Landmarks in Tunisia | Attractions in Tunisia

Offers Tunisia

List of interesting landmarks in Tunisia



Tunis, TunisiaCarthage (from the Phoenician Kart-Hadaşt meaning "New City", written without vowels as in all Semitic languages as QRT HDŞT in Latin Carthago) was an ancient city in North Africa, located on the eastern shore of Tunis current in now a suburb outside of modern Tunis in Tunisia. Spoken language is called the Punic Carthaginians, being one of the ancient Semitic languages, which originated from the Phoenician language.

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Sidi Bou Said

Sidi Bou Said

Tunis, TunisiaNear Cartagena, just a few kilometers, there is a small town with narrow streets, Andalusian style, Sidi-Bou Said is a small town in white and blue colors that remind us of the island of Santorini.

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Sousse Medina

Sousse Medina

Sousse, TunisiaIncluded in UNESCO Heritage curiosity is the main town is surrounded by 2.5 km of fortifications, built in 859.

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Bardo Museum

Bardo Museum

Tunis, TunisiaBardo Museum (bardo means garden and parado means paradise, in Portuguese), in Tunis, hosted in the former palace of a French governor of Tunis Beille, is one of the largest museums in Africa mosaics.

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Djerba Explore Park

Djerba Explore Park

Djerba Island, TunisiaLocated in Midoun tourist park "Djerba Explore" is a unique resort in the Mediterranean, a project intended to satisfy the knowledge of heritage and culture of Tunisia and Djerba island and relax.

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Ghriba Synagogue

Ghriba Synagogue

Djerba Island, TunisiaGhriba, built in 586 i.Ch, is the most famous synagogue in Tunisia and the second oldest and so important that the world is located near the village of Er-Riadh (Hara Sghira old), 9 km from Houmt Souk.

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Dar Sebastian

Dar Sebastian

Hammamet, TunisiaA place where every novel has to go is Hamammet International Cultural Center, which is known under the name villa of romanian George Sebastian.

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Medina of Hammamet

Medina Of Hammamet

Hammamet, TunisiaLike most cities Tunisia and Hammamet Medina is surrounded by fortifications and dating from the fifteenth century, with its fortress (Casbah), and habitual souk.

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Habib Bourguiba's mausoleum

Habib Bourguiba's Mausoleum

Monastir, TunisiaThe mausoleum of Bourguiba's family is an odd reminder of Tunisia's political system.

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Central Mosque

Central Mosque

Monastir, TunisiaCentral Mosque, data from the 10th century, into the Medina is through an enormous 16th century gate. Wandering through the old town visitors can see remains of the ancient ramparts and fortress, visit the Lighthouse "Cape Africa" and beautiful sailors cemetery.

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Djerba Island, TunisiaIn the southern island of Djerba was the village Guell, former city Haribus, typical Berber village approx. 8,000 inhabitants, is today known for local pottery and the only place on the island where they speak a Berber dialect.

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The Ribat from Sousse

The Ribat From Sousse

Sousse, TunisiaRibat site - all dating from the aghlabid period, is one of the most famous and best preserved fortified monasteries Tunisia.Turnul 27 meters tall offers a magnificent view of the entire city.

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Djerba Island, TunisiaMidoun, is a city located on the east side of the island of Djerba is the second largest city on the island after Houmt-Souk.

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Markets - souks

Markets - Souks

Sousse, TunisiaSouk's is the most animated area of the city.

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Borj el Kebir

Borj El Kebir

Djerba Island, TunisiaAt sea rises the citadel Borj Kebir, Borj Ghazi Mustapha called. Hafsid was built by Sultan Abu Hafs El Fares between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, it came in Djerba in 1432 to fight against the Spanish invasion. Here fled the besieged Spaniards in 1560 CORSARUL Draghuth and Turkish armies.

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Sousse Archaeological Museum

Sousse Archaeological Museum

Sousse, TunisiaArchaeological Museum of Sousse is Tunisia after Bardo Museum, the most important. Located at the foot of the ramparts of the Kasbah, around two gardens, he exhibited a collection of masterpieces of Roman mosaics dating from the second century BC

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Museum of Popular Arts and Tradition

Museum Of Popular Arts And Tradition

Djerba Island, TunisiaTradition and Folk Art Museum presents the panorama of history djerbiene. It is built on an old Zaouia, in honor of the late eighteenth century Sages Sidi Zitouni and Sidi Ameur.

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