Resorts and cities in Chalkidiki region

Halkidiki is located in northern Greece, Macedonia, and is composed of three arms - Kassandra, Sithonia and Mount Athos. With a coastline that stretches over a distance of 522 km, of which both beaches vary in size as well as forms, the long fine sandy beaches (46 of them are awarded with the Blue Flag), small beaches to picturesque bays, small ports, fishermen's traditional villages.
The most beautiful area in northern Greece, the peninsula has always maintained the same charm. Forests, beaches with fine sand, hidden golfuletele, picturesque historic towns and small villages are the delight of tourists.

Resorts and cities in Chalkidiki where you can find offers in our portal.

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Chalkidiki All Locations

Halkidiki is located in northern Greece, Macedonia, and is composed of three arms - Kassandra, Sithonia and Mount Athos. With a coastline that stretches over a distance of 522 km, of which both beaches vary in size as well as forms, the long fine sandy beaches (46 of them are awarded with the Blue Flag), small beaches to picturesque bays, small ports, fishermen's traditional villages. The most beautiful area in northern Greece, the peninsula has always maintained the same charm. Forests, beaches with fine sand, hidden golfuletele, picturesque historic towns and small villages are the delight of tourists.

Chalkidiki Kalithea

Chalkidiki Kalithea

Situated 51 km south of Poligiros, about 90 km from Thessaloniki and currently with some 500 inhabitants, the community was established in 1922 with the influx of refugees from Asia Minor. Kallithea is a pole of attraction for thousands of tourists, who come to enjoy splendid beaches and great archaeological discoveries. Highlights include the remains of the Doric sanctuary to Zeus Ammon, the sanctuary to Dionysous and the Nymphs, and the small chapel of Agios Panteleimon with interesting murals. One of the most sought - after destinations in the beautiful peninsula of Kassandra (Halkidiki), where pine trees fringe a unique sandy coastline, Kallithea is a modern commercial and cosmopolitan resort that boasts large hotel complexes and traditional lodgings.

Kassandra Kriopigi

Kassandra Kriopigi

Kriopigi is located on the peninsula Kassandra of Halkidiki at a distance of 90 km from Thessaloniki. It is built amphitheatrical on the slopes of the green hills and has a wonderful view towards the Gulf of Kassandra. The area has been inhabited since ancient times and Kriopigi is built in the place of the ancient towns Neapolis and Flegra. The excellent climate, the combination of green mountains and the clear sea (two blue flags award in 1991) together with highly qualified service and hospitality establish Kriopigi as the most distinguished resort of the area.

Chalkidiki Mount Athos Ouranouolis

Chalkidiki Mount Athos Ouranouolis

On the top of the Mount Athos peninsula and at a distance of 120km away from the airport of Thessalonica lies Ouranoupolis, the Gate of Mount Athos. Ouranoupolis is a divine landscape, combining mountainous and sea beauties, promising unforgettable holidays, especially for the travelers seeking the relaxation, away from the stress of the town.

Chalkidiki Kassandra Hanioti

Chalkidiki Kassandra Hanioti

Hanioti is a small and very picturesque village in Halkidiki, situated on the peninsula's first prong, only a 60 minute drive from Greece's northern capital, Thessaloniki. Upon arrival, every visitor will be captivated by this small picturesque paradise, that has been designed to cater for the needs of even the most discerning traveller and guarantee a relaxing and memorable stay. The village features hotels with all the necessary facilities, numerous restaurants and traditional taverns that will satisfy every family, as well as modern bars and dance-clubs geared to providing evening entertainment to all age-groups.

Sithonia Metamorfosis

Sithonia Metamorfosis

The village of Metamorfosi, situated on the western side of the entrance to the Sithonia Peninsula Halkidiki, is an area full of fragrant pine trees, lovely beaches and small coves with turquoise waters that create an exotic setting. The village has about 400 inhabitants, and is located at a distance of 98km from Thessaloniki. The habitants of Metamorfosi are refugees from the Near East. They are very hospitable, willing to offer their precious services to local and foreign tourists. Nature has given the area wonderful beaches, starting from the point where the pine-tree forests stop and is ideal for swimming and sunbathing.

Chalkidiki Kassandra Possidi

Chalkidiki Kassandra Possidi

Possidi is one of the most well known tourist summer resorts in Halkidiki. It is found on the south west side of Kassandra peninsula and is 105 km away from Thessaloniki. Overlooked by the old castle of Mendi it is a touristic developed place but still peaceful. The sandy peninsula reaches out for hundreds of meters into the sea and offers plenty of space for sunbathing and swimming in the crystal clear waters. A particular characteristic is the wonderful view offered of the coastal Thermaikos gulf which is the waters where it is situated.

Kassandra Pefkohori

Kassandra Pefkohori

Pefkohori is situated on the peninsula of Kassandra, just before its last cape, in an area which could be an ecologist's paradise. Its temperature climate, the magnificent natural surroundings, the beautiful beaches and the inhabitants' distinctive spirit of hospitality, excited the first groups of tourists who arrives here in the early 70s. Since then it has been established as one of the most remarkable holiday resorts in Europe. For your accommodation, there are organized hotel complexes, studios and villas. Its market consists of a great variety of shops, providing for everyone's needs, while the typical taverns or the luxurious restaurants with their tasty creations and the exceptional local wines tempt you to indulge in gastronomic excess.

Sithonia Psakoudia

Sithonia Psakoudia

It is the unique beauty of the beach Psakoudia, which impresses even the most discerning visitor. Here, the green of pine mingles with the deep blue sea and sky, creating an image of natural beauty. Indeed, the presence of pine perfectly characterizes the region and dominates the whole length of the beach. It is said that the name of the village Psakoudia originated from the word "ptsakia" which in local dialect means small pines. The beach extends to a radius of 4 km and is ideal for swimmers of all ages. It is characteristic that has always honored with the blue flag award.

Sithonia Neos Marmaras

Sithonia Neos Marmaras

Neos Marmara is one of the most cosmopolitan villages of Halkidiki. It is a picturesque village which was built as an amphitheater, on top of a hill, surrounded by sea. The village was founded in 1922 by some refugees from Asia Minor, who were joined by some local residents Parthenionas 1970. Today, the village attracts thousands of visitors each summer by the various types of facilities can be found in hotels, restaurants, fish taverns, bars, cafes, water sports. The area has one of the most beautiful beaches of Halkidiki. Full of golden beaches, eucalyptus and a picturesque harbor, full of tavernas where you can enjoy seafood, Neos Marmaras is the most cosmopolitan village of Sithonia.

Chalkidiki Sithonia Nikiti

Chalkidiki Sithonia Nikiti

Nikiti (or Nikitas) is one of the oldest villages of Halkidiki. It is located in the north of the Sithonia peninsula, 39 km east from Nea Moudania, approximately 110 km south east from Thessaloniki and in between the villages Metamorfosi and Neos Marmaras (23km). Nikiti has approximately 2833 inhabitants. The village Nikiti consists of two parts, the old and the new village. They are split up by the main road Halkidiki - Sithonia. The old Nikiti, the original village, extends from the main road land inwards at the hill side. Distance to the sea is approximately 2 km.

Sithonia Gerakini

Sithonia Gerakini

The village is located in Gulf Gerakini Toroneos between the two arms, Kassandra and Sithonia in Halkidiki, 80 km from Thessaloniki and 65 kilometers from Thessaloniki International Airport. There is a legend that a queen called Yerakina (Gerakini) lived there once, and here Gerakini took its name.

Kassandra Siviri

Kassandra Siviri

Siviri is a village located in the southwest of the Kassandra Peninsula in Halkidiki, between Kassandria and Fourka approximately 82 km from the Airport of Thessaloniki. It is well known for its rich fauna and it has a well organized beach and everything a visitor can ask for, from tavernas and bars to super-market and a summer movie theatre. A major attraction is the amphitheatre of Siviri with its superb acoustics, plays host to the famous Siviri festival each summer which attracts thousands of visitors. The well organized beach of fine sand is perfect for sunbathing where you will find sun umbrellas and sunbeds for hire.

Kassandra Nea Potidea

Kassandra Nea Potidea

Nea Potidea was founded in 1922 by refugees from eastern Thrace on the site of ancient Potidea or Pallini. It is the village entering to Kassandra impressing the driver while he passes the bridge over the canal where the Thermaikos and Toroneos gulfs are combined together. The history of Nea Potidea goes back to the early 17th century when it was still a Corinthian colony. The position of this place was very strategic in the ancient years. Nea Potidea is a beautiful place for holidays with many resorts and an important harbor. There are many hotels, rooms and apartments for the visitor's accommodation as well as many restaurants, taverns, super markets, and several shops.

Kassandra Polihrono

Kassandra Polihrono

Spending a morning walking along the sandy beach of Polihrono village, located on the Kassandra peninsula, just 100 km from Thessaloniki, is absolutely worth it. The beach stretches over an impressive seven kilometres, and besides enjoying the refreshingly chilly sea, you may also choose from the water sports available along the beach, including sea canoeing, pedal boating and jet-skiing, which are available all along the beach. This village stands out due to its historical significance, as ongoing excavations constantly reveal lost treasures from antiquity.

Sithonia Vatopedi

Sithonia Vatopedi

Vatopedi Beach is in the seaside area between Psakoudia and Metamorfosi. This is the nearest beach to the village of Vatopedi which is located a few kilomters away, by the main road of Sithonia, and thus its name.

Kassandra Nea Kalikratia

Kassandra Nea Kalikratia

At a distance of 35 kilometers from the city of Thessaloniki, in the peninsula of Chalkidiki, there is one of the most famous tourist resorts of Chalkidiki, N.Kallikratia. The town of N.Kallikratia is the seat of the homonymous municipality, founded in 1922 by the Greek refugees who arrived there coming from “Kallikratia” of Eastern Thrace. According to archaeologists, the area has been inhabited since the Neolithic age, and there are remains of a prehistoric settlement. Some very significant archaeological finds have been discovered in the area, e.

Ouranoupolis Tripiti

Ouranoupolis Tripiti

Tripiti is a lovely area at the entrance of the peninsula with lush vegetation, pristine beaches and turquoise waters. It is the ideal place for those who want to avoid the tourist crowds, but still be close to nightlife venues. In Tripiti, a good selection of high quality Mount Athos hotels, rooms, studios and suites that provide comfortable accommodation is offered to the visitor.

Kassandra Nea Skioni

Kassandra Nea Skioni

Satul antic Skioni a fost construit după războiul troian şi este menţionat ca prima colonie a grecilor sudici, în Halkidiki. Razboinicii din Pellini, în Peloponez, după căderea Troiei, se întorceau acasă cu navele lor, încărcate cu sclave şi prada de razboi. Navigând în jurul Halkidiki-ului, au ancorat pe coasta de sud-vest a Kassandrei, pentru aprovizionarea cu alimente şi apă sau chiar să-şi petreacă iarna acolo. În timp ce bărbaţii erau la mal, femeile sclave troiene au ars navele şi i-au forţat pe războinici să rămână în Kassandra pentru totdeauna, sa se căsătoreasca cu ele şi sa fondeze o asezare, care s-a numit mai tarziu Skioni. O monedă din oraşul antic (aproximativ 500 î.Hr.) il infatiseaza pe eroul homeric Protesilaos, mentionat ca fondator al orasului. Portul Skioni era unul important şi a contribuit foarte mult la prosperitatea orasului. În secolul al 5-lea î.Hr., Skioni a aderat la Alianţă ateniană, dar în timpul războiului peloponeziac a fost de partea spartanilor. Skioni fost pedepsit foarte aspru pentru această tradare. Atenienii au cucerit orasul, i-au macelarit pe locuitorii sai ori i-au luat ca sclavi şi au adus imigranţi din Platees să locuiasca aici. Anticul Skioni era mai la sud-est de locaţia satului actual. În timpul secolului al 19-lea, satul Tsaprani a fost construit la aproximativ 4 km nord-est de locul actual al satului Nea Skioni. După 1930 locuitorii sai s-au stabilit pe coasta şi au abandonat satul interior. Satul fondat acolo a fost numit Nea Skioni. Nou sat este o aşezare liniştită, de coastă, înconjurat de măslini. Plaja frumoasa, nisipoasa, imaculata şi organizată complet, în faţa satului omonim. Obiective turistice - situri arheologice: Plaje. Satul Tsaprani vechi, ridicat în pădure, şi biserica construită în 1867. Biserică dedicată Panagiei Faneromeni (Fecioara Maria). Evenimente: Festivalul tradiţional pe 23 august (Fecioara Maria). Produse alimentare-divertisment: Restaurante, taverne pescaresti. Încercaţi: Peştele proaspăt. Miere. Masline. Sport: Toate tipurile de sporturi nautice.

Kassandra Paliouri

Kassandra Paliouri

Paliouri is a tourist village in south-eastern peninsula of Kassandra, Halkidiki. The resort is famous for the production of honey and olive oil in the whole region of Halkidikiului. In this resort tourists can admire the unique nature of the pine forest and the narrow streets typical traditional Greek villages. Two miles north-east of the village is Chrouso beach with deep blue Aegean waters and golden sandy beach, near which there is a pine forest. The Paliouri is found in the elevations of Kassandra, in distance of 3 km from the sea and in altitude 120 m.

Sithonia Akti Elias

Sithonia Akti Elias

Narrow beach with pine and olive trees extending to the shore. Distance from Thessaloniki: 100 km. It is a coastal settlement, at the beginning Sithonia peninsula, in an area full of ancient cities. The area during antiquity, the ancient city existed Galipsos, mentioned by Herodotus, who mentions it in the route description Persian fleet in 480 BC .. Herodotus describes Nikiti city position between Toroni and ancient city Sermyli (Ormylia). The city became the first member of the Athenian League, but rebelled against him in 431 BC

Kassandra Fourka

Kassandra Fourka

Fourka in Halkidiki is a lovely tourist village, lost among the greenery, which offers a variety of facilities for tourists in search of the perfect holiday. The main tourist attraction is the Byzantine church, very beautiful, which is situated in the middle of dense vegetation. The church has a bell interesting and beautiful arches. The nearest beach is Skala Fourka which is situated in the middle of two magnificent hills, covered with pine trees. Fourka Beach is a white sandy beach with crystal clear waters.

Sithonia Vourvourou

Sithonia Vourvourou

Vourvourou is located only ten kilometers from Agios Nikolaos (120 kilometers from Thessaloniki) on the Sithonia peninsula and at a glance enriches the sight with various images and relaxes the visitor with its natural peace. You will find rooms to let by the beach, where the soul calms with the melodic whisper of the leaves. Besides the blue waters and the fresh fish at the taverns, one of the possibilities offered to the visitor is the boat ride to Diaporos, the largest of the nine islands of Vourvourou, which is located across the bay. There you can see the clearest and most aquamarine waters of the Mediterranean and at the same time discover the most isolated beaches of Halkidiki.



Kalandra Lady Chapel is famous for. It once belonged to the chapel of Mount Athos Monastery Chilandari. Lady Chapel is located a mile northwest of the village Kalandra. Lady Chapel is worth visiting for its amazing frescoes, dating from 1619.



Kassandra is mainly a favorite destination for youth and those who are in search of fun to watch tonight. The area is full of bars, clubs and terraces, ideal for socializing and spending nights unforgettable seaside. Kassandra resorts are not very big, but they are cozy, intimate and beautiful beaches to enjoy exotic landscapes reminiscent often traced as wallpaper on our computer monitors. Most beaches are covered with fine sand, white, and enjoy crystal clear waters that will mesmerize with shades of turquoise.

Agia Paraskevi Halkidiki

Agia Paraskevi Halkidiki

Agia Paraskevi (Grecia Αγία Παρασκευή, IPA: [aʝia Paraskevi]) è un villaggio nel sud-est della penisola di Kassandra, in Calcidica, Grecia settentrionale.

Ouranoupolis Ammouliani

Ouranoupolis Ammouliani

Ammouliani is located at Halkidiki, in Mount Athos’ Gulf. An island of 4.5 sq2/km with sublime beaches such as Alikes, Ag. Georgios, Megali Ammos, Karagatsia and lots of other small bays, where someone can enjoy the sense of sea. A crystal blue sea, abundant in fish, waiting for them who like to fish. A rich sea bed with intense undwater life, challenging those who love underwater fishing and diving.

Kassandra Afitos

Kassandra Afitos

Afitos town is a traditional Greek authorities declared UNESCO heritage, its ancient architecture, with small cobbled streets with fancy houses built in Mediterranean style with a rich cultural life. Afitos hosting many festivals of all genres that fit perfectly into the medieval décor of the area. The city will offer the opportunity to discover the natural beauty of Halkidiki and enjoy the great golf Toroneos, without being far away from the bigger and more bustling resorts of Kassandra on the arm. Afitos offers many traditional taverns, bars, cafes serving local delicacies and drinks of the region.

Sithonia Sarti

Sithonia Sarti

Those who are looking for a holiday destination on the shores of the Aegean Sea, which combines sea, mountain, extraordinary panoramas and reasonable prices, you should take a look at the resort Sarti, Sithonia located on the arm. Sarti is a stylish resort, famous for its beautiful landscape and quality of tourist services available to guests. Situated in the eastern arm Sithonia Sarti is at a distance of only 140 km from the second largest city of Greece, Thessaloniki.

Mainland N.Roda

Mainland N.Roda

Nea Roda is built at the narrowest point of the Athos peninsula, where in 480 B.C. Xerxes opened a canal for his fleet to pass. You shall be pleasantly surprised while walking in the village because at each corner you will discover archeological findings, houses with beautiful yards decorated with arbours and bougainvilleas, vegetation till the sea and picturesque fishing boats. The golden sand of the sinuous beach will accompany you all day and will welcome you with colors of mystery at each sunrise and sunset.

Sithonia Porto Koufo

Sithonia Porto Koufo

Koufo Porto is one of the largest natural harbors of Greece, stretching along 1.5 km. The village is at a distance of only 5 km from Toroni and Blue Flag awarded beach of it, but you will find some tiny beaches and around the harbor. A fishing village protected by impressive cliffs, Porto Koufo can be the ideal holiday destination for families and couples looking for hidden locations frenzy summer.

Sithonia Toroni

Sithonia Toroni

Toroni in Halkidiki is a touristic village with an amazing Blue Flag beach of 2 km long and it's distance from Thessaloniki is about 130 km. Toroni, a small settlement of Sikia, is located between Neo Marmaras and Porto Koufo. Toroni was named to the wife of Proteus, the son of Poseidon (Neptune), god of the sea. Toroni has a rich history and if you like you can visit remains of ancient, old Christian and Byzantine temples, castles and many other things. According to recent results from the excavations, it was verified that the area has always been inhabited from the end of the Neolithic era till the Turkish domination.

Sithonia Agios Nikolaos

Sithonia Agios Nikolaos

Agios Nikolaos is a traditional Greek village of Sithonia, Halkidiki in which locals continue to meet in the central square to socialize and celebrate certain events. The landscape is dominated by houses dressed in white vintage reminding folk architecture of the nineteenth century, the mountains covered by dense forests of pines that guard the settlement and dream beaches meet with quiet coves.

Kassandra Nea Moudania

Kassandra Nea Moudania

Beach Nea Moudania is located 60 kilometers from Thessaloniki and 27 km east of Poligyros. Nea Moudania is a very popular holiday resort among tourists and the beach was wide, sandy, offers various types of tourist facilities, from deck chairs and umbrellas at the various accommodation options, from beach bars and taverns.

Kassandra Sani

Kassandra Sani

Sani is a beautiful location approximately 75 km from Thessaloniki airport and just before the village of Nea Fokea. Beautiful beaches, fully equipped hotel complexes and camping make the region a unique destination for many Greek and foreign tourists. In the crystal clear waters of the beach of Sani you can enjoy diving, windsurfing, skiing and many other sports with the main component of the water. All these are combined perfectly to make you spend moments of calm, serenity and happiness in a place like paradise. At the edge of the coast on a hill there you can see the remains of a Byzantine tower that was built by monks of the Monastery of Stavronikita of Mount Athos.

Sithonia Ormos Panagias

Sithonia Ormos Panagias

Ormos Panagias is one of the most picturesque villages of Chalkidiki Sithonia arm and Agios Nikolaos harbor resort. Considered by many tourists as part of the resort of Agios Nikolaos, Ormos Panagias still manage to have their own charm and enjoy the admiration of tourists who keep coming back here to relax on its beaches and watch boats and yachts that start offshore waters Aegean.



It is the second arm of Chalkidiki - Kassandra indomitable sister. Wildlife, disturbing attracts nature lovers and those seeking to flee the "benefits" of civilization. The coast is varied - a succession of catunuri fishing, picturesque harbors, deserted beaches of all sizes, surrounded by trees and bushes. Sithonia is a symphony of blue and green, there are all shades and colors of vegetation, sea and sky. Climb the highest peak - Mount Dragoudelis, 811 m - and enjoy a wonderful view of the entire peninsula, with Mount Athos and Kassandra east to west.

Sithonia Kalamitsi

Sithonia Kalamitsi

Kalamitsi is a small town on the south-eastern coast of Sithonia that got its roots in camping about 30 years ago. Kalimitsi consists of 3 pristine beaches and the village on the main beach, which has gradually developed into a resort town. In the summer many come for an affordable vacation and camp at one of the organized camping sites.

Sithonia Tristinika

Sithonia Tristinika

Tristinika beach is a continuation of Toroni’s almost 5 km of continuous perfect fine sand beaches. Access is not so easy as other beaches in the area but is worth every effort. There is little organization so people just put up their tents on the beach and camp. With a southerly disposition you can enjoy the warmth of the sun the whole day. There is a large beach bar with a hippie feel that has some organization of sun beds and umbrellas. Besides camping on the beach, there is a campsite on the southern side.

Mainland Olympiada

Mainland Olympiada

The natural beauty and the archeological sites of great historic interest attract the visitors who come to Olympiada for the first time, as they combine sea activities with sightseeing and knowledge.

Mainland Ierissos

Mainland Ierissos

A walk on a vast, golden clean beach with no easily discernible end is the best exercise and the easiest way to clear your mind of all your thoughts. This beach exists in Ierissos and covers many kilometers offering an unforgettable walk by the sea. Ierissos, known as "Ancient Akanthos", is one of the largest towns of Halkidiki. Ierissos, Halkidiki, Greece The visitor will find very clean rooms and apartments to let with hospitable hosts, picturesque taverns that offer taste lessons of their specialties and cafes on the beach. Many cultural activities take place in Ierissos such as the festivals at the Agios Pavlos country church on June 29th and the Prophitis Ilias country church on June 20th, festivities that are worth taking part in.

Kassandra Mola Kaliva

Kassandra Mola Kaliva

Mola Kaliva is a very quiet Greek village, with crystal clear water and quiet beaches which make it ideal for those seeking a peaceful and relaxing holiday. There are tavernas, supermarkets, beach bars and fast food shops. This quiet village is also known as being very up market due to the number of TV celebrities owning villas there. Close to Mola Kaliva you’ll find the village of Loutra with its world famous Spa.

Sithonia Sykia

Sithonia Sykia

Sykia (or Sikia) is a historical village in Sithonia located about 3 kilometres inland and up the mountain from Sykia beach. The whole area is considered Sikia with many small beach settlements along the coast. This is a very quiet part of Sithonia with a couple of large beaches and many smaller ones close by that make this the heart of Sithonia’s camping scene. Kriaritsi beach, in our opinion possibly the best beach in Halkidiki, is just north of Sykia.

Mainland Arnea

Mainland Arnea

Arnea is a town of 2,500 people in Northern Halkidiki, built at the foot of Mount Holomontas. It is 70 km from Thessaloniki and 38 km from Poligiros. It is the capital of the district of Arnea. Ruins of an ancient civilization have been found 3 km of the township of Arnea and many believe it is the site of ancient Arne, mentioned by Thoukididis. Its acropolis and parts of walls have been discovered on the hill of Profitis Ilias. Arnea is privileged because of its important traditional background. For this reason it has been proclaimed as an "Historical Site" and "Traditional Settlement" by the Cultural Ministry. Tourists who are searching for more than sea and beach found the right place here.

Kassandra Elani

Kassandra Elani

Elani is а seasidе areа close tо Siviri, οn thе west coast оf Kassandrа. It is known mоstly fοr the four-star hоtеl Elаni Baу Resοrt. The bеach strip is сovered with cоаrsе sand mixed with tiny pebblеs, and the wаter is vеrу transparent аnd calm. Behind thе beach therе аre plenty of villas tо rеnt but theу are hiddеn behind lush vegеtаtiοn. Except for thе restaurаnt оf the hοtеl, there arе no restaurаnts, сafes оr supеrmarkets. The closеst сan be fоund in Siviri.