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90% from 21 reviews likes Acharavi, Corfu islandOffers Acharavi
arata bine
mancarea nu exceleaza
Hotelul este la 50 de metri de plaja. apa marii a fost foarte foarte calda( e a 2-a oara cand vin in acharavi la sfaritul lui august si tot asa am gasit, o mare foarte calda), in apa marii este doar nisip, iar intrarea in mare este foarte lina, dupa vreo 30 de metri se mai adincete. Recomand, de asemenea, plaja apraos din regiunea Kalamaki( se afla la 4 km de hotel spre Kassioppi). Dulciurile de la all inclusive au fost gustoase
Sezlongurile la plaja se platesc( 6 euro/zi 2 sezlonguri, 1 umbrela si o masuta). Mancarea putin repetitiva, dar gustoasa
Locatie linidtita,personal amabil
Mancarea a fost aceeai timp de 7 zile la micul dejun, iar la cina s-au mai schimbat 2-3 feluri... Fara wifi in camera.
Review about AcharaviOra?ul foarte frumos, plaja la fel.
piscina mare si adanca , mancare gustoasa angajati amabili si serviabili , in mare este nisip , seara greceasca.
plaja cu pietre , sezlong pe plaja este cu plata 6E,
Un resort curat , cu multa vegetaie , foarte bine ingrijit. Personalul este foarte amabil i cu sigurana o vacana la tassos este una reuita.
atenia la detalii impecabile. Baia foarte curata.Camera frumoasa, cu vedre excelenta.Patul e foarte confortabil .Personal foarte amabil.Servicii impecabile. Mic dejun complex si gustos.
Review about AcharaviO locatie placuta si limistita. amplasarea si priveli?tea din jur sunt frumoas!
We were here for 10 days in June and the place was fantastic. the owners were extremely friendly and helpful. Breakfast was perfect . We will be back!
Review about AcharaviPerfect location ideal for relax. Only a few meters from the beach, bars and restaurants.
Per total a fost bine
Reticienti la romani, ptr dumnealor prioritari sunt polonezii slovacii ,englezii si nemtii ,in legatura cu noi au fost buni doar banii pe care i-am dat pe sejur
Review about AcharaviStatiunea slabuta
Camera nu a aratat absolut deloc cu cele prezentate in poze. Pereti galbeni, dus antic, mobilier vechi cu parti lipsa, o pisica ce intra in camere si in ultima noapte a si vomat pe balcon. Paturile de invelit miroseau a vechi. Micul dejun relativ ok, dar era mai scump pe site decat la hotel. ex: am platit online 15 eur/ zi , in conditiile in care cel mai scump dejun din meniu era 6 eur/pers (12eur total maxim) si cel cel mai ieftin 3 (6eur total minim).
Review about AcharaviStatiunea e pentru cei care nu cauta un sejur agitat si comercial. Mie, persional, mi-a placut.
Pret excelent, aspect rustic, imediat langa plaja, liniste.
Nu e cazul dar unora este posibila sa nu le placa datorita aspectului rustic.
Review about AcharaviNu este pentru tineret. Ok pt. familii cu copii. Din pacate in nordul insulei de unde trebuie mers zilnic cu masina 1h catre plajele superbe din vestul insulei.
resortul nu are mai mult de 3 * (CU INDULGENta) . dIStaNta MaRE Fata DE PLaJa CaRE ORICUM NU aRata FOaRtE BINE . DIStaNta MaRE a aPaRataMENtULUI Fata DEMaSa SI PISCINa . MICUL DEJUN aCELaSI IN FIECaRE DIMINEata . PREt MaRE RaPORtat La SERVICIILE OFERItE.
Este foarte bine amplasat, aproape de plaja si taverne, dar si de centrul statiunii (cu supermarket, alte taverne, baruri, magazine). Camera a fost destul de spatioasa, mobila decenta, baie OK. E de doua stele, nu va asteptati la ultra lux :) Piscina foarte faina, cu loc pentru copii si diverse saltele si jucarele.
Review about AcharaviStatiune linistita, mai mult de pensionari si familii.
- gradina foarte frumoasa si bine ingrijita -piscina mare - camera simpla, obisnuita pt grecia - prosoape se schimbau la 2-3 zile - vedere la mare de pe balcon
- fara sapun - plaja la 15 minute de mers pe jos -pret cam mare
Locaie superba.Multa verdeaa, linite, curaenie si ospitalitate. Multe posibilitai de petrecere a timpului . Recomand cu drag .
Locatie frumoasa, personal prietenos si atent. Foarte aproape de plaja. Din pacate plaja e cu pietre i nisip, la intrarea in apa este un rand de pietre dar dupa este nisip. Intrarea in apa este lina, treptata i calda - ideal ptr copii . De mancat nu am comandat in complex.
Plaja i intrarea in apa cu cate un rand de pietre. Daca sunt valuri apa este tulbure, din cauza nisipului fin.
Review about AcharaviSta?iunea este dragu?a, multe taverne inclusiv pe plaja, 2 supermarket uri, inchirieri masini etc
We were in this fantastic hotel for 17 days!! the hotel is situated in a perfect location less than one minute from the beach of acharavi.We had an one bedroom apartment with lovely balcony overlooking the Ionian sea which was decorated with nice furniture including 2 chairs with comfortable cushions , a nice table and one umbrella! It was lovely to have our breakfast everyday overlooking the sea!!! this hotel is very famous and so many times awarded because of the great design, the excellent service , the warm hospitality and the high level of cleanliness. What more can we say... It was an unforgetable experience so we decided to book again and of course we will recommended to all our relatives and friends!!
We had the pleasure to stay at V.a apartments in acharavi for 3 weeks! this is a unique hotel located just 50 meters away from the beach. Our apartment was huge, spotlessly clean with elegant decoration and very friendly atmosphere! We had a view in the fairytale garden and the unique pool ! the building is recently renovated and very modern. Our hosts are very nice and helpful people and they do their absolute best to please their guests ! You are able to find them any time because they live in the building! For us it was a unique experience because it is a hotel really different than everywhere else we've been with all the art and the creative thinking, the fabulous hosts and the perfect location! the price is just perfect!! We recommend the hotel to everyone families, couples or friends, it is ideal for everyone who wishes to have a unique experience !!
We stayed for 2 weeks at V.a Boutique Hotel , acharavi in October ! the hotel is fantastic, full of art and colorful decoration !! So unique and original !!! the apartment was huge and spotlessly clean ! the wifi was excellent in our apartment and in the garden and pool area also !the house is enchanting and the garden is like a fairy land... pure magic!!! We have no words to describe how beautiful experience we had ! We've been in several places before but nothing compares to this magical Hotel !! I believe this is the reason that V.a apartments Boutique Hotel was full of guests until the end of October!the hosts are great people and very very very helpfull !! Please believe me you have to visit V.a and live an unforgetable unique experience !!! We will be back next year !!!
locatie nota 10, apartament cazare nota 10, facilitati nota 10, plaja foarte foarte aprope,
mancarea un pic repetitiva
Review about Acharavifoarte buna
Lipsa internet free, sezlonguri plaja cu plata (5 euro/zi 2 buc), camera este din punctul meu de vedere 2 stele)