Resorts and cities in Alexandria Resorts region

Alexandria is the second largest city in Egypt after Cairo. It has a population of about 3.8 million inhabitants. Distance from Cairo: 225 km. Located at the mouth of the Mediterranean to the western arm, part of the Nile Delta.

Resorts and cities in Alexandria Resorts where you can find offers in our portal.

Alexandria ResortsLandmarks in Alexandria Resorts region Offers Alexandria Resorts



Alexandria is the second largest city in Egypt after Cairo. It has a population of about 3.8 million inhabitants. Distance from Cairo: 225 km. Located at the mouth of the Mediterranean to the western arm, part of the Nile Delta. Today is a port, a center of education, culture, financial and economic: ind. petrochemical, cement, food, textiles, tourism. The port lost its importance and shipyards here are too small for modern marine industry. The larger commercial vessels prefer to head for Suez or to Damietta, modern city on the Nile. Contemporary city stretches along the Mediterranean coast about 30 km in length.