery is located near the Dragomirna forest, at a distance of 12 km north of Suceava city. The church of Dragomirna Monastery has the dedication of Pogorarea Santo Spirito (celebrated on Sunday from 50 days after Easter).
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Crisana, RomaniaThe Monastery of Santa Maria in Radna is a monastery located in the city of Lipova, Arad, it belongs to the Roman Catholic cult and is the main pilgrimage site in the Diocese of Timisoara.
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Banat, RomaniaIt is located 15 km away from the city of Orșova, the monastery is, in turn, a troubled history. Certified has been documented since the mid-fifteenth century, the monastery was almost completely destroyed during the Austro-Russian-Turkish wars of the late eighteenth century. Recovered after 1900 from the monk of Alexe Udrea, the communication in 1968 will be demolished.
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Transilvania, RomaniaDated in the first half. of sec. eighteenth century, was moved on its present site in 2003.
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