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Cities in Chalkidiki region

Chalkidiki All Locations

Chalkidiki All Locations

Halkidiki is located in northern Greece, Macedonia, and is composed of three arms - Kassandra, Sithonia and Mount Athos. With a coastline that stretches over a distance of 522 km, of which both beaches vary in size as well as forms, the long fine sandy beaches (46 of them are awarded with the Blue Flag), small beaches to picturesque bays, small ports, fishermen's traditional villages. The most beautiful area in northern Greece, the peninsula has always maintained the same charm. Forests, beaches with fine sand, hidden golfuletele, picturesque historic towns and small villages are the delight of tourists.

Chalkidiki Kalithea

Chalkidiki Kalithea

Situated 51 km south of Poligiros, about 90 km from Thessaloniki and currently with some 500 inhabitants, the community was established in 1922 with the influx of refugees from Asia Minor. Kallithea is a pole of attraction for thousands of tourists, who come to enjoy splendid beaches and great archaeological discoveries. Highlights include the remains of the Doric sanctuary to Zeus Ammon, the sanctuary to Dionysous and the Nymphs, and the small chapel of Agios Panteleimon with interesting murals. One of the most sought - after destinations in the beautiful peninsula of Kassandra (Halkidiki), where pine trees fringe a unique sandy coastline, Kallithea is a modern commercial and cosmopolitan resort that boasts large hotel complexes and traditional lodgings.

Kassandra Kriopigi

Kassandra Kriopigi

Kriopigi is located on the peninsula Kassandra of Halkidiki at a distance of 90 km from Thessaloniki. It is built amphitheatrical on the slopes of the green hills and has a wonderful view towards the Gulf of Kassandra. The area has been inhabited since ancient times and Kriopigi is built in the place of the ancient towns Neapolis and Flegra. The excellent climate, the combination of green mountains and the clear sea (two blue flags award in 1991) together with highly qualified service and hospitality establish Kriopigi as the most distinguished resort of the area.

Chalkidiki Mount Athos Ouranouolis

Chalkidiki Mount Athos Ouranouolis

On the top of the Mount Athos peninsula and at a distance of 120km away from the airport of Thessalonica lies Ouranoupolis, the Gate of Mount Athos. Ouranoupolis is a divine landscape, combining mountainous and sea beauties, promising unforgettable holidays, especially for the travelers seeking the relaxation, away from the stress of the town.

Chalkidiki Kassandra Hanioti

Chalkidiki Kassandra Hanioti

Hanioti is a small and very picturesque village in Halkidiki, situated on the peninsula's first prong, only a 60 minute drive from Greece's northern capital, Thessaloniki. Upon arrival, every visitor will be captivated by this small picturesque paradise, that has been designed to cater for the needs of even the most discerning traveller and guarantee a relaxing and memorable stay. The village features hotels with all the necessary facilities, numerous restaurants and traditional taverns that will satisfy every family, as well as modern bars and dance-clubs geared to providing evening entertainment to all age-groups.

Sithonia Metamorfosis

Sithonia Metamorfosis

The village of Metamorfosi, situated on the western side of the entrance to the Sithonia Peninsula Halkidiki, is an area full of fragrant pine trees, lovely beaches and small coves with turquoise waters that create an exotic setting. The village has about 400 inhabitants, and is located at a distance of 98km from Thessaloniki. The habitants of Metamorfosi are refugees from the Near East. They are very hospitable, willing to offer their precious services to local and foreign tourists. Nature has given the area wonderful beaches, starting from the point where the pine-tree forests stop and is ideal for swimming and sunbathing.

Chalkidiki Kassandra Possidi

Chalkidiki Kassandra Possidi

Possidi is one of the most well known tourist summer resorts in Halkidiki. It is found on the south west side of Kassandra peninsula and is 105 km away from Thessaloniki. Overlooked by the old castle of Mendi it is a touristic developed place but still peaceful. The sandy peninsula reaches out for hundreds of meters into the sea and offers plenty of space for sunbathing and swimming in the crystal clear waters. A particular characteristic is the wonderful view offered of the coastal Thermaikos gulf which is the waters where it is situated.

Kassandra Pefkohori

Kassandra Pefkohori

Pefkohori is situated on the peninsula of Kassandra, just before its last cape, in an area which could be an ecologist's paradise. Its temperature climate, the magnificent natural surroundings, the beautiful beaches and the inhabitants' distinctive spirit of hospitality, excited the first groups of tourists who arrives here in the early 70s. Since then it has been established as one of the most remarkable holiday resorts in Europe. For your accommodation, there are organized hotel complexes, studios and villas. Its market consists of a great variety of shops, providing for everyone's needs, while the typical taverns or the luxurious restaurants with their tasty creations and the exceptional local wines tempt you to indulge in gastronomic excess.

Sithonia Psakoudia

Sithonia Psakoudia

It is the unique beauty of the beach Psakoudia, which impresses even the most discerning visitor. Here, the green of pine mingles with the deep blue sea and sky, creating an image of natural beauty. Indeed, the presence of pine perfectly characterizes the region and dominates the whole length of the beach. It is said that the name of the village Psakoudia originated from the word "ptsakia" which in local dialect means small pines. The beach extends to a radius of 4 km and is ideal for swimmers of all ages. It is characteristic that has always honored with the blue flag award.

Sithonia Neos Marmaras

Sithonia Neos Marmaras

Neos Marmara is one of the most cosmopolitan villages of Halkidiki. It is a picturesque village which was built as an amphitheater, on top of a hill, surrounded by sea. The village was founded in 1922 by some refugees from Asia Minor, who were joined by some local residents Parthenionas 1970. Today, the village attracts thousands of visitors each summer by the various types of facilities can be found in hotels, restaurants, fish taverns, bars, cafes, water sports. The area has one of the most beautiful beaches of Halkidiki. Full of golden beaches, eucalyptus and a picturesque harbor, full of tavernas where you can enjoy seafood, Neos Marmaras is the most cosmopolitan village of Sithonia.

Chalkidiki Sithonia Nikiti

Chalkidiki Sithonia Nikiti

Nikiti (or Nikitas) is one of the oldest villages of Halkidiki. It is located in the north of the Sithonia peninsula, 39 km east from Nea Moudania, approximately 110 km south east from Thessaloniki and in between the villages Metamorfosi and Neos Marmaras (23km). Nikiti has approximately 2833 inhabitants. The village Nikiti consists of two parts, the old and the new village. They are split up by the main road Halkidiki - Sithonia. The old Nikiti, the original village, extends from the main road land inwards at the hill side. Distance to the sea is approximately 2 km.

Sithonia Gerakini

Sithonia Gerakini

The village is located in Gulf Gerakini Toroneos between the two arms, Kassandra and Sithonia in Halkidiki, 80 km from Thessaloniki and 65 kilometers from Thessaloniki International Airport. There is a legend that a queen called Yerakina (Gerakini) lived there once, and here Gerakini took its name.

Kassandra Siviri

Kassandra Siviri

Siviri is a village located in the southwest of the Kassandra Peninsula in Halkidiki, between Kassandria and Fourka approximately 82 km from the Airport of Thessaloniki. It is well known for its rich fauna and it has a well organized beach and everything a visitor can ask for, from tavernas and bars to super-market and a summer movie theatre. A major attraction is the amphitheatre of Siviri with its superb acoustics, plays host to the famous Siviri festival each summer which attracts thousands of visitors. The well organized beach of fine sand is perfect for sunbathing where you will find sun umbrellas and sunbeds for hire.

Kassandra Nea Potidea

Kassandra Nea Potidea

Nea Potidea was founded in 1922 by refugees from eastern Thrace on the site of ancient Potidea or Pallini. It is the village entering to Kassandra impressing the driver while he passes the bridge over the canal where the Thermaikos and Toroneos gulfs are combined together. The history of Nea Potidea goes back to the early 17th century when it was still a Corinthian colony. The position of this place was very strategic in the ancient years. Nea Potidea is a beautiful place for holidays with many resorts and an important harbor. There are many hotels, rooms and apartments for the visitor's accommodation as well as many restaurants, taverns, super markets, and several shops.

Kassandra Polihrono

Kassandra Polihrono

Spending a morning walking along the sandy beach of Polihrono village, located on the Kassandra peninsula, just 100 km from Thessaloniki, is absolutely worth it. The beach stretches over an impressive seven kilometres, and besides enjoying the refreshingly chilly sea, you may also choose from the water sports available along the beach, including sea canoeing, pedal boating and jet-skiing, which are available all along the beach. This village stands out due to its historical significance, as ongoing excavations constantly reveal lost treasures from antiquity.

Sithonia Vatopedi

Sithonia Vatopedi

Vatopedi Beach is in the seaside area between Psakoudia and Metamorfosi. This is the nearest beach to the village of Vatopedi which is located a few kilomters away, by the main road of Sithonia, and thus its name.

Kassandra Nea Kalikratia

Kassandra Nea Kalikratia

At a distance of 35 kilometers from the city of Thessaloniki, in the peninsula of Chalkidiki, there is one of the most famous tourist resorts of Chalkidiki, N.Kallikratia. The town of N.Kallikratia is the seat of the homonymous municipality, founded in 1922 by the Greek refugees who arrived there coming from “Kallikratia” of Eastern Thrace. According to archaeologists, the area has been inhabited since the Neolithic age, and there are remains of a prehistoric settlement. Some very significant archaeological finds have been discovered in the area, e.

Ouranoupolis Tripiti

Ouranoupolis Tripiti

Tripiti is a lovely area at the entrance of the peninsula with lush vegetation, pristine beaches and turquoise waters. It is the ideal place for those who want to avoid the tourist crowds, but still be close to nightlife venues. In Tripiti, a good selection of high quality Mount Athos hotels, rooms, studios and suites that provide comfortable accommodation is offered to the visitor.

Kassandra Paliouri

Kassandra Paliouri

Paliouri is a tourist village in south-eastern peninsula of Kassandra, Halkidiki. The resort is famous for the production of honey and olive oil in the whole region of Halkidikiului. In this resort tourists can admire the unique nature of the pine forest and the narrow streets typical traditional Greek villages. Two miles north-east of the village is Chrouso beach with deep blue Aegean waters and golden sandy beach, near which there is a pine forest. The Paliouri is found in the elevations of Kassandra, in distance of 3 km from the sea and in altitude 120 m.

Kassandra Nea Skioni

Kassandra Nea Skioni

Satul antic Skioni a fost construit după războiul troian şi este menţionat ca prima colonie a grecilor sudici, în Halkidiki. Razboinicii din Pellini, în Peloponez, după căderea Troiei, se întorceau acasă cu navele lor, încărcate cu sclave şi prada de razboi. Navigând în jurul Halkidiki-ului, au ancorat pe coasta de sud-vest a Kassandrei, pentru aprovizionarea cu alimente şi apă sau chiar să-şi petreacă iarna acolo. În timp ce bărbaţii erau la mal, femeile sclave troiene au ars navele şi i-au forţat pe războinici să rămână în Kassandra pentru totdeauna, sa se căsătoreasca cu ele şi sa fondeze o asezare, care s-a numit mai tarziu Skioni. O monedă din oraşul antic (aproximativ 500 î.Hr.) il infatiseaza pe eroul homeric Protesilaos, mentionat ca fondator al orasului. Portul Skioni era unul important şi a contribuit foarte mult la prosperitatea orasului. În secolul al 5-lea î.Hr., Skioni a aderat la Alianţă ateniană, dar în timpul războiului peloponeziac a fost de partea spartanilor. Skioni fost pedepsit foarte aspru pentru această tradare. Atenienii au cucerit orasul, i-au macelarit pe locuitorii sai ori i-au luat ca sclavi şi au adus imigranţi din Platees să locuiasca aici. Anticul Skioni era mai la sud-est de locaţia satului actual. În timpul secolului al 19-lea, satul Tsaprani a fost construit la aproximativ 4 km nord-est de locul actual al satului Nea Skioni. După 1930 locuitorii sai s-au stabilit pe coasta şi au abandonat satul interior. Satul fondat acolo a fost numit Nea Skioni. Nou sat este o aşezare liniştită, de coastă, înconjurat de măslini. Plaja frumoasa, nisipoasa, imaculata şi organizată complet, în faţa satului omonim. Obiective turistice - situri arheologice: Plaje. Satul Tsaprani vechi, ridicat în pădure, şi biserica construită în 1867. Biserică dedicată Panagiei Faneromeni (Fecioara Maria). Evenimente: Festivalul tradiţional pe 23 august (Fecioara Maria). Produse alimentare-divertisment: Restaurante, taverne pescaresti. Încercaţi: Peştele proaspăt. Miere. Masline. Sport: Toate tipurile de sporturi nautice.

Sithonia Akti Elias

Sithonia Akti Elias

Narrow beach with pine and olive trees extending to the shore. Distance from Thessaloniki: 100 km. It is a coastal settlement, at the beginning Sithonia peninsula, in an area full of ancient cities. The area during antiquity, the ancient city existed Galipsos, mentioned by Herodotus, who mentions it in the route description Persian fleet in 480 BC .. Herodotus describes Nikiti city position between Toroni and ancient city Sermyli (Ormylia). The city became the first member of the Athenian League, but rebelled against him in 431 BC

Sithonia Vourvourou

Sithonia Vourvourou

Vourvourou is located only ten kilometers from Agios Nikolaos (120 kilometers from Thessaloniki) on the Sithonia peninsula and at a glance enriches the sight with various images and relaxes the visitor with its natural peace. You will find rooms to let by the beach, where the soul calms with the melodic whisper of the leaves. Besides the blue waters and the fresh fish at the taverns, one of the possibilities offered to the visitor is the boat ride to Diaporos, the largest of the nine islands of Vourvourou, which is located across the bay. There you can see the clearest and most aquamarine waters of the Mediterranean and at the same time discover the most isolated beaches of Halkidiki.

Kassandra Fourka

Kassandra Fourka

Fourka in Halkidiki is a lovely tourist village, lost among the greenery, which offers a variety of facilities for tourists in search of the perfect holiday. The main tourist attraction is the Byzantine church, very beautiful, which is situated in the middle of dense vegetation. The church has a bell interesting and beautiful arches. The nearest beach is Skala Fourka which is situated in the middle of two magnificent hills, covered with pine trees. Fourka Beach is a white sandy beach with crystal clear waters.



Kalandra Lady Chapel is famous for. It once belonged to the chapel of Mount Athos Monastery Chilandari. Lady Chapel is located a mile northwest of the village Kalandra. Lady Chapel is worth visiting for its amazing frescoes, dating from 1619.



Kassandra is mainly a favorite destination for youth and those who are in search of fun to watch tonight. The area is full of bars, clubs and terraces, ideal for socializing and spending nights unforgettable seaside. Kassandra resorts are not very big, but they are cozy, intimate and beautiful beaches to enjoy exotic landscapes reminiscent often traced as wallpaper on our computer monitors. Most beaches are covered with fine sand, white, and enjoy crystal clear waters that will mesmerize with shades of turquoise.

Ouranoupolis Ammouliani

Ouranoupolis Ammouliani

Ammouliani is located at Halkidiki, in Mount Athos’ Gulf. An island of 4.5 sq2/km with sublime beaches such as Alikes, Ag. Georgios, Megali Ammos, Karagatsia and lots of other small bays, where someone can enjoy the sense of sea. A crystal blue sea, abundant in fish, waiting for them who like to fish. A rich sea bed with intense undwater life, challenging those who love underwater fishing and diving.

Agia Paraskevi Halkidiki

Agia Paraskevi Halkidiki

Agia Paraskevi (Grecia Αγία Παρασκευή, IPA: [aʝia Paraskevi]) è un villaggio nel sud-est della penisola di Kassandra, in Calcidica, Grecia settentrionale.

Kassandra Afitos

Kassandra Afitos

Afitos town is a traditional Greek authorities declared UNESCO heritage, its ancient architecture, with small cobbled streets with fancy houses built in Mediterranean style with a rich cultural life. Afitos hosting many festivals of all genres that fit perfectly into the medieval décor of the area. The city will offer the opportunity to discover the natural beauty of Halkidiki and enjoy the great golf Toroneos, without being far away from the bigger and more bustling resorts of Kassandra on the arm. Afitos offers many traditional taverns, bars, cafes serving local delicacies and drinks of the region.

Sithonia Sarti

Sithonia Sarti

Those who are looking for a holiday destination on the shores of the Aegean Sea, which combines sea, mountain, extraordinary panoramas and reasonable prices, you should take a look at the resort Sarti, Sithonia located on the arm. Sarti is a stylish resort, famous for its beautiful landscape and quality of tourist services available to guests. Situated in the eastern arm Sithonia Sarti is at a distance of only 140 km from the second largest city of Greece, Thessaloniki.

Mainland N.Roda

Mainland N.Roda

Nea Roda is built at the narrowest point of the Athos peninsula, where in 480 B.C. Xerxes opened a canal for his fleet to pass. You shall be pleasantly surprised while walking in the village because at each corner you will discover archeological findings, houses with beautiful yards decorated with arbours and bougainvilleas, vegetation till the sea and picturesque fishing boats. The golden sand of the sinuous beach will accompany you all day and will welcome you with colors of mystery at each sunrise and sunset.

Sithonia Agios Nikolaos

Sithonia Agios Nikolaos

Agios Nikolaos is a traditional Greek village of Sithonia, Halkidiki in which locals continue to meet in the central square to socialize and celebrate certain events. The landscape is dominated by houses dressed in white vintage reminding folk architecture of the nineteenth century, the mountains covered by dense forests of pines that guard the settlement and dream beaches meet with quiet coves.

Sithonia Porto Koufo

Sithonia Porto Koufo

Koufo Porto is one of the largest natural harbors of Greece, stretching along 1.5 km. The village is at a distance of only 5 km from Toroni and Blue Flag awarded beach of it, but you will find some tiny beaches and around the harbor. A fishing village protected by impressive cliffs, Porto Koufo can be the ideal holiday destination for families and couples looking for hidden locations frenzy summer.

Sithonia Toroni

Sithonia Toroni

Toroni in Halkidiki is a touristic village with an amazing Blue Flag beach of 2 km long and it's distance from Thessaloniki is about 130 km. Toroni, a small settlement of Sikia, is located between Neo Marmaras and Porto Koufo. Toroni was named to the wife of Proteus, the son of Poseidon (Neptune), god of the sea. Toroni has a rich history and if you like you can visit remains of ancient, old Christian and Byzantine temples, castles and many other things. According to recent results from the excavations, it was verified that the area has always been inhabited from the end of the Neolithic era till the Turkish domination.

Kassandra Nea Moudania

Kassandra Nea Moudania

Beach Nea Moudania is located 60 kilometers from Thessaloniki and 27 km east of Poligyros. Nea Moudania is a very popular holiday resort among tourists and the beach was wide, sandy, offers various types of tourist facilities, from deck chairs and umbrellas at the various accommodation options, from beach bars and taverns.

Kassandra Sani

Kassandra Sani

Sani is a beautiful location approximately 75 km from Thessaloniki airport and just before the village of Nea Fokea. Beautiful beaches, fully equipped hotel complexes and camping make the region a unique destination for many Greek and foreign tourists. In the crystal clear waters of the beach of Sani you can enjoy diving, windsurfing, skiing and many other sports with the main component of the water. All these are combined perfectly to make you spend moments of calm, serenity and happiness in a place like paradise. At the edge of the coast on a hill there you can see the remains of a Byzantine tower that was built by monks of the Monastery of Stavronikita of Mount Athos.

Sithonia Ormos Panagias

Sithonia Ormos Panagias

Ormos Panagias is one of the most picturesque villages of Chalkidiki Sithonia arm and Agios Nikolaos harbor resort. Considered by many tourists as part of the resort of Agios Nikolaos, Ormos Panagias still manage to have their own charm and enjoy the admiration of tourists who keep coming back here to relax on its beaches and watch boats and yachts that start offshore waters Aegean.



It is the second arm of Chalkidiki - Kassandra indomitable sister. Wildlife, disturbing attracts nature lovers and those seeking to flee the "benefits" of civilization. The coast is varied - a succession of catunuri fishing, picturesque harbors, deserted beaches of all sizes, surrounded by trees and bushes. Sithonia is a symphony of blue and green, there are all shades and colors of vegetation, sea and sky. Climb the highest peak - Mount Dragoudelis, 811 m - and enjoy a wonderful view of the entire peninsula, with Mount Athos and Kassandra east to west.

Sithonia Kalamitsi

Sithonia Kalamitsi

Kalamitsi is a small town on the south-eastern coast of Sithonia that got its roots in camping about 30 years ago. Kalimitsi consists of 3 pristine beaches and the village on the main beach, which has gradually developed into a resort town. In the summer many come for an affordable vacation and camp at one of the organized camping sites.

Sithonia Tristinika

Sithonia Tristinika

Tristinika beach is a continuation of Toroni’s almost 5 km of continuous perfect fine sand beaches. Access is not so easy as other beaches in the area but is worth every effort. There is little organization so people just put up their tents on the beach and camp. With a southerly disposition you can enjoy the warmth of the sun the whole day. There is a large beach bar with a hippie feel that has some organization of sun beds and umbrellas. Besides camping on the beach, there is a campsite on the southern side.

Mainland Olympiada

Mainland Olympiada

The natural beauty and the archeological sites of great historic interest attract the visitors who come to Olympiada for the first time, as they combine sea activities with sightseeing and knowledge.

Mainland Ierissos

Mainland Ierissos

A walk on a vast, golden clean beach with no easily discernible end is the best exercise and the easiest way to clear your mind of all your thoughts. This beach exists in Ierissos and covers many kilometers offering an unforgettable walk by the sea. Ierissos, known as "Ancient Akanthos", is one of the largest towns of Halkidiki. Ierissos, Halkidiki, Greece The visitor will find very clean rooms and apartments to let with hospitable hosts, picturesque taverns that offer taste lessons of their specialties and cafes on the beach. Many cultural activities take place in Ierissos such as the festivals at the Agios Pavlos country church on June 29th and the Prophitis Ilias country church on June 20th, festivities that are worth taking part in.

Kassandra Mola Kaliva

Kassandra Mola Kaliva

Mola Kaliva is a very quiet Greek village, with crystal clear water and quiet beaches which make it ideal for those seeking a peaceful and relaxing holiday. There are tavernas, supermarkets, beach bars and fast food shops. This quiet village is also known as being very up market due to the number of TV celebrities owning villas there. Close to Mola Kaliva you’ll find the village of Loutra with its world famous Spa.

Sithonia Sykia

Sithonia Sykia

Sykia (or Sikia) is a historical village in Sithonia located about 3 kilometres inland and up the mountain from Sykia beach. The whole area is considered Sikia with many small beach settlements along the coast. This is a very quiet part of Sithonia with a couple of large beaches and many smaller ones close by that make this the heart of Sithonia’s camping scene. Kriaritsi beach, in our opinion possibly the best beach in Halkidiki, is just north of Sykia.

Mainland Arnea

Mainland Arnea

Arnea is a town of 2,500 people in Northern Halkidiki, built at the foot of Mount Holomontas. It is 70 km from Thessaloniki and 38 km from Poligiros. It is the capital of the district of Arnea. Ruins of an ancient civilization have been found 3 km of the township of Arnea and many believe it is the site of ancient Arne, mentioned by Thoukididis. Its acropolis and parts of walls have been discovered on the hill of Profitis Ilias. Arnea is privileged because of its important traditional background. For this reason it has been proclaimed as an "Historical Site" and "Traditional Settlement" by the Cultural Ministry. Tourists who are searching for more than sea and beach found the right place here.

Kassandra Elani

Kassandra Elani

Elani is а seasidе areа close tо Siviri, οn thе west coast оf Kassandrа. It is known mоstly fοr the four-star hоtеl Elаni Baу Resοrt. The bеach strip is сovered with cоаrsе sand mixed with tiny pebblеs, and the wаter is vеrу transparent аnd calm. Behind thе beach therе аre plenty of villas tо rеnt but theу are hiddеn behind lush vegеtаtiοn. Except for thе restaurаnt оf the hοtеl, there arе no restaurаnts, сafes оr supеrmarkets. The closеst сan be fоund in Siviri.

Diaporos island

Diaporos island

If you want tо tаste thе thrilling experiеnce οf spending уour hоliday οn a privаtе island with turquoise beaсhеs, then Diаpоrοs is definitеly one оf уοur places. It is an islet in thе bаy of Vоurvοurou, Sithοnia, Halκidiki, lуing very clοsе to the shоre. It belongs tо a grοup of uninhаbitеd islands knоwn as the "nine islаnds οf Vourvоurοu" and it is thе largest of them.

Cities in Thassos Island region



One of the most popular Greek resorts, Potos each year attracts many tourists and is a destination appreciated especially by young people. The resort is full of visitors in July and August, when pupils and students are on vacation. In addition, in Potos wine and many young families keen to enjoy the sandy beach and enjoys swimming and various water sports. Are devoid famous clubs around the island so the nightlife is as active as in broad daylight. Potos is a state where you can not get bored. There exist beach, sea with very warm water, sand, deckchairs and umbrelutze, supermarket or market where you can buy fresh fruits and vegetables really.

Skala Potamia

Skala Potamia

  Skala Potamia is a very popular beach resort located almost 15 kilometres from Thassos Town and about 32 kilometres from Skala Prinos. The beach stretches along a bay on the Northeast side of the island that is surrounded by a spectacular chain of wooded mountains including Mount Ipsario, the tallest mountain on Thassos that soars 1204 meters, or 3950 feet above sea level.  The bay offers over two kilometres of sandy beach with few small areas of rock and pebbles. The overwhleming majority of Golden Beach is pure white sand, very fine and perfect for children to play and build sand castles with.

Thassos Town

Thassos Town

Limenas simply means "port". The capital of the island and is commonly called "Thassos Town". It is home to the main port from which you can easily travel to and from the Greek mainland by ferry from harbor Keramoti.

Skala Rachoniou

Skala Rachoniou

Rachoniou Skala is a resort that is located between the city and the village Prinos Thassos, in the north-west of the island. The beach is very popular among tourists, although it is very large and enjoys fine sand and the water is shallow and very clear. Considering all these features, Skala beach Rachoniou may be the answer for those seeking a splendid piece of beach away from the crowds of tourists. The resort is situated at a distance of just 10 km from Limenas.



Thassos Town (Limenas for locals) is the capital of the island. The monuments of the ancient city with picturesque houses and modern buildings features island offers a charming atmosphere. Amphitheater ancient antique market, the Archaeological Museum, Old Port with the modern city with its cafes, bars and taverns, no doubt, will keep you busy during the holidays. In Thassos town can find post offices, banks, police stations and doctors, firefighters and pharmacies, tavernas, cafes, bars, souvenir shops. Distance to health center Prinos is 19 km. The main bus station (buses to all villages), ferry to Keramoti.

Skala Prinou

Skala Prinou

Pe partea de nord-vest a insulei este Prinos cu portul sau Skala Prinos. Nu departe de satul Prinos, pe munte sunt situate satele Micul Prinos (Mikro Kazaviti) şi Marele Prinos (Megalo Kazaviti), un frumos sat pitoresc cu case construite din piatra si cu acoperişuri placate cu piatra. Sfanta Manastire Sf. Pantelimon construita intr-un peisaj idilic este la cam 12 km. Skala Prinos şi Dasyllio (pădurea mica) sunt asezari construite pe o coasta plina de pini. Din Skala Prinos puteţi lua feribotul pentru o vizită în oraşul Kavala pe continent. Satele Rachoni şi Agios Georgios sunt construite în pădure. In satul Agios Georgios a fost crescut Mehmet Ali (1769 - 1749), care mai târziu a devenit întemeietorul dinastiei regale egiptene. Într-o vale fructuoasă, plină de măslini şi pini, s-au dezvoltat aşezările din Skala Rachoni şi Pachis. Plajele nisipoase şi apele limpezi putin adanci decoreaza aceste aşezări.



Limenaria a fost dezvoltat la începutul secolului 20, datorită necesităţii de lucrători pentru minele de minereu de fier exploatate de compania germana de Speindl şi datorita persoanelor care vin din satul medieval Kastro construit pe munte, aproape în centrul insulei. În 1922, după distrugerea Smirnei, refugiatii au sosit in acest loc şi acesta a fost un nou inceput pentru oraş. Palataki, sus pe deal, deasupra marii, a fost construit de compania germana pentru birourile necesare lor. In Limenaria putem gasi banci, oficiu postal, secţia de poliţie, taverne, baruri, cafenele şi magazine. Autobuze si taxiuri oricand doriţi.



Astris Beach is situated in the south east of the island near the village Potos. Although it is covered with sand and it has a great clean beach is not recommended for families with children in the water, the entrance is steep and the current is very strong seabed.



Dating from ancient times the Phoenicians, Kinira Thassos is 24 kilometers from Limenas, Thassos' capital. Beautiful resort is renowned for fishing taverns, natural charm of the landscapes and beach clean and quiet. Being on the east coast of the island, Kirin offers you the opportunity to enjoy a sunrise absolutely wonderful. Here you can find good places for accommodation, taverns with fresh fish and other goodies, and if you want to cook, you can supply at the local mini market.

Agios Ioannis Thassos

Agios Ioannis Thassos

Agios Ioannis (St. John), is a beautiful and wild beach located in a bay in the southeast of the island of Thassos, somewhere after Kinira and before Aliki.



The area is completely surrounded by green hills and mountains covered with pine trees. In the distance, you can see the marble quarries. They are only about 2 kilometers from Thassos Town and 19 km from Skala Prinos in a quiet cove. This is a beautiful beach. The water is clean and normally calm, although one can see strong waves occasionally. The beach is pure sand, no rocks, and shallow for about 50 meters. Perfect for children of all ages and is also a place where you can jump into the water at a depth safety and neighboring large pieces of white marble deThassos.



Pefkari is certainly one of the most beautiful destinations on the island, with two bays where the water is very clear, and pines grew very close to shore, creating the impression that out of the water. Many tourists prefer this beach because the area has accommodation to suit all tastes and budgets.

Golden Beach

Golden Beach

Golden Beach is situated in the town of the same name (Golden Beach), 12 km south east of Limenas, is the most desirable golden sandy beach of Thassos .Plaja has blue flag has a very well designed large crystal.

Skala Panagia

Skala Panagia

Skala Panagia is the largest beach of the island. It is 12km far from Limenas and 4km from Panagia and it is located in the eastern side of the island. The one tip of the beach in called Chrisi Akti which is a beach of Skala Potamia.

Skala Marion

Skala Marion

Skala Marion or Skala Maries is a small village on the western coast of Thassos Island. Located on the shore of the Aegean Sea, in the past era the port of the mountain village of Maries. The village borders three small bays in each of which is arranged for a book or a beach.

Trypiti Thassos

Trypiti Thassos

Tripiti is near Limenaria and surrounding landscape is one of the most impressive on the island. Although you do not have too many features, from Triple beach is very popular among tourists.

Skala Maries

Skala Maries

Skala Maries is a picturesque fishing village on the west coast of the island of Thassos, known for good food, quiet and leisure possibilities. It lies at a distance of 35 km from Limenas and 45 kilometers from the airport at Kavala.

Skala Kalirachis

Skala Kalirachis

Skala Kallirachis is a scenic coastal settlement, located 22 km southwest of Limenas, the capital of Thassos. It has a small port where many fish boats moor in summer and create a romantic atmosphere. The beach is situated around a brilliant environment. It is quite narrow and rocky and has an exotic surrounding full of lush greenery and vast plantation. Usually it doesn't get crowded. It is found a couple of kilometers away from the village of Kallirachi. In the region, there are fantastic beaches, fish taverns, restaurants and many types of accommodation.

Palio Kavala

Palio Kavala

Kavala has many beaches of unparalled beauty. They spread one after the other along the prefecture, creating a beautiful landscape of blue and satisfy all tastes, from cosmopolitan tourists to the more lone ones. Palio is 6 kilometres from Kavala. A seaside resort with many wonderful beaches with cafes and taverns for all tastes, right next to the sea. It can be reached by taking the coach to Nea Peramos



Glikadi is a beach 4km far from Limenas. It is an organized beach that is easily accessible with a parking lot for the vehicles. The beach is sandy with a few rocks before diving into the sea. The shore is surrounded by a dense forest with pine trees and the sea waters’ color is green.

Cities in Pieria region

Paralia Katerini

Paralia Katerini

Paralia or Paralia Katerinis (meaning "beach'') is a municipality in the eastern part of the prefecture of Pieria. The seat of the municipality is in Kallithea. Paralia is located 4 km E of Katerini, SE of Veria, 70 km S of Thessaloniki and the Makedonia International Airport. The beach is situated in the Olympian Riviera. Paralia is famous for its hotels, taverns, restaurants, bars and nightclubs (discotheques). Every summer thousands of tourists from all over the world come here on vacation. This place is really unique and breathtaking for any tourtist coming here for the first time and seeing the beautiful seaside on the one hand and the mountains on the other hand.

Pieria Platamonas

Pieria Platamonas

Platamonas is a town and sea-side resort in south Pieria prefecture, Central Macedonia, Greece. Platamon has a population of about 1,500 permanent inhabitants. It is bordered by many other resorts on the Riviera as Nei Pori Olympus, Katerini Paralia, Olympic Beach and others. The distance between Athens and resort is 440 km.

Pieria Olympic Beach

Pieria Olympic Beach

Situated just 8 kms from Katerini, it is easily reached from The National Motorway E75 (Junctions: Katerini or Korinos) and from the recently completed coastal road from Nea Agathoupoli to Olympic Beach (Katerinoskala). It is also served by the railway from Salonika to Athens (Station: Katerini). A sandy beach stretching for several kilometres, clean sand and shallow sea, Olympic Beach has been regularly awarded the European Blue Flag for many years, and attracts a large number of tourists every summer. There is a wide range of accommodation for you to choose for your stay, including Hotels, rooms to rent and bungalows and a campsite.

Pieria Leptokaria

Pieria Leptokaria

The small town of 4,000 residents that offers a variety of different atmospheres places to meet individual needs of all bars, taverns and restaurants. For those who like to dance the night there are two discos. There is also the opportunity to practice a lot of water sports including water skiing, pineapple and water bikes.

Pieria Nei Pori

Pieria Nei Pori

Nei Pori is located at the foot of the legendary Mount Olympus, the gods dwelling, and end the chain of resorts in the region of Pieria, as the newest and perhaps most beautiful of them. It is located on the Aegean Sea coast, 100 km from Thessaloniki. The landscape is unique, bright green meadows with imbinandu the mountain wilderness of the sea bathing beach and foamy. The resort has a modern infrastructure, recently entering the tourist circuit. Wide streets, hotels and villas, newly built or renovated, giving a feeling of space, the resort also offers numerous possibilities for fun and leisure.



Korinos is a tourist resort with several hotels, camping facilities organized, restaurants and taverns. It can be reached from Paralia Katerini highway or bus, bicycle and on foot from the town Korinos. Long beach 1200 meters and 100 meters wide has a fine sand and offers various water sports and activities that are held regularly in summer (Convention archaeological readings, musical nights, etc).

Pieria Litochoro

Pieria Litochoro

The small town of Litochoro is situated 24km. away from the capital town of Katerini. Being built on the slopes of mountain Olympus, it has a population of approximately 7,000 inhabitants. Enjoy your coffee at the traditional square or wonder through the narrow streets with the souvenir shops. Additionally, every year several cultural events take place here. In Litochoro, the visitor may find several hotels, apartments, tavernas and cafeterias.

Pieria Area All Locations

Pieria Area All Locations

Location and stretch : the county ( or province ) and plastic called Olympus Riviera Pieria , is quite important known . Pieria is in the heart of Greece, 60 km south - west of Thessaloniki and are 70 km from the beautiful beaches of the Aegean Sea and contains some of the legendary mountains of Olympus ( the favorite place of the gods from mythology ) and even peak Mytikas ( PLACE 2 Balkans with 2917m height after Mussala ) .

Pieria Panteleimon

Pieria Panteleimon

A beach of rare natural beauty on the slopes of Olympus, it is a happy combination of pebbles and sand.

Riviera Olimpului

Riviera Olimpului

Olympus Greek Riviera is a resort that includes 16 beaches that stretch for 70km. In northern Greece, just 700 km from Bucharest, we are legendary Macedonia, "The first home of the Greeks", in the northern part of Mount Olympus, called "rich country" or "Land of the mountain." Resorts in the region of Pieria - Olympus Riviera, located on the shores of the Aegean Sea (Katerini Paralia, Olympic Beach, Nei Pori, WIESBADEN, Leptokaria, Korina, Gritsa) are an ideal place for summer holidays. The climate of these resorts is unique in Greece, due to nearby mountains, which serve as protection and create a sensation of coolness especially during summer when temperatures are high.

Pieria Katerini

Pieria Katerini

Pieria is a prefecture located in the south of Greece's Macedonia. In Pieria, there are many important archaeological sites including: Dion, Pydna and Platamonas. In Pieria is Mount Pierus house of Orpheus and the Muses, and Pierian spring. Mount Olympus, the highest in Greece, the throne of the ancient gods of Greece, rises in the south to perish.

Cities in Crete Island region

Hersonissos Crete

Hersonissos Crete

Hersonissos is located 25 km from the city of Heraklion. It stretches from the north-central coast of Crete to the island's central mountain ridge, near the region of Lassithi. It is said that the island town of Hersonissos is one, but actually comprises several villages each with a distinct atmosphere. Today, Hersonissos is very well organized and is the most popular tourist destination in Crete. Provides a high quality comfort, facilities for conferences and places of rare natural beauty. In the north of the island, especially the first line Hersonissou (Hersonissos port) and Analipsi, you will find a luxury tourist resort, offering you a wide variety of hotels and apartments for rent.



It is located on the north coast of Crete at a distance of 80 km from Heraklion and 60 km from Chania, Rethymno is the capital and main port of the island. It is a city that uniquely combines elements of a traditional, aristocratic and modern. Rethymno old town is very picturesque, with a beautiful Venetian port, castles and narrow streets paved with stones. The modern city of Rethymno offers many facilities. There are a lot of banks and public services, rooms for rent, restaurants, bars and clubs. Nightlife is very active in Rethymno and the locals are very hospitable.

Ammoudara Crete

Ammoudara Crete

Amoudara Crete is a popular resort, located 5 km from the capital city of Heraklion, on the north coast of the prefecture. In fact, it is situated on the quieter side of the tourist resort. Amoudara Resort is built from scratch as a modern tourist center. Local beaches are beautiful and accessible, is a popular tourist destination, which still retain the character of quiet resort. Many visitors choose this destination because it is a convenient location for exploring the sights of the capital of Crete, Heraklion. Amoudara offers a nice long, wide, flat, sandy beach, which is usually not crowded during the summer.

Gouves Crete

Gouves Crete

Gouves is an area in the sun-drenched Mediterranean resort, located on the north coast of Crete. For those who love the sun and beach, and water sports enthusiasts, Gouves is the ideal place for an enjoyable holiday. Goúves proper is often confused with its busy summer resort, Kátó Goúves. Besides this well developed tourist resort with long sandy beaches, the area has some traditional villages and interesting archeological sites and Eileithyia cave caves. West of Goúves are the tourist resorts of Kokkíni Háni and Amnísos, both with similar attractions, and, to the East, lies Crete's biggest resort, Hersonisos.

Agia Marina

Agia Marina

Agia Marina is 9 km away from Chania in the way to Castelli. It took its name from the church which is located on the small hill of the old village.The endless olive plantations, orangeries and all kindsof fruit-bearing trees with the limpid seashores make Agia Marina a modern touristic resort. There is  a beautiful 2.5 kilometer beach with all the standard facilities.The thin golden pink sand of this beach and the trees along the seafront create an exotic setting. Very close to the beach, and only 500 meters away, is the traditional village of Pano Agia Marina(upper Agia Marina).



Stalida is perfect for relaxed, lazy days on the beach with azure blue waters lapping against the beautiful stretch of golden sand dotted with sunbeds and umbrellas. There are plenty of watersports on offer and away from the beach you will find sights such as the Palace of King Minos at Knossos and Heraklion, with its impressive Venetian architecture and imposing castle. In the evening you can choose to wine and dine in the resort's wide selection of tavernas and restaurants, before heading to one of its handful of discos. Or for a wider choice of venues, check out Malia or Hersonnissos.

Bali Crete

Bali Crete

The calm resort is situated 20 km est of Rethymno. The calm resort is situated 20 km est of Rethymno. Bali is one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in Crete. Bali has marvellous sandy beaches and crystal clear waters to offer. It also hosts many hotels and restaurants around its port, serving delicious fish and sea food and a beautiful view of the bay. The village also features clubs, cafes, supermarkets and souvenir shops, sailing, diving and water sports facilities.

Adelianos Kampos

Adelianos Kampos

Adelianos Kampos modern and colorful spreads showing the greatest tourist development in Rethymno. Apparently rapid growth in the last fifteen years due to its favorable location.

Agios Nikolaos Crete

Agios Nikolaos Crete

Agios Nikolaos is a port city on the Greek island of Crete. It is situated in the eastern city of Heraklion and west of the town of Sitia, on the Mediterranean Sea. Agios Nikolaos is Saint Nicholas, patron of sailors. Agios Nikolaos is accessible from the mainland and the whole of Europe via the Nikos Kazantzakis airport in Heraklio and many daily ferry services in Heraklion Port. Two ships directly connect Agios Nikolaos daily with the ports of Piraeus, Milos, Santorini, Siteia Karpathos, Kassos, Kos, and Rhodes. Agios Nikolaos was one of the first towns in Crete and you can see the effects of tourism development, and the famous lake of Agios Nikolaos, which is built around downtown, continues to impress visitors.

Malia Crete

Malia Crete

Malia is situated on the North Coast of Crete, just 25 minutes from the airport in an area of great natural beauty; it is surrounded by olive groves and the slopes of Mt. Selena. Malia is best known for its lively atmosphere; however Malia is not only for young people, it has a lot to offer everyone. The beach is the one of the best in Crete, 3 miles of fine, golden sand, which gradually slopes into the warm, clear blue sea. Malia gives you the best of both worlds since it consists of two parts; the new town and the old town which are separated by the main road; in the new town there are lots of bars, clubs and restaurants to suit everyone's taste.



Platanias beach lies about 4 km east of Rethymno Town. It is a beautiful sandy beach, open to the north. The beach is affected by summer winds, the so called meltemia. The beach is accessible by the local buses from Rethymno Town. Platanias beach is well organized and offers many accommodation options. The beach has several Greek taverns offering local food, drinks and the chance to enjoy yourself by the seaside.

Crete All Locations

Crete All Locations

Crete is situated in the eastern Mediterranean Sea between Europe, Asia and Africa. The climate is mild and is said to be one of the healthiest on glob.Este bordered by numerous bays and many islands bordering nelocuite.Plajele, washed by turquoise waters, fine sand, elongated different from the rest of Greece, long history, make this the most desirable island holiday destination.



Anissaras is located 24 km east of Heraklion and 1 km west of Hersonissos. There is neither a village nor a town - a place, a suburban area located in Hersonissos. But the difference between the two is from heaven to earth. Anissaras is usually presented as a luxury location near Hersonissos. It is a favorite resort for two types of tourists: those looking for luxury, or those who seek peace, but I want to be close to a lively place where you can have fun (Hersonissos). There are no bars or nightlife in Anissaras, except those provided by hotels.

Georgioupolis Crete

Georgioupolis Crete

Georgioupolis is a popular vacation resort with a great long beach (it goes for several Km) and an idyllic harbour with little fishing boats at the north coast of the island, between the cities of Chania and Rethymnon (35 km from Chania, 25 km from Rethimnon). A fishing village up to 1990 or so, it was discovered and has been transformed into a popular holiday destination over the past 15 years, without losing its original charm and tranquillity. Old eucalyptus trees and a small river that flows into the sea, create a distinctive and unique ambiance (it is a wildlife refuge).

Aghia Pelagia Crete

Aghia Pelagia Crete

Agia Pelagia is a seaside fishing village built in the center of a picturesque bay amphitheater, is located 23 km north-west of Heraklion, Crete's capital, and distants 25 km from Heraklion airport and 23 from the ferry. Surrounded by mountains and hills of Agia Pelagia is located right in the middle of the island of Crete, with about 9 small sandy beaches ideal for those who prefer more privacy.



Kissamos (Kastelli) is a modern seaside town, 36km east of Chania, with population of 5000 people, whose economy is based mainly on agriculture – with its renowned olive oil and wine- plus tourism, and is still developing.

Heraklion Crete

Heraklion Crete

The town is situated on the north coast of the island, with 130 thousand inhabitants, is the capital but also the commercial, economic and cultural of the island. Today the city is waiting tourists with historical monuments, the ruins of Knossos and Archaeological Museum visit is required. It is recommended also for people wanting to rest and leisure lovers.

Kokkini Chani

Kokkini Chani

Kokkini Hani is located 14 km east of Heraklion. Heading east of Heraklion airport, on the old highway legacy (old road) hugs the coastline and offers spectacular views over the sea, and sometimes rugged coastline Kokkini Hani area became known in the early 1900s when several buildings were constructed, including Hani, who was a kind of inn for people and animals. Farmers transporting their way to market Heraklion olives, raisins and other products, stopped to rest or spend the night together with their horses and donkeys. At the end of the early '60s, when electricity and telephone services have reached this part of Crete, several hotels have been built, and Kokkini Hani began to attract visitors and has become a popular holiday resort Kokkini Hani has developed rapidly in the first row of the restaurants and taverns because of its beautiful beach, with enough different menus to suit all tastes - including local cuisine, fresh seafood, menus in English, Italian, Italian specialties like pizza authentic.

Kato Stalos

Kato Stalos

The coastal settlement Kato Stalos abstains 8 km from Chania. It has been developed at length coastal street and the last years Kato Stalos has developed in a tourist resort area of the northern side of Chania. It is located afterwards of Galatas and it allocates a beautiful and a very clean beach, main characteristic of which is the extensive sandy beach. The beach has been awarded with the Blue Flag of European Union and is distinguished for her very good organisation. In the region function a lot of hotels, rented rooms and apartments, restaurants, beach bars and commercial shops all kinds. In distance of 1,5 kilometre and 150 metres taller, is built the settlement Pano Stalos. It's a small traditional village that combines the natural beauty with the graphic sight. The green hills and the traditional architecture of the houses compose the uniqueness of place. Around the village function hotels and restaurants in which you will taste the Cretan recipes.



Analipsis Hersonissou is a beautiful coastal village of 1000 permanent residents, loca 20 km from Heraklion city and only 5 minutes west of Hersonissos port. In the past, during the period of Turkish Occupation, the region was named "Svourou Metohi" and it was the place of Turkish abode, of whose occupation was stock farming and agriculture. Later, in the "Metoxi", residents of Plateau Lasithimporarily lived which came to the region for agricultural or stock farming work. The name Analipsi was given in the village at 70's by the scenic church of Ascension of Jesus Christ which was completed in 1896.



Although it is located on the southeast coast of Crete, Ierapetra is the southernmost city in Europe. Pleasant sight, even called 'the crossroads of civilizations and aheana Minoan', today still has an air Ierapetra paraginit.La first glance do not you think that the city was once a thriving city, with villas, temples and amphitheatres. Moreover, Ierapetra is a very old town, inhabited since time preminoice which flourished precisely because of trade with North Africa and the Middle East.



Kolympari in Chania, is a small touristy resort of Western Crete and its located about 22 km from Chania town, 30 km from the airport and 26km from Souda port. Kolympari village is located on the main coastal road. Kolympari has few shopping stores, very good restaurants and tavernas, few cafes and all kind of accommodations from luxury quality hotels with excellent services, complexes to simple, family owned rooms for rent to simple rooms! Kolympari does not have a busy nightlife but you can enjoy a peaceful village atmosphere! In KOLYMPARI village you can warm yourself with the Cretan sun and local hospitality.

Chania Agioi Apostoli

Chania Agioi Apostoli

The beach of Agioi Apostoloi is located 3 km west of Chania Town. It is popular among both locals and tourists. Although it tends to get crowded in high seasons, especially during weekends, it is still a bit quieter than other resorts in Chania. Agioi Apostoloi beach is totally sandy and it is not affected by the summer winds. In combination to this, its shallow waters make it advisable for children. There are many accommodation options near the beach. The beach is well-organized. There are sun beds and umbrellas as well as water sports availability. You will also find many taverns with traditional Cretan delicacies and some beach bars. The beach of Agioi Apostoloi can be reached by the regular bus service as well as by taxis and cars.



Panormo is a small, romantic, picturesque, seafront village developed in a lovely small gulf 22 km east from Rethymnon. It still has the air of a fishing, quiet village with a few traditional tavernas and bars and a couple of good sandy beaches in the village.



The village of Fodele is located 28 km west of Iraklion at 60m a.s.l., and has 500 permanent residents. The area of Fodele expands over approximately 24,000,000 sq.m, extending from the northern side of the mountain "Strouboulas" to the northern coast of Crete, at the bay of Fodele. Most of its area is forest covered by bushes. Another 3,000,000 sq.m covers the famous Fodele orange grove. The river Pantomantris and its banks which form a perfect refuge for hundreds of flora and fauna species, cover another 600,000 sq.m. The name "FODELE" probably comes from the name of one of its first settlers, since 1248 it is mentioned three times at the Kalergis- Venetians treaty.

Sisi Crete

Sisi Crete

Sissi is located 40 km from Iraklion and 25 km from Agios Nikolaos, near to all the places you should see but yet quiet and calm. The landscape is well balanced between sea and mountains. The sea is warm and calm and there are small, clean and romantic beaches. There are paths for people who love biking and for those who prefer walking there are the beautiful roads of the village and the wonderful lanscape around Sisi where they can enjoy the contact with nature. The visitor can enjoy the Cretan way of life, as Sisi is small, hospitable and quiet, but full of life.

Chania Kato Daratso

Chania Kato Daratso

Kato Daratso is just 4 miles from Chania town, the interesting capital town of the west of Crete, and 6Km from Chania airport. Daratso and its neighbour Galatas are small villages on the hillside above Kalamaki beach which have expanded down to the coast. Kato Daratso is the part of the village now bordering the sea.



Almyrida is in the Apokoronas area, at the entrance to Souda Bay, about 2 km after Κalyves and 22 km from Chania. Almyrida is a seaside resort extending about 2 kilometres along the coast. The resort itself is quite small and touristy, with many hotels and apartments for rent.

Elounda Beach Crete

Elounda Beach Crete

Elounda is located 10km north of Agios Nikolaos, near the northwest side of the Bay of Mirabello. It is famous for its expensive and luxurious hotels that host celebrities from all over the world. Apart from its glamorous character, Elounda has to offer visitors some of the most beautiful landscapes in Crete. These landscapes are highly dominated by the majestic small beaches of Elounda.



Plakias is located in southern Crete, about 30 minutes' drive or 35 km south of Rethymnon. The houses of Plakias hug a large crescent-shaped bay, with most buildings near the small harbour. Plakias began to expand after 1970; before that, there were no more than 10 houses. Today there are many small hotels in Plakias, apartments and tavernas to meet the needs of the multitude of summer visitors.



Kalyves sometimes spelt as Kalives is one of the best beach resorts in Crete. It is a holiday destination overlooking Souda Bay on the Greek Island of Crete. It is found in the Apokoronos area of Crete which has stunning scenery and abundant flora and fauna.



Sitia or Siteia is a small but charming market town in Lassithi Prefecture, Crete, laid out in a horseshoe shape on the side of a hill in the northeast of the island. Sitia is the seat of Sitia Municipality and one of the most pleasant and attractive towns in Lassithi, retaining its peaceful atmosphere in spite of tourism and development. This is aided by the wonderful landscape of Sitia, with its pretty bay, small harbour and mountain peaks on the horizon south of the town.



Linoperamata (or Ellinoperamata) is a long sandy beach, that is located 8km west of Heraklion, west of Almiros river. This is actually the west part of the 7km long beach starting at Linoperamata and ending at Pancretan Stadium, 1km west of Heraklion.



Stalos is a coastal village at 8 km west of Chania, that lies along the "Old National Road" that runs between Chania and Kissamos. In this part of Crete there are long sandy beaches and so accommodations for tourists have been created here. The part of the village at the beach is called Kato (lower) Stalos and higher up - 1 kilometers away and 150 meters higher - you find the original Stalos, which is the older part of town. This is called Pano (higher) Stalos. In Stalos are many facilities such as supermarkets, tavernes, shops and there is some nightlife. On the beach of Stalos you can rent umbrellas and sunbeds. The beach is quite large so everybody should be able to find a place for himself. From Stalos there are regular bus connections to Chania town (every 15 minutes).

Kalamaki Crete

Kalamaki Crete

Kalamaki is a small seaside village located 65km southwest of Heraklion, between Matala and Kokkinos Pirgos. The beach in front of the village is only a small part (2,5 km) of the vast seafront that stretches along the long Bay of Messara. The beach has blond sand and the sea has a large smooth rock, quite slippery. Large waves that are usually lifted by the northwest winds, combined with the rocky bottom, make it difficult to access the beach. In front of the village, the beach is well organized with umbrellas, sunbeds, taverns, rooms, lifeguard, playground, water sports, etc, but if you want to stay remote you could walk to the east, till Kommos beach, which is mainly preferred by nudists.



Gournes is a tourist resort located 16km east of Heraklion, between Kokkini Hani and Gouves. The area of Gournes is located in a large fertile plain with many vegetable crops and olive groves. Gournes was in the past a separate village but the rapid development of the region has made it one part of the united beachfront, which now starts in Vathianos Kambos and ends after 23 kilometers, in Malia. Gournes are situated on the 3rd kilometer of this front.

Kalo Chorio

Kalo Chorio

Kalo Horio literally means "good village" and we'd have to agree with that! Kalo Horio also spelt as Kalo Chorio is a traditional Cretan village just above the area named Istro on the Gulf of Mirabello on the Greek Island of Crete. Close to Agios Nikolaos in east Crete, Istron Kalo Horio is a very picturesque area. The area of Istro gets the most visitors rather than Kalo Horio itself. This is because Istro is on the coast and has far more holiday accommodation to offer visitors to this area.

Nea Kydonia

Nea Kydonia

Nea Kydonia is a former municipality in the Chania regional unit, Crete, Greece. The seat of the municipality of Nea Kydonia was in the village of Daratsos. Galatas has a popular beach at Kalamaki and a port called Kato Galatas. Agia Marina, Stalos and Daratso are other principal settlements of the municipality, as well as the uninhabited island of Agii Theodori. It was part of the former province of Kydonia.



Located 16 kms west of the town of Chania in Crete, is this small village and this lovely, long beach with sand and pebbles. It is a quieter beach than many of the busy ones nearer to town. This is a continuation of the same long beach which runs from Chania to Kolymbari, a distance of 16 kms. There are many frequent buses that come to this village and beach daily, located here are a few shops, bars and a disco in summer. Off the coast is Thedorou island, which is very close and can be seen in daily walks along the beach, also there are lovely views to the peninsula of Rodopou.



Milatos lies a few kilometers east of Sissi and Malia, about 30 km west of Agios Nikolaos and 45 km east of Heraklion. Here were developed taverns fish dishes, a marina and a small beach. There are other beach areas, but gritty. In ancient times, Milatos (militia) was an important city with different settlements, and was one of the seven cities Cretan who sent troops to fight in Troy. Milatos Village, with its kafeneion-taverns, is a picturesque village, about a kilometer from the coast Milatos. Many Europeans have bought old houses here and they have renovated in the original style. Armed with a camera, a walk through the narrow streets of the village will provide many wonderful memories.

Stavros Crete

Stavros Crete

Stavros A quiet village in Akrotiri Peninsula Stavros is located right on the tip of the peninsula of Akrotiri in a beautiful bay at a distance of 14 km from Chania. It came to light thanks to the famous scenes of the film "Zorbas the Greek"



Adele is a small traditional village just 8km east of the town of Rethymon. The area below the village of Adele is known as Adelianos Kampos which is the flatland area that lies between the sea and the village. Here where you'll find many luxury hotels that line the beach front.

Agia Galini

Agia Galini

Agia Galini, holiday pearl on the South coast of Crete, is a friendly harbour village that can easily be reached by bus, taxi or (rented) car. Approximately one and a half hour from Heraklion and Chania you can find the real Cretan culture, lifestyle and cosiness. Enjoy your stay in different types of accommodation and taste the great variety of taverns, restaurants and bars. Take beautiful walks in the hills or do a sporty bicycle trip and have a refreshing swim in the Azure blue Libyan sea.



Paleochora is located 77 kilometres south of Chania in south-western Crete. The town of Paleochora is built on a long, narrow peninsula that stretches into the Libyan Sea on the south side of Crete, and offers, among other things, a different beach on either side: sandy to the west. pebbly to the east. Paleochora is a place of sparkling appeal with such an abundance of gifts that it’s called the Bride of the Libyan Sea.



Koutouloufari with its narrow paved streets and old Cretan houses attracts those who want to spend their holidays in the busiest tourist area in Crete - which stretches from Heraklion to Agios Nikolaos, offering many beaches, attractions, sights and activities and is near archaeological sites such as Knossos and Malia - but who prefer to stay in a quiet environment with a traditional flavour and a lovely view of the Sea of Crete.



Istro(n) is located 12km east of Agios Nikolaos and 22km north of Ierapetra, very close to Kalo Chorio. It is a quiet village, situated in a lush valley full with olive groves and springs, which has been developed during the last decades. However, the development was fortunately mild, mainly due to the regional building restrictions because of the archaeological discoveries. The main growth driver of Istron is undoubtedly the emerald beaches which are scattered in three adjacent bays.



A safe natural harbour on the Bay of Messara, blessed with a gently sweeping sand and pebble beach, the place in legend where Zeus swam ashore in the guise of a bull with Europa on his back. Many people make this village their base for Cretan holidays, as it is so central on the south coast, and away from the over-development of the north coast. The beach is 250m long and 45m wide. Matala has something for everyone. Although it has become a popular tourist destination it still retains the charm and character of the quiet fishing village it started as at the beginning of the 20th-century, and the laid-back lifestyle of the hippies of the 60’s and 70's lives on. Half the beach is fringed by tamarisk trees, leading the eye on to impressive formations of sandstone rock cliffs with their famous caves sliding into the sea at an odd angle, creating one of the most unusual beachscapes on the island.



Kamilari is located in south Crete, very close to Tymbaki, Mires and the seaside villages of Kalamaki and Matala. Kamilari is 4 km from the Phaistos archaeological site and is the ideal base from which to explore the lovely plain of Messara, with its traditional villages, rich history and, of course, its beautiful bay and beaches on the south coast of Crete.



Sfakaki is one of the lesser known villages along the bay Rethymnon on the Greek island Crete in the Mediterranean Sea. Actually, Sfakaki is not really a genuine village. There is admittedly a small church by the road to Pagalohori, but a real village square does not exist. In the East there is a not too deep gorge with a creek inside which dries out during the summer: That is the border between Sfakaki and the much bigger neighbouring village Stavromenos.

Akrotiri Creta

Akrotiri Creta

Akrotiri is located next to the famous Red Beach in the southeastern part of the island. Akrotiri was originally a Minoan settlement and today is one of the most important tourist attractions and the most important archeological site in Santorini. The prehistoric city was destroyed due to a massive volcanic eruption around 1600 BC. Today, on the picturesque streets, two-story buildings, wonderful frescoes and lots of tools witness the way of life in prehistoric times.



The Bay of Karteros is located at the exit of the homonym Gorge, 7km east of Heraklion and extends to the east for 3-4km. It is named after the Byzantine General, Krateros, who in 824 AC landed on the beach with his ships in order to liberate Crete from the Saracens, but was defeated. On the vast bay, there are two settlements, Karteros and Amnissos. The area has grown so much that the two villages are now united. The main reason for the rapid development of the area is the small distance from Heraklion and the vast beach with the fine golden sand.

Rethymnon Adelianos

Rethymnon Adelianos

Adelianos Kampos (or Kambos) is located 6km east of Rethymnon, near the village of Adele, on a flat plain. The name means “Plain of Adele”. It is actually a seaside suburb of Rethymnon, as the small village has grown so much in the last century, that it is now a part of the city.



Built on the right bank of the river Galanos, the town of Gazi is just 6 km away from the city of Heraklion, close to the electricity central annex energy depot of the Cretan capital. It is the western suburb and shopping mal for the people of Heraklion. No interesting sights to my knowledge. There are a lot of newly build houses for sale in this area which is developping at high speed. Gazi is mostly modern with a wide variety for shops and supermarkets.



The village of Sivas lies 62 km away from Iraklion , on the western slope of Asterousia Mountains at an altitude of 110 m. Its 1000 years history comes to life for the visitor, who has the chance to admire its monuments, and old houses, perfectly preserved through the centuries. That is the reason why Sivas has been characterized by the Ministry of Culture as a traditional and protected village.



Atsipopoulo is a nice suburb of Rethymnon Town, only 5 km from the centre. Located close to the borders of Rethymnon and Chania, the lovely village offers a unique old atmosphere from the Venetian times. Houses in Atsipopoulo were constructed in close distance so as to form a fortification wall. This way the inhabitants were protected by pirates and other enemies. This traditional architecture is preserved till today as most houses were renovated. Visitors are amazed by the many churches of Atsipopoulo, the picturesque arched paths and the stone houses. Some of these houses have been turned into villas and hotels. Atsipopoulo is not so developed but due to the close proximity to Rethymno Town, visitors will have access to many services and amenities as well as some nice beaches with crystalline waters. The closest beach to Atsipopoulo is at a distance of 4 km, while only 10 km away there is the large beach of Episkopi.



Alikambos is found in the province of Apokoronas. Today the village belongs to the municipality of Kryonerida of the prefecture of Chania. The village Alikambos is located at the foot of the White Mountains, on the road leading to Sfakia on the south coast. It is 40 kilometers from Chania and 28 kilometers from the city of Rethymno. Alikambos is a short drive from the golden sands of Giorgiopolis and within hiking distance of Lake Kournas. Alikambos has a quiet rural environment against the backdrop of the White Mountains. With its Byzantine church, two cafeneions and a mini-market, this traditional Cretan village close to Vrisses, with its good choice of tavernas, and shops, and Giorgiopolis make it a romantic choice for nature lovers and sun seekers alike.

Chania Cryssi Akti

Chania Cryssi Akti

Golden Beach or Chrissi Akti (in Greek) is the easternmost of the four sandy beaches in Agii Apostoli, just west of the limits of the city of Chania, Crete. The Golden Beach as well as the four beaches of Agii Apostoli, is popular with those who are on holidays and stay in Agii Apostoli area, and also to the residents of the city of Chania, because it is very close to Chania and at the same time because it is hardly affected by the northern winds of Crete, due to the peninsula protecting it to its north side.



The pretty mountain village of Zaros in Heraklion, Crete, famed for its spring water, derives its name from two ancient Greek words "Za" and "Rous" meaning "much water flow'. Zaros lies on the southern slopes of the Idi mountain range in central Crete with Mount Psiloritis as the highest mountain in Crete dominating the landscape.



Vamos village is in the center Apokoronas. It is a semi-mountainous village, in 200 meters altimeter above sea level, surrounded by cultivated and wild nature, with 800 inhabitants and very good customer services. There are super markets, bakery, grocery stores, a county court, post-office, bank, telephone company, police station, health centre and two petrol stations. The architectural heritage is well-preserved and Vamos is one of the most attractive traditional destinations of the area.

Perama Crete

Perama Crete

Perama located about 25km east of Rethymno, with a population of around 1,650 people, Perama is one of the most important provincial centres of the prefecture. It is a significant commercial centre but, in recent years, has developed into a considerable tourist centre as well. Its port is the Port of Panormos.

Plaka Creta

Plaka Creta

Plaka is a village located in the Apokoronas region of the northwest coast of the island of Crete, Greece. It is located in Chania regional unit. Plaka is two kilometres from Almirida, a resort which it overlooks. Situated high up the hill there are wonderful views over the Mediterranean Sea.

Loutro Sfakia

Loutro Sfakia

Loutro is a seaside resort on the south coast of Chania Prefecture (south-western Crete, Sfakia area). It is only a few kilometres from Hora Sfakion, lying in the embrace of a cliff which towers 600 metres above the village. Loutro is a unique spot in Crete for many reasons: - its white buildings with blue windows are reminiscent of the Cyclades and are unique in Crete. - there is no road to Loutro. You can only go there by scheduled boat service (20 minutes from Sfakia) or on foot. - there is no road in Loutro itself, no cars and no motorbikes. Actually, there is one car, which is used to transfer supplies from the boat to a hotel. - all the houses are just a few metres from the water’s edge. - the sea is always calm and meltemia (northeasterlies) are unknown in Loutro



AROLITHOS is the unique traditional private Cretan village. It lies just 11 kilometers away from Heraklion, along the old national road connecting Heraklion with Rethymnon. Built on the slope of a mountain, in the wild Cretan landscape, the village is a feast for the eyes, evoking memories from the past of older generations as for their way of living while revealing the simplicity and beauty of old times to younger generations. AROLITHOS is a family - run business. It was implemented with great passion and love for Cretan tradition. Its goal is to bring Cretan tradition, the customs and habits of the region, the architecture and the values of Cretan people into relief, through a project that will stay alive for a long time to come.

Cities in Lefkada Island region



Vassiliki is a picturesque fishing village located 40 km southwest of Lefkada Town. It lies around the beautiful bay, a long pebbled beach famous for its perfect windsurfing and sailing conditions. Water sports facilities and windsurfing clubs renting material are available on the beach. In the surrounding area one will find a wide range of accommodations, camping sites, taverns, shops, cafes and modern bars. The beach also has some hotels that offer facilities for windsurfers and their material.



The village of Nikiana is situated about 10 km south of the town of Lefkafa, on the eastern coast of the island. There is choice of hotels and studios to rent. It has a small harbour and the location is very good if you plan to explore the island. The beach is sandy mixed with pebbles. There are a few cafes, taverns and supermarkets.

Agios Nikitas

Agios Nikitas

Agios Nikitas is a small fishing village located 13 km southwest of Lefkada Town and very close to Kathisma beach. The picturesque beach that lies in front of the settlement consists of sand and brilliant crystal clear waters. It is really small but equally beautiful to the other beaches of the island as it uniquely combines a refreshing swim and a delicious meal in one of the best fish taverns nearby. It is quite popular among tourists for the great facilities and the relaxing atmosphere.



Nidri is the most popular tourist resort in Lefkada located at a distance of 17 km south of the main town. Today the village has a population of 800 inhabitants most of whom are engaged in tourism and fishing. The lovely settlement that lies around the natural bay has the best tourist infrastructure including a plethora of modern amenities like taverns, restaurants and various accommodations to choose from. Surrounded by a vast green area with trees and lush vegetation, Nidri is a great choice for fun-filled holidays, especially for the families. The main street behind the bay runs full of cafes, bars and tourist shops.

Ligia Lefkada

Ligia Lefkada

The lovely coastal village of Ligia is found only 6 km southwest of Lefkada town. In front of the charming village that counts on 750 inhabitants is the main road that leads to Nydri. Ligia is popular with fishing enthusiasts and it is a much preferred destination for the families. Beautiful house gardens with pink and purple flowers adorn this small settlement and create a unique atmosphere that attracts many visitors. The main beach is quite charming with calm crystalline waters and a nice area for the children to play in the soft sand. The picturesque fishing port is filled with many boats and closeby you will find a selection of taverns that serve the best seafood dishes. The village is nice for a short stay or a daily excursion from the centre of the island.

Lefkada All Locations

Lefkada All Locations

Lefkada is the fourth biggest island in the Ionian Sea and is very close to the mainland, so close that it is assumed that the island used to be attached to the mainland in the past.

Aghios Ioannis Lefkada

Aghios Ioannis Lefkada

Agios Ioannis beach is the closest beach to Lefkada Town separated only by a couple of kilometres. The long beach stretches for many metres and it is surrounded by golden sand and blue green waters. The area boasts an exotic landscape which attracts thousands of visitors. It is well-organized with sunbeds and umbrellas facing the wonderful sea. Agios Ioannis is home to some old windmills that create a charming atmosphere. The beach here is usually windy thus the ideal destination for windsurfing after Vassiliki. It attracts many skilled windsurfers. Some cafes and water sports centers board the beach of Agios Ioannis. At the left side of the beach you will find the Church of Agios Ioannis Antzousis. A tiny whitewashed church with interesting icons.



The little village of Perigiali is located about 16 kilometres away from the capital of Lefkada, Lefkada Town. Nearby the village stands the famous Red Church which was built in 1478 and transformed into a hiding place for the guns of the Revolution in 1821. The area surrounding Perigiali is full of idyllic coves and beaches with crystal-clear waters. Accommodations can be found in the village and its area.



Kathisma is arguably one of the most beautiful beaches of Lefkada located 15 km southeast of the main town, close to the village of Agios Nikitas. One of the longest beaches of Lefkada with fine white sand and sparkling waters of amazing turquoise color. The beach is surrounded by an idyllic mountain backdrop which offers a feeling of total isolation, despite the major tourist activity. It is a much preferred destination among young crowds. Here you can enjoy a refreshing swim and relaxing sunbathing. Kathisma is also an ideal destination for several water sports, and especially sky parachute. Plenty of sun beds and umbrellas cover the huge area and various accommodations are found closeby.

Poros Lefkada

Poros Lefkada

Poros is a beautiful traditional village located 25 km south of Lefkada Town. The settlement stands on the verdant slopes of a hill that descent into the blue sea. It is built amphitheatrically and has a population of about 300 inhabitants. The village consists of elegant two-storey houses with tile roofs between the narrow alleys. Poros is small but it displays a couple of remarkable churches, like the church of Analipsi which hosts some fine frescoes and icons from the 17th century, and the church of the Virgin. The old olive press and the remains of a 4th century castle are also an interesting part of the sightseeing in Poros village. Poros receives many visitors during the summer either for a short stay or long term holidays. Only 4 km from the village is the magnificent bay of Mikros Gialos, a small picturesque settlement where fishing boats moor. Close to the village you will find several pristine beaches and attractive coves.



Tsoulakades is a pretty mountainous village located 6 km west of Lefkada Town. The area is a fine example of traditional architecture with lovely stone built houses and tiled roofs with special details. Around the village you will also notice some nice hotels in case you want to spend the night here.



Episkopos is a small village located between Ligia and Nikiana, on the east coast of Lefkada Island. Along the village there are small beaches with pebbles. Hotels, restaurants, taverns and bars are located right on the beach. The clear water with pine trees and olive trees that reach the sea and the tranquility that surrounds you are some of the reasons why you can spend unforgettable moments here. Near the beach there are camping grounds and a center for renting tents.



The island of Meganisi is located just between Lefkada and the western mainland coasts of Greece. This is an island with few population and limited tourist development. Some beaches can be reached on foot and others are accessible only by boat, but they all have amazing water. Vathy is the most picturesque village of Meganisi island and its port receives many private yachts in summer. Stroll along the beach promenade and enjoy a meal in the many fish taverns of Vathy. Agios Ioannis, Fanari, Spilia and Barbarezou are the most frequented beaches, without losing their virgin nature. Meganisi Greece can be visited for holidays or as a day trip from Lefkada.



Geni is a small fishing village in the bay, south of Nidri. It is located in a closed bay, surrounded by beautiful green mountains. In the summer hundreds of yachts, fishing boats and sailboats moor here. Geni lies opposite to Nidri, on a green peninsula. Another village here is Vlicho. On the other side of the peninsula lies the island of Skorpios and a little further south, the island Meganisi. On the most northern tip of the peninsula of Geni, stands the church of Agia Kyriaki. Every year on July 7 there is a big festival held here. The church is right opposite of Nidri , on that day, dozens of boats sail from Nidri to bring believers to Agia Kyriaki. Geni itself is quiet and small where less than 100 permanent residents live. However, it lies in a fantastic area where many sailing boats moor. There are no beaches here nevertheless, it is an idyllic area for a great vacation.



A place for peaceful and relaxing holidays in close proximity to the cosmopolitan Lefkada is Palairos. It is exactly opposite of Lefkas and just 28 kilometers from the island. Combines mountain and sea and has beautiful sandy beaches with clear and shallow waters. Here you will taste the traditional Greek cuisine at various taverns and restaurants and enjoy a drink at one of the bars in the city.

Mikros Gialos

Mikros Gialos

The beach of Poros Mikros Gialos is one of the most beautiful beaches of the island of Lefkada, located 30 km south of the capital, nearby the village of Poros. The long sandy beach is boarded with crystal waters and has sun beds, umbrellas, taverns and snack bars.



Karia is a beautiful mountainous village built at 500 metres altitude above the sea within a lush green area. It is located 13 km southwest of the centre of Lefkada and counts on 1000 inhabitants. The area is full of lush vegetation and natural springs. The village is built according to the traditional architecture. Between the narrow alleys old houses and a couple of small churches are found. The picturesque square is surrounded by old plane trees and lovely cafes and is known as the locals spot. This village is famous for its fine embroidery work reproducing the traditional motifs. Examples of this work are exhibited in the small Folklore Museum of the village. A lovely custom is revived by the inhabitants of Karia and every 11th of August a representation of a traditional wedding takes place in the village.



Athani is located 34 km north east of Lefkada Town. It is a lovely mountainous village and has a population of 200 inhabitants most of whom are engaged in agriculture and tourism. The first people who settled down in Athani were Italians while in the late 15th century, the village received some Spanish speaking Jews. In the 1950s and 1960s, many residents immigrated to other countries and Greek cities, in search of better working conditions. Today the village has a well-developed tourist infrastructure receiving a great number of visitors every year.



Exanthiа is a traditionаl and quiet villagе nestled in thе mоuntаin slοpes of Lefκada island. Through the villagе pаsses оne οf thе island main roаds that gоes frοm Lefκadа Тοwn to Vasiliкi viа Asprogerаkata and Drimonas. The sеttlement was еstаblished in Byzantine timеs and is one оf the οldеst on the islаnd. In and аround the villagе there arе оld churсhes thаt can be sеen. The housеs are stоne built, in trаditiοnal stylе with one оr twο stories and аdоrnеd with light brοwnish tiles. In Exanthiа therе are a few tаvеrnas, and а dozen villas and hоlidаy hοmes which offеr the perfесt escape frоm thе crοwds and busу сity life. Some оf lοdgings and tаvеrnas boast exceptiоnаl viеw tο the Ionian sea аnd thе speсtacular sunset.



Spanochоri is а tiny village in thе Sfakiοtes сommunitу, Lefkadа island. It was one оf thе villаges creatеd by Cretan settlеrs аrοund 16th сenturу. Spanochоri is built mοstly аround twо rοads and is seаmlеsslу linked with Lazаrata village. The housеs are оld, οf stone blоcks, with wοodеn windоw сοvers аnd uniform yellоwish tilеs. The lifе in Spanochоri seems likе stοpped, none is in а hurry and еverуоne еnjοys the day to dау aсtivities. In and аround the villagе there arе а few villas fоr rent which arе perfeсt fοr rеlаxing holiday in calm аnd peaceful atmоsphеre. Some оf thеse villas οffer stunning viеws towаrds the Lefκаda Tοwn аnd Ionian Sea, whеre оthers huddlе betweеn the treеs аway frοm human eуes.

Cities in Zakinthos region



Pe coasta de sud a insulei, în Golful Laganas, la 9 km sud-vest de Zakynthos, Laganas este cel mai mare, mai animat și mai popular resort din insula Zakynthos (Zante). Popularitatea lui este dată de viața de noapte intensă cât și de plaja lungă de 5 km. Stațiunea este recomandată tinerilor și doritorilor de distracție de toate vârstele, petrecerile aici întinzându-se de regulă până în zori, în fiecare noapte.Golful Laganas are una dintre cele mai frumoase plaje din insulă. Situată la aproximativ 200 m de centrul resortului, plaja are o lungime de peste 5 km. Este cu nisip pe întreaga lungime, destul de îngustă, dar bine amenajată, cu șezlonguri și umbrele disponibile pentru închiriere. Intrarea în apă este lină, iar sporturile nautice sunt restricționate în zonă deoarece este parte din parcul maritim național, anumite zone ale golfului fiind folosite de broaștele țestoase Caretta - Caretta pentru a-și depune ouăle. În stațiune există o multitudine de restaurante și taverne ce oferă toate tipurile de preparate atât tradiționale cât și internaționale. Fie că este vorba de preparate complicate și pretențioase din restaurante sau de snacksuri sau burgeri serviți cu rapiditate, toate se găsesc în Laganas. Laganas este locul unde trebuie să te afli în Zakynthos dacă ești în căutare de distracție. Zona este binecunoscută pentru varietatea de cluburi și baruri ce crează o atmosferă de petrecere până dimineața, în întreaga stațiune. În timpul zilei, dacă cineva dorește să se despartă de plaja animată poate merge la cumpărături sau la masă în unul din numeroasele restaurante din zonă. La lăsarea serii cu siguranță oricine va fi prins în atmosfera de petrecere și foarte probabil ca dimineața să îi prindă încă dansând.  În Laganas veți găsi numeroase magazine de suveniruri, ceramică, haine, bijuterii, pielărie cât și supermarketuri. 



Vassilikos is located south-east of the island, an area with lots of greenery and beautiful beaches. In Vassilikos is one of the most popular beaches on the island, Aghios Nikolas beach is a sandy beach with crystal clear water, and adequate for proper children. You will spend an unforgettable day on the beach, have fun as parts many sports.



Argassi is situated on the east coast of Zakynthos just 4 km from the capital, Zakynthos Town. Was Argassi Zakynthos Town neighborhood, but now has developed into a resort in its own right and is one of the most popular for tourists on the island. The resort is a beautiful village near the sea, built in a green plain at the foot of Skopje and is said to be the oldest on the island. The center revolves around the main road passing through the resort and is flanked on both sides by a wide variety of shops, bars, restaurants and supermarkets making it very easy to find everything you need. The beach is a narrow strip extending over 1 km along the coast, and many hotels are built near the coast.



On the northeast coast of the island, known as Alykon Bay, about 20 km north of Zakynthos Alykes is famous for its salt lakes and magical atmosphere, friendly, full of familiarity and hospitality the locals along with tourists fail to create. Alykes resort is quite small compared with the island, perfect for a relaxing, peaceful for tourists of all ages, both families and couples or groups of friends. Constant winds in this area have made Alykes is a very popular destination for water sports practitioners. Many restaurants, taverns and bars are located along the beach allowing their customers to admire the beach, clear water of the Ionian Sea and the neighboring island of Kefalonia.

Zakynthos Zante All Locations

Zakynthos Zante All Locations

About Zakynthos Island says he was preferred by Artemis and Apollo for its idyllic scenery, the beautiful sandy beaches, shallow waters, clear and blue, the sea caves, magical sunsets and gentle climate. And you'll love the Zakynthos for the same reasons, but for songs calm, welcoming environment, relaxed atmosphere and culture here.



Tsilivi is located on the northeastern coast of the island, 9 km from the airport and 6 km from the capital of Zakynthos. Friendly atmosphere, natural beauty of the area and the possibilities for fun make Tsilivi resort perfect for travelers of all ages, families, couples and groups of friends. The sandy beach descends smoothly into the water, therefore is a perfect location for children and înnotătorii not very experienced. In Tsilivi are numerous tavernas, restaurants and bars that fulfill all tastes. Many of these are family businesses and service very friendly and hospitable atmosphere. Nightlife in Tsilivi is highly appreciated, as a more sophisticated alternative to the bustle of Laganas.

Zante Town

Zante Town

Zakynthos Town is located on the middle of the Eastern coast of Zakynthos, just five kilometres from the popular resort of Tsilivi. The architecture and style of Zante Town has been influenced in part by the Venetians, the French and the English who have all, at some time in history, occupied Zakynthos. Subsequently, the main town of Zakynthos has a very Venetian feel, but with some typical Greek Island sites added into the mix. The quaint harbour, beautiful Orthodox churches, buzzing shopping streets, and fantastic cafe bars all make this an ideal Greek island town – don’t miss visiting here while you stay in Zante.

Kalamaki Zth

Kalamaki Zth

Kalamaki este situată în partea de sud-est a insulei, pe coastă, la 4 km nord-est de Laganas și 6 km sud de capitala insulei, Zakynthos (Zante) Town. Este cea mai apropiată de aeroport, doar 1 km. Nici un zbor nu se efectuează pe aeroport în timpul nopții, ca măsură de protecție a rezervației marine naturale și a broaștelor țestoase Caretta-Caretta. Kalamaki este o stațiune tipic grecească, întinsă pe o arie destul de mare care nu este încă exploatată la maximum de potențial. Din acest motiv, Kalamaki este o stațiune cu o atmosferă relaxantă, de libertate, recomandată familiilor. Puncte de atracție în Kalamaki: Bisericile Aghios Alypios și Aghia Kyriaki; rezervația naturală a țestoaselor Caretta-Caretta. Plaja din Kalamaki este lungă și lată, o extensie a plajei Laganas (despărțită de aceasta printr-o pădure de pini) și păstrează aceleași calități: nisip fin și apa extrem de limpede. Intrarea în apă este lină, fiind potrivită pentru toate tipurile de înotători. Zona de coasta în partea de est și sud de Kalamaki până la plajele Secania și Dafni, cât și Insula Pelouso sunt zone de reproducere a broaștelor țestoase Caretta-Caretta. Plajele se află în zona protejată a parcului acvatic al țestoaselor de aceea campingul sau șederea pe plajă în timpul nopții sunt interzise, zgomotul și luminile având efecte negative asupra țestoaselor. De asemenea, majoritatea sporturile nautice sunt interzise. În Kalamaki se află câteva dintre cele mai bune taverne grecești din întreaga insulă. De preferat să încercați peștele proaspăt, fructele de mare și preparatele tradiționale grecești pentru calitatea acestora.



Located 18 km north of Zante, in the quieter part of the island of Zakynthos, Alykanas has kept the quiet, traditional atmosphere, while having modern attractions. This area owes its name to the salt lakes (called "Alykes" in Greek) that can be found here, being used in the past to supply salt to the entire island of Zakynthos. On the way from Zante Town you will reach Alykanas resort, a small and traditional seaside village, surrounded by farms and fertile fields, with olive groves and vineyards. Some scientists believe that the ancient city of Arcadia was located here due to the discovery of excavated Mycenaean ships. Alykanas is a place of great archaeological interest.



Tragaki is a beautiful picturesque village in mountainous and seaside land with 650 inhabitants, just 11 kilometres northwest of Zakynthos town. Tragaki is a village full of green in olive-groves, vineyards and fruiter trees as far as eye can reach. Hotels, furnished apartments, rooms and villas are waiting there for you. Also, a well-organised camping, with a lot of facilities and good prices, gives you the chance to "draw your holidays from nature"! Tragaki, next to Tsilivi bay (at a distance of about 7 km from Zakynthos town), offers a great selection of sandy beaches, like Bouka, Katragaki, Gaidaros and Amboula.

Agios Sostis Zakynthos

Agios Sostis Zakynthos

Agios Sostis is a rather small and picturesque beach located 11km southeast of Zakynthos Town. The tiny island of Agios Sostis offers a spectacular beauty due to its unusual rock formations, the small caves and the pine trees.

Agios Kirykos

Agios Kirykos

Agios Kirykos is a city and encourages the municipality of Ikaria Island, North Aegean, Greece. Agios Kirikos is located on the south-east coast of the island and is favored to watch over three hundred years of local sailors.



Just 2 km from the town of Zakynthos, at the top of the hill is the town of Bochali. Overlooking the harbor, neighborhoods and streets below (as well as Argasi on the right), you can admire the wonderful views of Zakynthos Island, the sea and beyond.



The village of Kampi is very pretty and traditional. It is located 30 km north of Zakynthos Town and it has only 60 inhabitants who are engaged in agriculture and farming. The village is quite famous for its breathtaking sunset views. The best ones are guaranteed if you stand on top of the hill. The village has some nice guestrooms and cafes. A couple of km outside Kambi village is Exo Hora.



Kypseli is a quiet traditional village located on the east coast of Zakynthos Island. Green olive groves everywhere and the blue sea create a beautiful effect. Enjoy leisurely walks around the village or take a short stroll to the beach for some sunbathing, swimming or snorkelling. A supermarket, bakery, greengrocer and butcher are all within 400 metres of the villas so you don't have far to go for your provisions! Two of the best fish tavernas on the island, a couple of restaurants, three grill houses and a beach side bar are all also within easy walking distance of the villas offering you relaxed, informal choices for your evening's entertainment!

Limni Keriou

Limni Keriou

Keri is a small and quiet resort situated on a wonderful bay with golden sand and turquoise shimmering waters, and can be found in the southern part of Zakynthos. A couple of taverns and cafe-bars are scattered along the bay from which one can enjoy an amazing view over the islet of Marathonisi. The small picturesque port of Keri offers organized boat tours to the fantastic Blue Caves.

Agios Nikolaos Zakynthos

Agios Nikolaos Zakynthos

Agios Nikolaos is a popular beach in the southeast of Zakynthos Island, located in the Vassilikos area. It owes its name to the chapel of St. Nicholas which is located on a nearby hill.



Gerakas is located in the southern part of Zakynthos Island and is certainly one of the most beautiful beaches in the area. The beach is a large strip of velvety sand, under the protection of the Zakynthos Island National Maritime Park. It is one of the favorite places of Caretta-Caretta turtles for laying eggs.

Cities in Corfu island region



The traditional village is sittuated at 20 km south from Corfu Town. Here it can be found specific tavernas, but also elegant restaurants and shops.



Once a quiet fishing village, Roda has become a favourite holiday resort with families who delight in the long sandy beach and safe shallow water. Roda is on a fertile plain at the base of olive-clad hills & surrounded by the verdant hills and valleys of Pantokratoras, Corfu’s highest peak. The area is blessed with a perfect climate, with long hot summer days tempered by cooling breezes from the sea. Being a resort for all ages, Roda’s streets and waterfront are far more likely to be thronged with families enjoying themselves than late night revellers.

Corfu Kerkyra All Locations

Corfu Kerkyra All Locations

Corfu Island is part of the Ionian Islands and is situated in the northern group, into the Adriatic Sea, to Albania. Without a doubt, one can say that Corfu is a multicultural island whose identity is rooted in a mythical past events swirling historic castles archaeological position placed in strategic points, along the island, you also think a troubled past of battles a small but brave nation, a people who defended the identity of those who wanted to kidnap him.



Paleokastritsa has long been considered one of the most beautiful villages in Corfu isle and is a renowned greek beauty spot. Paleokastritsa is chiefly memorable for the excepcional scenery along with all the superb beaches. While staying in Paleokastritsa holiday resort you can swim & relax at 6six different secluded sandy and fine pebble beaches enclosed by tall cliffs, wooded headlands, olive groves, orange, lemon and cypress trees and lush hilly countryside. Paleokastritsa is situated 16miles north-west of Corfu attractive capital, Kerkyra.



Acharavi is situated on the north coast of Corfu, near Kassiopi and Sidari, a lush area of 40 km from the nearest airport in Corfu, a journey through the mountain scenery and traditional Greek villages. It is a pleasant combination of beach, hills and mountains. Pantokrator, the highest mountain you can see the whole island is about 10km away. This is not just a resort, is the main town on the north side of the island and many locals visit Acharavi on a regular basis, as there is a post office, banks, doctors and all facilităţilede where you can enjoy a a modern city.



Gouvia located in a natural lagoon, 6 miles north east coast of Corfu. Gouvia is a fully developed tourist resort, aimed at young people or those who feel promising days relaxing on the beach, fun and unforgettable nights in one of the many restaurants, bars and nightclubs. Stores located on the two main roads along the Gouvia resort offers everything you need during the holidays. Gouvia is home to Corfu's main marina and has a strong seafaring history going back to its days as a Venetian naval base. Gouvia remains popular with the island's rich and famous boat owners.



Ipsos resort is located only 15 minutes away from Corfu in a small bay, protected from the raging waters and where there is a small port. Ipsos is one of the liveliest resorts in Corfu, which stretches over a kilometer from the beach. Ipsos natural curves of the bay provides a scenic view along the coast from Corfu Town and the green hills and mountains of the interior of mainland Greece and Albania. Visitors to this location are mainly British fans after the entertainment and nightlife. Beach this resort is holding the EU's international standards synonymous with "blue flag", the highest distinction granted a degree of fineness sand beaches and bathing water quality.

Dassia Bay

Dassia Bay

The village town ,13 km away from Corfu, has an active life in a beautiful surrounding next to the coast of Albany. A beautiful sandy beach host various water sports. Recommended for active people, due to the presence of numerous discoes, tavernas, bars and restaurants.



Kanoni Peninsula is a coastal area about an hour's walk south of Corfu town, overlooking Corfu International Airport. The airport has a large flow of air traffic, therefore a lot of shots of things flying. Kanoni also has two small islands near the coast. Vlacherna with a small white monastery, which is an iconic landmark and is reached by a causeway. Pontikonisi Island which is easily reached, being located on, and is also a small chapel church. Pontikonisi is known as Mouse Island, because the stairs leading to the summit looks like a church mouse tail.



Two fishing villages in northern Corfu, united by a beach, turned in the last 30 years into one of the most popular Greek resorts. Sidari Corfu is defined by spectacular scenery and is bordered by cliffs eroded, with tunnels and caves in each step. Although there is a long way up over 1,000 kilometers, the place is worth visiting, if not sight, the nightlife. The resort is a seething after dark.



Emerald waters and green hills as the eye can see at the foot Pantokratrului with this boast Nissaki on the north-east of the island. Nissaki is another place on the island of Corfu where you can feel like in paradise. Small and quiet, the village is, every year, the host family for foreigners who come to enjoy the natural beauty of the island.

St. Spyridon

St. Spyridon

Agios Spyridon has two beautiful bays overlooking the dramatic hills of Albania. As soon as you reach the bay at the bottom of the road the turquoise of the sea stuns you, this is truly a stunning bay with the flatness of the beach offset by the ruggedness of the rocks either side of the two beaches.



Pelekas is located 12 kilometers from the capital island, situated in the south-west of the island, at an altitude of 270 meters and is famous for its magnificent sunsets. Pelekas village is offering something for everyone. Whether you're looking for sandy beaches and tavernas fringed by olive groves, water sports and night life, food and drink traditional, expensive or cheap vacation vacation you'll always find a warm welcome. Pelekas in the last 30 years, was a favorite destination for independent travelers who do not seek a stay organized and have returned year after year in Corfu.

Aghios Ioannis Corfu

Aghios Ioannis Corfu

The sandy beach of Aghios Ioannis Peristeron is situated at the eastern coast of the island, 18 kilometers far from the town of Corfu at the South and 2 kilometers northern to Moraitika. Well organised, the beach offers full facilities for accommodation, food, drink and swimming in a cosmopolitan environment.



The town is 22 km away from Corfu, in a pitoresque olive trees landscape, with sand &pebble beaches, shops and restaurants and a nice lake, Korission (25 km ). An ideal place for relaxing, recommended for families with children.



Perama beach is located on the idyllic east coast of Corfu, 9 km from the main town. It is surrounded by undulating hills that stand like a sentinel on the far horizon.



Kavos resort in Corfu is ideal for young people and for those who want to enjoy an active nightlife. This resort is not intended Individuals who want to enjoy quiet beauty of nature. Kavos is located 47 km south of Corfu, and the road can be traveled by car or one of the buses that make this route daily.



Barbati beautiful village is located 17 km north of Corfu town, in a sensational golf was formed naturally. The beach in this town is known for its beauty and cleanliness.



Kassiopi Corfu (pearl coast northeast) is the largest settlement in the north-east of Corfu (1,200 inhabitants), located at the foot of Mount Pantokrator. Place a small fishing village, opposite the coast of Albania, has become one of the most visited on the coast of Corfu. Kassiopi has a small harbor where fishing boats leave every morning at sea. The resort is full of life and is particularly suitable for tourists who want to have fun.



Kontokali is a relatively quiet residential village with a decent selection of shops, tavernas and bars, on the east coast of Corfu, just 4 miles north-west of the fascinating Venetian capital, Corfu Town and the airport.

Agios Gordios

Agios Gordios

In the central part of Corfu, Agios Gordios (also called Agios Gorda or Ghordis) states that a beach resort and an increasingly popular, only 45 minutes west of Corfu town, a distance easily traveled by the famous Green buses to go even seven times a day - high season - from Corfu town to the west of the island.



Cattolica is a town and comune in the Province of Rimini, Italy, with 16,233 (2007) inhabitants.



Gastouri village is also known as Aсhillеiο, because the famous Асhillеiоn Palace is only 500 meters away from the entrance to the village.

Agios Petros Lefkimmi

Agios Petros Lefkimmi

Agios Petros is located in the south of Corfu Island and is the perfect choice for family and free lines. Also, the location can stay close to the searchers and therefore a nightlife step in the area. Lefkimmi is a beautiful, traditional village in Corfu. If you can use picturesque, called "Potami", you can enjoy coffee or a glass of ouzo, or typical Greek drink. Agios Petros is close to Gardenos, Marathi and Issos beaches made of fine sand.



Liapades is a traditional Greek village perched on green hills and high Paleokastritsa region, one of the most beautiful in Corfu. Liapades kept Ionian architectural elements and captures the novel, is set over the bay of the same name, at the end of Ropa Valley and has 15 small beaches, wildlife and hidden.

Kommeno Corfu

Kommeno Corfu

Kommeno is located in the northern part of the bay of Gouvia and is 10 kilometers away from the city of Corfu Town. It is a high level tourist resort with beautiful villas in a verdant environment. At the edge of the cape stands the Ipapandi chapel, ideal for weddings and christenings.



Ermones is a small coastal tourist resort in a lush green environment. It is situated at a distance of 18 kilometers west of Corfu town and has more than 50 permanent residents. There we find most of the sights in the area, in addition to fascinating green covering the slopes above the sea and reaching the small bays

Glyfada Corfu

Glyfada Corfu

If you are looking for a stunning sandy beach - probably the most beautiful island - then Glyfada should be on your list. There are several bars and taverns around the beach, and hotels and some apartments

Alykes Potamou

Alykes Potamou

A fully organized beach , at a short distance from Corfu town, with shallow, warm water, a nicely preserved public park for relaxation and playing and a wonderful shop with Cofriot tastes . It is the ideal place for children.



Kalami Corfu is considered to be one of the most tranquil beauty spots in Corfu. It is a horseshoe-shaped bay, with a rare beauty of the Greek uniqueness of nature. The amphitheatric greenery accompanied with the Ionian Sea and the hillside villages around Kalami Corfu are a perfect combination for an idyllic and relaxing environment.



Boukari is a little village on the east coast near Lefkimmi. The village is a really traditional fisherman's places and is rather calm (therefor I like it). There is a little harbour with fishing boats and near the sea you can find a nice fish taverna. Boukari has a small quiet beach. Everybody who is looking for a relaxing day out will enjoy it.



Pirgi Corfu is a small fish village in the north-eastern coast of Corfu, in close proximity to Ipsos Corfu. This small settlement that counts only 80 permanent residents has developed in a busy seasonal resort in the past decades, mostly due to the popularity of its neighboring resort, Ipsos. Do not miss the opportunity to visit this quaint little village, walk through its narrow streets and discover its unique charm!



Velonades is a village in the northwest of Corfu, 31 kilometres from Corfu Town. It is located in verdant surroundings, near several lovely beaches, among them Peroulades, Saint George and Sidari.



Argirades is a big inland village on the way to Lefkimi; it is situated at a distance of 32 kilometers far from the town of Corfu at the Southeast, within an area of breathtaking beauty with luxurious green. It counts some 2000 permanent residents.



The charming village of Petriti is idyllically located on the eastern coast of Corfu. Close to Petriti are the villages of Lefkimni and Boukari, both very tourist friendly. In the ancient times this village was popularly referred to as Egrypos. The word Egrypos is derived from the Greek word Evrous that literally means a good river. Today, Petriti village is sparsely populated with just 700 permanent residents most of whom are engaged in fishing.



In the northwestern part of Corfu, 40km from the city we meet the village of Karousades. It is a graphic village on the road to Roda that distinguishes for its traditional architecture. It is built in a beautiful location. It is worth visiting and walk through the graphic paths of Karousades village. It has 1300 inhabitants, was established in 20 BC.. During the Byzantine period, Karousades was a command post with a well developed economy. Today is a popular village with Bars, restaurants,shops,supermarkets, school and Polis station. Only 5minutes drive from seaside of Sidari.

Aghios Stefanos Corfu

Aghios Stefanos Corfu

Agios Stefanos is located on the north-west of Corfu, 45 km from the capital. It is a suburb Attica, Greece, about 23 km north of Athens and the growing popularity of this place brings increasingly more visitors each year. A small fishing village of Agios Stefanos is filled with authentic Greek background surrounded by rugged hills waiting to be explored.



Peroulades is a small old village in the northwestern part of Corfu. It is famous for its beach called Sunset Beach or Longas (Logas) Beach.



Marathias is a beautiful coastal resort in the southwest coast of Corfu. The beach is highly recommended by the locals for its crystal waters and the golden sand.

Kato Korakiana

Kato Korakiana

Kato Korakiana or Katomeri village (meaning the lower place) is situated on the North East coast about 13 km from Corfu Town and around a 15 minutes drive by car. It is set off the main road and slightly away from the sea but near to the resorts of Dassia, Ipsos and Kommeno and set in the shadow of Mount Pantokrator. There are two villages in the area with the same name, with Kato Korakiana being the lower lying village and Ano Korakiana being set higher into the foothills of Mount Pantokrator.

Agios Georgios Argyradon

Agios Georgios Argyradon

The beach of Agios Georgios Argyradon is a wide, sandy beach with gradually descending waters. It has been awarded the blue flag for its excellent water quality and is one of the most popular Corfu beaches. Agios Georgios Argyradon beach has chaise longues and umbrellas, a good selection of tavernas and cafes and plenty of rooms to let, apartments and hotels located nearby.



This is a very small beach right next to the road separated only by the pavement and is used by local who want a quick dip in the morning before going to work or visitors who need some refreshing.

Garitsa Bay

Garitsa Bay

One of the predominant landmarks of town, the bay of Garitsa may not have a beach but it is a gathering point where locals walk all year round while during the summer months it becomes the gathering point for some of the most exclusive yachts in the World.



Oaspeţii care stau în Tsaki se pot bucura de linişte, pace şi soare. Nu e o staţiune de sine stătătoare, cu facilităţi limitate, însă Tsaki este bine plasată pentru a vă bucura de stațiunea Benitses, aflată la 2,5 km distanţă. Benitses are o plajă mică cu nisip, taverne şi unele restaurante internaţionale.Tsaki este o plajă nisipoasă gri situată în Benitses. Această plajă liniştită atrage mulţi vizitatori în timpul weekend-ului. Plaja Tsaki este curată şi sigură, oferind un mediu bun pentru o excursie de familie. Aici, copii şi adulţii deopotrivă pot merge la înot şi se pot răsfăța practicând diferite sporturi nautice. Nu departe de Tsaki, veţi găsi plaja cu steagul albastru din Benitses, care oferă vederi minunate spre mare şi munte. Majoritatea turiştilor vizitează Villa Roman din Benitses unde pot admira ruinele romane şi unde se pot bucura de băi termale. Multe hoteluri din Tsaki pot fi găsite în jurul zonei de plajă. Puteţi găsi cu uşurinţă câteva hoteluri Tsaki ieftine acolo, care oferă cazare confortabilă. Majoritatea lor furnizează, de asemenea servicii de călătorie spre diverse locuri de interes.



Vatos is a small and tranquil village in the centre of Corfu island, about 12 km from the main town. Although Vatos is located on a high altitude, it is also only a few minutes drive from the famous beaches of Corfu, such as Ermones, Pelekas, Glyfada and Myrtiotissa.

Cities in Rodos region



The beach resort of Faliraki is the most developed of the island and is one of the most cosmopolitan places in Rhodes. Located in the north-east of the island at 14 km from the capital and 10 kilometers from the airport. The resort, now a tourist paradise, awaits its guests with a sandy beach, with various sports and entertainment opportunities, with taverns, restaurants, nightclubs, rental car and not least with aquatic Aquapark.Parc Faliraki or Waterpark is located on the coast northeast of the island near lively Faliraki. The beach resort of Faliraki is the most developed of the island and is one of the most cosmopolitan places in Rhodes.

Rhodes All Locations

Rhodes All Locations

Rhodes is the largest island in the Dodecanese group of islands, both in size and the population (90,000 inhabitants). It is also the most visited of all those islands, attracting many tourists will enjoy the endless sandy beaches of the island. Rhodes is located 18km west of the shores of Turkey, between mainland Greece and Cyprus. Rhodes is mountainous interior and landscape covered with forests of pine and cypress.



Kalithea is a seaside resort located in the growing popularity, located in the north-east of Rhodes island, between the capital (6 km) and the resort of Faliraki (5km). Location of a holiday in Kalithea bay is the one with green hills in the background. Kalithea Beach consists of a large stretch of sand and offers many facilities for water sports. Preferred location is especially divers, because the clear waters. Nightlife in Kalithea is relatively quiet, with several bars, restaurants and a disco. At first, Kalithea resort developed around mineral springs, was built by the Italians.



Ialyssos is one of the three ancient cities of Rhodes. It is located approximately 10 kilometers from Rhodes town, on top of a hill covered with an old fortress that watches over the fertile plains and sea. Since ancient times, the foundation remained Doric temple to always remember the glorious history of Greece Trianta Lalyssos is called and is the second largest city on the island of Rhodes. Blue waters, endless beaches, pleasant climate, great hotels, shops of all kinds and many nightclubs of Ialyssos are one of the most popular destinations on the island.



Ixia lies at the North West part of Rhodes at a distance of about 7 Km from the city of Rhodes close to Rhodes International Airport. Some of the best hotels in Rhodes can be found here. The beach is mainly organized and during the summer season it gets rather windy with large waves, so is suitable for wind surfing and sailing. Ixia also offers spectacular sunsets! The shingle beach follows the curve of the main road with most of the tourist accommodation along the road; bathers should take care, as the waves can be a little rough. Most hotels have pools and deckchairs for those who prefer not to brave the sea.



Kolymbia resort is located on the east cost, midway between Rhodes Town and Lindos, 4 km from Afandou. Or Kolímbia Kolymbia Rhodes is a place in the scenic mountains and beaches representing a favorite destination for many people. With some stunning 5-star hotels on this side of the island, as well as small self-catering villas and apartments, the village is very welcoming and retaining a traditional tone to many.



Kiotari is 60 km from new and old Rhodes town, 65 km from airport, 17 km from the famous Acropolis and the historic town of Lindos and only 30 km from Prassonisi, famous for surfing and other water sports. It is a newly built area, with many variants of accommodation and hotels. There are restaurants, beach and water sports can be practiced. Kiotari is a good place to explore the rest of the beautiful islands. Walk in the mountains, visit historical sites and a monastery. Kiotari has grown up over the last ten years along an impressive, vast beach, but does not suffer from the same tourist saturation which has negatively affected many of the other traditional resorts of Rhodes.



Lindos is a settlement located on the east coast of Rhodes island, belonging to the Dodecanese Islands in the Aegean. It is one of the three ancient cities of Rhodes, the city's - rodiana typical settlement, small and cozy village with narrow streets and crowded. Located above a beautifully landscaped golf beach (sunbeds, umbrellas and a few taverns), which is located above the Acropolis today - which is reconstructed inside the medieval fortress of ancient temples. Lindos is 50km south of the town of Rhodes. The settlement keeps the colours and atmosphere of another era.



Theologos is a charming village located 22 km south of Rhodes town. It is a modern tourist resort with 3,000 abiding inhabitants, most of whom are engaged in tourism. The paves that pass through the centre of the village lead to old buildings and the traditional whitewashed houses. The locals preserve an openhearted and friendly mood that matches with their simple way of life. Theologos is worldly known as the Valley of Butterflies, a magnificent area situated 8 km south of the tourist settlement. The surrounding region is full of amazing sights, including the famous Monastery of Kalopetra and the white chapel of Agios Soulas which is built in a great environment. The homonymous beach offers many facilities and water sports for the visitors and it is the ideal spot for the windsurfers with the right conditions.



West along the coast road of Rhodes is the village FANES, just west of Soroni, with a picturesque harbour and a flat isolated beach with tamarisk trees for some natural shade. We are getting out of large hotel territory here and about 30km from Rodos city. The beach is long and flat, mainly fine sharp sand and shingle with a couple of decent tavernas at the back of the beach. Windsurfing and kitesurfing are hugely popular here, given the wide flat sands and the northerly exposure.



A traditional and quiet, slightly inland village, Lardos is 51km from Rhodes Town and only 7km west of Lindos. It offers a bit of both the old and the new worlds – it has retained some of its charming old-world character and adopted new ideas. The central square is rather busy, and roads shoot off in several directions from the main road, as the village is situated on a major crossroads that leads to other popular villages, such as Lindos and Kiotari, among others. Lardos is surrounded by a stunning green landscape, which is just as well because this whole area – and especially Lindos – attracts the sun’s rays during the hottest months of the year, more than in any other part of Rhodes, causing temperatures to soar to the mid 40s. The lush vegetation in this region, therefore, is a gift from God as it helps tremendously in easing the discomfort this repressive heat causes.



The town was founded at a time when pirates used to plunder the islands of the Mediterranean basin. During this period the inhabitants retreated inland. Because this city could be seen from the sea remained as "Afandou" which in Greek means hidden.



Pefkos or Pefki is a well known beach resort located on eastern coast of Rhodes, just a few kilometers south of Lindos, 56 kilometres (35 mi) from the capital city Rhodes. Pefkos was once known as a fishermen's hamlet located along the coastal road that connects the villages of Lindos and Lardos. Originally Pefkos was mainly used as a summer temporary residence for those who lived further inland but grew crops such as grapes, olives, tomatoes, figs and corn. They couldn't return home daily due to the heat and distance, so had small very basic Greek houses in Pefkos. Visiting Pefkos by day will leave one with the impression of a quiet and relaxed holiday resort; however when the lights come on the resort is bustling with warm, friendly activity.



Kremasti offers the facilities of a modern tourist resort, with authentic elements of traditional Greek life. Located 12 km southwest of Rhodes Town, the village is actually one of the largest settlements on the island, attracting visitors, mainly due Kremasti sandy beach and the nearby Butterfly Valley. You can swim in the deep blue waters and relax on the beach well organized extended 10 km along the west coast. You can rest in the shade of trees or you can hide under an umbrella at one of the tavernas on the beach, take a light meal typically greacească. Stroll among the traditional houses with large gardens and wonderful decorations and see the impressive church of Panagia Kremasti carved wooden iconostasis, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, hence the name of the city.



Koskinou, located on the east side of the island, just outside Rhodes town (around 7km) and 8.5 km from the island’s main holiday resort of Faliraki, is a traditional village dating back to the 15th century. The village took its name from the main occupation of its inhabitants who used to manufacture sieves (a sieve means ‘koskino’ in Greek). At first sight Koskinou does not seem particularly impressive but as soon as you make your way into the maze of narrow streets of the old part of the village you will be charmed forever. Koskinou is especially famous for its unique traditional houses with their facades painted in bright, vibrant coulours, red, turquoise, blue and yellow, doors with carved designs, fine stone porches with arches and the lovely little black and white ‘chochlaki’ pebbled-floor gardens, unique to Rhodes.



Trianta village can be found on the bay namesake, the ancient city was built as Doric. Like the rest of the area is very populated village and although attracts many visitors each year, it has managed to retain its traditional Greek character.



The village of Lachania is situated at the foot of the mountains that occupy the interior of the island, offering a panoramic view of the valleys stretching up to the sea. This is perhaps the most beautiful village on Rhodes and a total surprise for any visitor - a picture postcard setting, a scene of absolute tranquility and harmony. Most of the well -maintained traditional houses have been bought by foreigners (mainly Germans) or else by people from the town of Rhodes who are discriminating enough to appreciate the village and have settled here, creating a youthful and artistic community.



Paradisi is one of the most attractive and charming villages of Rhodes located 16 km north of the capital. The name Paradise derives from the beautiful surrounding with the exotic gardens that Arabs once brought to the village. This is a true paradise, just like its name indicates. This village has 2,500 inhabitants but during the summer months it gets quite crowded due to the fact that the airport is only a couple of kilometres far. The nearby beach is a developed tourist settlement with numerous local shops, traditional houses and several renovated buildings. Despite the fact that today Paradisi constitutes a popular tourist destination, the locals have preserved their sociable and friendly character. The area has various options for accommodation, food, shopping and any kind of entertainment. Most of the people visit Paradisi for the sandy and organized beach that stretches for 10 km from Kremasti to Theologos. The access to the village is easy from the town of Rhodes. There are public buses running frequently as well as taxis.



Gennadi (Greek: Γεννάδι) is a Greek village, municipal branch offices of South Rhodes, Rhodes, South Aegean region. In 2001 its population was 665.



Archangelos is 30 kilometres from the centre of Rhodes town and is the island’s largest village. The name was chosen in honour of the patron saint of the village, the Archangel Michael. On entering this village, one is struck by the mini “concrete jungle” appearance of the place. Row upon row of houses, shops, eateries and places of entertainment, jockey for space. It also has a branch of most major banks and even a post office, and the business section is just a bit too congested and busy for a village. However, don’t be fooled by its flashy exterior because the modern outlook of this village does in no way reflect the true lifestyle of the inhabitants – this settlement is regarded as staunchly faithful to village traditions and fiercely patriotic.



Kalathos is the very next village after Massari and about 45km from Rhodes Town. It belongs to the Municipality of Lindos and is a convenient 6km away from this very popular ancient village and acropolis. The village has managed to retain its charm and appeal throughout the ages, and its location high up on the hillsides, means that the inhabitants can enjoy an uninterrupted, splendid view of the aquamarine sea in the distance. The weather in this area is sunny and dry – even in the winter time – and is said to benefit people with certain chest ailments. For instance, some years ago, tuberculosis sufferers made special trips to this village in the hopes of ridding themselves of the disease. Its ideal location and weather, combined with the peaceful atmosphere, makes it a haven for elderly people looking for a healthy and quiet environment to spend the remainder of their lives in.



Vlycha (Vlicha) is a pleasant little beach just before Lindos that has a sun bed for everyone, while the sea here deepens smoothly and gradually. It's big enough not to become crowded, but not too immense and appeals particularly to people staying in Lindos who want to escape from the crowded central beach. On the slopes around, and at the centre of the seafront, stand the largest hotels in the area. The quietest part of the beach is at the right-hand end. There are two small eating places serving sandwiches, pancakes and espressos, as well as toilets and card-operated telephones.



Pastida lies 15 km north of Rhodes town and 7 km from the popular resort Ialyssos. It is close to the airport. Pastida distinguishes for its authenticity and traditional character and consists of by whitewashed houses, paved alleys and a picturesque square. The surrounding region is covered with olive groves and vast vegetation. Pastida is a calm village with tranquil atmosphere, an ideal destination to escape from the noisy crowds. With few population, Pastida has restaurants and taverns where homemade dishes are offered. Although it has an easy access to the town of Rhodes and many beach resorts, still Pastida remains a peaceful destination. The village is offered for a short trip where you can wander the paved streets and the close nature, or for calm alternative holidays on the island. There are local buses connecting Pastida to Rhodes Town and other surrounding places.

Cities in North and Central Greece region



Kavala is the second largest city in the north of Greece and the main port in the eastern region of Macedonia. The city is located in the Bay of Kavala, across the street from the island of Thassos and is arranged in the form of an amphitheater, so that the whole city has sea views, including restaurants and bars.



Fanari is a resort in the northern part of Greece, on the Aegean coast, east of Keramoti.

Kamena Vourla

Kamena Vourla

Kamena Vourla is a town and a former municipality in Phthiotis, Greece. Since the 2011 local government reform it is part of the municipality Molos-Agios Konstantinos, of which it is the seat and a municipal unit. The town was formerly known as Palaiochori. Kamena Vourla is located on the south coast of the Malian Gulf, 4 km west of Cape Knimis, which separates the Malian Gulf from the North Euboean Gulf. The Knimis mountains rise just south of the town. It is crossed by Motorway 1, which connects Athens and Thessaloniki.

Loutra Pozar

Loutra Pozar

Loutra Pozar is a picturesque village in Pella, famous for its mineral springs and is a special destination for the mountain area. It is 13 km away from Aridea, 20 km from Kaimaktsalan Ski Center and 100 km from Thessaloniki.



Arachova town is a beautiful place on the slopes of Mount Parnassus, constructed at an altitude of 950 metres. Due to the three ski centres of Parnassus that are located in close distance to Arachova Greece, this town is the most popular winter destination in Greece. The traditional architecture, the beautiful nature and the vivid nightlife attract many visitors to Arachova. As the town is found on the way to Delphi, only 8 km from the ancient site, it gets frequented all seasons of the year. There are plenty of luxurious resorts, while in the close region of Livadi there are amazing wooden chalets. Due to its central location, this town is a convenient base for road trips to Itea, Galaxidi and Nafpaktos.



Delphi, with a population of 1,500, is one of the most beautiful and impressing landscapes of Greece, and the centre -"Omphalos "- of the world, according to the ancient myth. It was already inhabited in the prehistoric times and later -especially during the classic times- obtained great historic importance, as it has been linked with the most significant events of Greek history. Apollo, the God of catharsis and the genuine oracle, dominated earlier forms of worship in the Delphi. He taught people the "metron", that is prudence and modesty, which became the most ethical and peaceful expression of the Greek spirit.



Built at an altitude of 1000 metres on the southern slopes of Mt. Timphristos, Karpenissi is the capital and the only urban area of the prefecture of Euritania in the heart of continental Greece. Established around the 11th or 12th century AD, on a location chosen for its mild climate, it is rich with historical tradition, archaeological sites, religious worship and astounding natural beauty. In 1991, Euritania was proclaimed by UNESCO one of the environmentally cleanest regions world-wide and Europe's cleanest, also representing the basis for research since it is considered as having zero pollution rate.



Nafpaktos (Greek: Ναύπακτος) is today a city and a former municipality in Aetolia-Acarnania, West Greece, Greece; His predecessor in the Classical period is known in English as Naupactus.



The Prefecture of Drama lies in the north-eastern part of the Region of Eastern Macedonia Thrace. Its northern borders are part of the national border with Bulgaria while to the east lies the Prefecture of Xanthi, to the south the Prefecture of Kavala and to the west the Prefecture of Serres. In administrative terms it is part of the East Macedonia - Thrace Region and is divided into eight municipalities, those of Drama, Nevrokopi, Prosotsani, Nikiforos, Paranesti, Doxato, Kalambakio and Sitagri and one community, Sideronero. With the river Nestos flowing through it, it is surrounded by mountains with Rhodopi to the north, Menikio and Orvilos to the west, Pangeo to the south and the Lekani mountains to the east. In terms of natural environment, ecological interest and cultural routes it can be characterized as a truly remarkable prefecture.



One of the most beautiful cities of Macedonia which is built in the Eastern fringes of the imposing mountainous volume of Vermion and has an astonishing view in the beautiful and rich plain of Thessaloniki. It is the capital of the homonym province with a population of 25.000 residents and combines the beauties of plain with those of mountain, offering a rich mesh of activities and services in the lucky visitor. It abstains 90 km from Thessaloniki and 510 from Athens.



Zagori (Greek: Ζαγόρι), is a region and a municipality in the Pindus mountains in Epirus, in northwestern Greece.



Historic Galaxidi offers a unique experince to each and every visitor. This ancient ship-building village provides an island atmosphere of laid-back living. Numerous restaurants and tavernas offer both tradional Greek delicasies, as well as unique local dishes and freshly-caught seafood. Lodging is plentiful in Galaxidi. You can choose a intimate pension with old-world charm, a modern hotel with swimming pool, or rent a refurbished private home by the day, week or month. Galaxidi is a great home base from which to visit many of the sights in Central Greece - such as Ancient Delphi (just 40-minutes away), Meteoria and Thebes - or across the Corinthian Gulf in the Pelloponnesus.



The beautiful town of Kymi is built on the eastern part of the prefecture of Evia and it boasts the most important artificial harbour of the prefecture. It is amphitheatrically built in a verdant green environment with plenty of water, surrounded by traditional settlements, caves, forests, and beaches, which create an idyllic landscape. Kymi is built on a privileged spot, 200 m above the sea level, offering a panoramic view to the Aegean. For this reason, it is proudly called the "Balcony to the Aegean".



Aridaía is a town and a former municipality in the Pella regional unit, Greece. It was the capital of the former Almopia eparchy. It is located in the northwest corner of the Pella regional unit, bordering the southern part of the Republic of Macedonia and the northeast corner of the Florina regional unit. Its land area is 562.910 km2 . The population of Aridaia proper is 12,600, while that of the entire municipal unit is 20,213. Its largest other towns are Prómachoi (pop. 1,825), Sosándra (1,206), Ápsalos (1,178), Loutráki (1,163), Polykárpi (1,071), Tsákoi (1,020), Voreinó (871), and Χifianí (850). The municipal unit is divided into 17 communities.

Cities in Thessaloniki region



Thessaloniki is the capital of Macedonia and is the second largest city in Greece. It is also called the bride of St. Dumitru Thermaikos or town. It was built around the bay and is surrounded by hills Thermaikos Hortiatis. The city is full of monuments of Romanian period, Christian or Byzantine. The most famous monument is the White Tower Venetian city.

Agia Triada

Agia Triada

Agia Triada is the most well organized and one of the most beautiful beaches near Thessaloniki. It is located just 20 kilometers from the city center and only 12 km from the airport Macedonia. The sandy beach of Agia Triada is very long and is characterized by crystal clear waters of the Aegean Sea. On the beach there are umbrellas and chairs and a number of bars and taverns where drink prices and food is quite cheap. Nearby are neighboring resorts such as Nea Michaniona and Epanomi so that you can visit and the beaches of Halkidiki are just a few miles away to the south.



Perea is a suburban town 17 km south of Thessaloniki. Frequently connected to the city centre by bus, Perea is both a residential town and a beach resort. The long beach gets very popular in summer, as it is organized and has vivid nightlife. Perea has many tourist facilities and a lovely nature around. The popular beach resorts of Halkidiki are also a few minutes drive to the south.



Asprovalta is a small town in northern Greece, 80 km from Kavala. The literal translation of the name is "White Valley". There is a wide promenade with benches and a park with fountains, around which are grouped restaurants, taverns and cafes. Located on the Gulf Strimonikos Thessaloniki in northern Greece belongs to the prefecture. Cities of Thessaloniki, Drama, Serres and Kavala are less than an hour away. Airports in Thessaloniki and Kavala, and the port of Strava facilitates visits to Asprovalta Asprovalta is a destination chosen by tourists because of golden sandy beaches and crystalline waters awarded the Blue Flag - "blue flag", and because of its beauty and diversity of nature - mountains, lakes, attractive landscapes and archaeological sites.

Nea Vrasna

Nea Vrasna

Nea Vrasna is a small resort, located between the resort Asprovalta and Stavros. Enjoy a wide beach covered with sand and fine gravel near shore, and clean water where they can be spotted sometimes a variety of colorful fishes. If traveling with children wading attention to them. The water is quite deep even to the shore. For children, the resort has prepared a small park and a playground.



Chalkidona is a municipality in the Thessaloniki regional unit, Greece. The seat of the municipality is Koufalia. The town is a hub for trucking traffic around the Thessaloniki area.



Stavroupoli is a suburb of the Thessaloniki Urban Area and was a former municipality in the regional unit of Thessaloniki, Greece. Since the 2011 local government reform it is part of the municipality Pavlos Melas, of which it is the seat of it and is a municipal unit.

Cities in Evia Island region



Eretria is a town in Euboea, Greece, facing the coast of Attica across the narrow South Euboean Gulf. It was an important Greek polis in the 6th/5th century BC, mentioned by many famous writers and actively involved in significant historical events. Excavations of the ancient city began in the 1890s and have been conducted since 1964 by the Greek Archaeological Service (11th Ephorate of Antiquities) and the Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece.

Evia Island All Locations

Evia Island All Locations

The island of Evia, located off the eastern coast of Central Greece, is one of the most popular and unique of all the Greek Islands. Second in size only to the island of Crete, Evia is a wonderful holiday and vacation destination that is ideal for all types of holidays throughout the year.

Edipsos Evia

Edipsos Evia

In the north of Evia, is the famous spa town of Edipsos. A city known for its thermal springs, which attracts visitors from all over Greece and from abroad.

Pefki Evia

Pefki Evia

Pefki is the most vibrant resort in Evia. Tourists are particularly attracted to the long beach with sand and pebbles, surrounded by pines, almonds and pistachio trees that stretch along the Aegean coast. Also here is the most popular port from which cruise ships depart to popular places like Skiathos Island or Skopelos.



Only 80 km away from Athens, the city of the sacred fountain of Arethousa is the main gate to the island of Evia. Thanks to its strategic geographic position, the city has remained a crossroad of cultures and ideas over the centuries, an apple of discord for many foreign conquerors. Today the cosmopolitan city of Chalkida, the administrative and commercial centre of the island built on both sides of Evripos straits, is a popular destination among Athenians for short breaks away from the hustle and bustle of the capital city. Thanks to its impressive ultra modern cable bridge, the access to the city has now become easier and quicker.



Artemisio is a village and a former municipality in Euboea, Greece. Since the local government reform in 2011, it is part of the municipality of Istiaia-Aidipsos, of which it is a municipal unit. Artemisio is approximately 123 km north of Athens, the country's capital.

Nea Styra

Nea Styra

Nea Styra is a contemporary resort on the island of Evia. It attracts a lot of visitors for tourism, especially in the summer months. Nea Styra has a port, Agia Marina, which connects the area with Attica. There are several cafes and taverns on the beach, where you can enjoy coffee or food, with incredible views.

Cities in Alexandropolis region



Alexandroupoli, the capital of the district of Evros, is a seaside town known for its fine sandy beaches. A pretty town with well laid-out streets and neo-classical buildings. To the north-east of Alexandroupoli is Feres with its especially important Byzantine cathedral of Theotokos tis Kosmosotiras. Along the Greco-Turkish border, to the north, is Soufli, famous for its silk production and its silks, and even further north are Didimotiho and Orestiada. The first is a splendid Byzantine city and the second is a small town built in a fertile area.

Cities in Cefalonia Island region



Lixouri is the second largest village of Kefalonia, located 30 km west of Argostoli. Today, it counts on 3000 inhabitants most of whom are engaged in agriculture and tourism. The town lies around the blue bay of Argostoli overlooking the capital. Regular ferries connect the two destinations. The beautiful town of Lixouri was built on the site where the ancient city of Pali used to be, one of the four principal cities of Kefalonia during Antiquity. Due to the major earthquake of 1953 the city was destroyed and only a couple of mansions survived and can still be seen today.

Kefalonia All Locations

Kefalonia All Locations

Kefalonia is an island of contrasts, green hills, dramatic landscapes, golden sandy beaches and traditions intact. Kefalonia is the largest Greek island in the Ionian Sea and has the highest mountain in the archipelago Ionic: Mount Enos which reaches a height of 1627 meters. During a sunny day, of Mount Enos stunning views over the neighboring island of Zakynthos and the island of Ithaca. Kefalonia is a top tourist attraction, most visitors opting for famous resorts such as Lassi, Poros, Skala, Sami, Lourdata Katelios, Assos, Argostoli, Lixouri and Fiscardo.



Argostoli is the capital of Kefalonia and the island's main working port with a natural harbour. It is on the east coast of a peninsula, surrounded by wooded mountains, and an ideal base from which to explore the island. Staying in Argostoli can give you the feeling of living in the town rather than being a tourist.

Poros Kefalonia

Poros Kefalonia

Poros is lush and green and one of the three ports of the island with daily connections to Kylini and the Greek mainland. It has an attractive and compact centre with shops , bars and tavernas. After the earthquake of 1953 which destroyed the few fishermen's houses, it was rebuilt at the foot of the mountains Pahni and Atros. The sea with its clear and transparent waters offers a spectacular sight with a variety of colours. The area is renowned as a fishing place, while its caves are a shelter for the seal Monachus-Monachus and the Loggerhead turtle Caretta- Caretta.

Skala Kefalonia

Skala Kefalonia

A Greek village which has turned resort. Its main attraction is its long expanse of fine shingle and sand, gently shelving into the sea, with isolated coves in the surrounding area. There is a small high street 100 yards from the beach with shops and tavernas and streets branching off. Along the coast, Potamaki Beach is a haven for the rare loggerhead turtles, and this has now been declared a conservation area. Night-time 'turtle watches' are organised for those who wish to observe the creatures without threatening their survival. Historic sites include ruins of Roman buildings with lovely mosaics. A mile out of town archaeologists discovered a 7th century BC temple of Apollo, parts of which can be seen in the Argostoli museum. The 5-mile walk along the coast path to Poros is popular.



Due to its lovely sandy beaches and proximity to both airport and town, Lassi is understandably popular. It lies just three kilometres to the south of Argostoli, the island capital, but has plenty of restaurants, cafes and shops of its own. Although a developing resort area, Lassi remains mainly low-key and particularly popular with families. Lassi has two superb beaches which get busy in season, but this does ensure that they have good facilities, including watersports, sun beds and a beach bar or two. In the evenings many head into Argostoli, either on foot or by taxi. The Lassi area is the best place from which to undertake a thorough exploration of the island. All excursions pick up from here and, with a string of undeveloped sandy beaches along Kefalonia's peaceful south coast only 20 minute drive away.

Agia Pelagia Kefalonia

Agia Pelagia Kefalonia

Close to the village of Svoronata Aghia Pelagia is a small cove with a local fishermen's marina. It is accessible from the road opposite the Irinna hotel in Svoronata. Recent works have taken place to expand its use as a marina.



Katelios, on the south-west coast of Kefalonia, was little more than a hamlet until about twenty years ago, when tourists first discovered the beauty and tranquillity offered by the sandy beach and flat farming land in the plain behind.



Sami is the second busiest port on Kefalonia serving ferries to Corfu, Ithaki, Patras and Italy. Sami is a very charming working town with a long waterfront, lined with shaded restaurants and tavernas serving the locally caught fish of the day.



Lakithra is one of a network of small villages and hamlets strung along a hillside clothed in olive and lemon trees overlooking the west coast. Not just a tourist village, although there are a couple of small hotels and a few villas but home to many and thus a thriving village. It’s just a ten minute drive into Argostoli, so an evening in the island capital, strolling along the waterfront, shopping or enjoying a meal at one of the many tavernas in its wide tree lined streets can be followed by a short return taxi ride.



Pessada is located 12 km east of Argostoli, the capital of Kefalonia and offers exquisite views over the natural bay and the small fishing boats that moor there. Tourist facilities are not available but there is enough space for parking. A path will lead you directly to the beach. The place is ideal for relaxation and peaceful moments. This small wonderfully undeveloped bay consists of soft sand, crystal waters and rocks dotted around the bay. The bay is often very busy. Nearby, the Church of Estravromenos stands on top of the village.



Lourdata is the village at the centre of the area known as Lourdas on the Greek island of Kefalonia. At the centre of the village of Lourdata is the square with its enormous plane tree - at least 250 years old. Here is the village shop. Close by are two restaurants and a couple of bars. At the shop, as well as buying day-to-day essentials, you can enjoy a coffee, a beer, or a soft drink in the atmosphere of a traditional kafeneion. Most of the available apartments and studios are close to the village centre.

Agia Efimia

Agia Efimia

Agia Efimia (Aghia Efimia) is a quaint little fishing village situated on the east-coast of Kefalonia Island. It is surrounded by mountains to the north, west and south, which form the Pyllaros Valley. Agia Efimia is very centrally located on the island of Kefalonia, which makes it ideal as a base to explore the rest of Kefalonia Island. The village has a dozen little tavernas and cafeterias all of excellent quality. Each taverna in Agia Efimia has its own special dish and you will find all owners very friendly. Agia Efimia has a natural bay and beach and the bay has won numerous awards for its clean sea. Snorkeling in the bay of Agia Efimia is therefore also recommended.



Ammes is a nice sandy beach located 10 km southwest of Argostoli, the capital of kefalonia and quite close to the village of Svoronata. The beach offers some tourist facilities like sunbeds and umbrellas and in close distance plenty of cafes and nice taverns. It consists of nice clean waters, soft sand and rock formations that rise out of the sea. The enchanting lush greenery enhances the beautiful atmosphere and offers relaxing and refreshing holidays to all visitors. The environment is quite friendly and safe, ideal for families. Despite its close proximity to the airport, the beach remains quiet most of the times and very pleasant. For those interested, at the village of Svoronata there are many accommodations for all tastes.



Svoronata is located in the Southwest of the island of Kefalonia, approximately 4 miles south of Argostoli, and 2 miles south of Lassi. Although Svoronata is only minutes from the airport the area is peaceful and scenically very beautiful with lots of olive groves and fields full of wild flowers.



Fiscardo is a picturesque and beautiful Greek harbour village on the Northern tip of Kefalonia, largest of the seven Ionian islands. Of the approximate 365 villages on this large and diverse island, Fiscardo is unique in that it was left virtually undamaged during the great earthquake of 1953,that ruined most of the historic buildings on Kefalonia.



Trapezaki is a beautiful beach located 15 km southeast of Argostoli, the main town of Kefalonia and 2 km from Lourdata village. The beach is totally unspoilt offering an enchanting landscape that captivates all visitors. Certain amenities like mini-market and a tavern are found nearby. Trapezaki offers spots for both relaxation and more noisy atmosphere. The long sandy beach provides a nice choice for quiet family vacation. Water sports are also available for all ages. The nearest village is Moussata, which is a few minutes drive away. The countryside is excellent for taking walks and finding the local tracks.



Spartia village is located 12 km southeast of Argostoli, the capital of Kefalonia. It is a traditional fishing village with abundant natural beauty that attracts many visitors. The beach of Spartia lies next to its fishing jetty enclosed by a steep limestone cliff known as Hatzoklis. The cliff gives respite to the beach from the afternoon sun as well as the strong winds. If you like to stroll around the beach you will find interesting rocky enclaves and pools in the outcrops nearby. Water is crystal blue and warm. There are also a couple of taverns at the back of the beach.



Karavomilos is a picturesque fish village in the west part of Sami and 1 km from the harbor. The village is a pole of attraction for the visitors, as very close to it, are some of the most famous natural sights in Kefalonia. The cave of Drogarates and the lake of Melissani.



Leivatho (Λειβαθώ) is a former municipality on the island of Kefalonia, Ionian Islands, Greece. Since the 2011 local government reform it is part of the municipality Kefalonia, of which it is a municipal unit. It lies south of Argostoli, on the central south coast of the island, and has a land area of 62.626 km² and a population of 5,745 (2011 census). Its largest towns are Peratáta (751), Svoronáta (pop. 710), Vlacháta (699), and Lakithra (613).



A typical small, sleepy Greek village measuring ½ ml long by ¼ ml wide, with tiny, narrow streets winding off on both sides of the main through road. It boasts a picturesque church, an attractive mix of tumbledown rustic and smart, modern buildings, colourful gardens, a couple of small tavernas and a tiny minimarket/bar where the local ancients gather to drink coffee and play draughts.



Vlachata is a village and a community in the eastern part of the municipal unit of Leivathos near the south coast of the island of Kefalonia, Greece. To avoid confusion with another Vlachata near Sami, it is also known as Vlachata Eikosimias. The community consists of the villages Vlachata and Simotata, which is 2 km east of Vlachata. Vlachata is situated on a mountain slope above the Ionian Sea coast, at about 200 m elevation. Mount Ainos, the highest point of Cephalonia, is 4 km to the northeast. Vlachata is 1 km northwest of Lourdata, 2 km southeast of Mousata, 13 km southwest of Poros and 13 km southeast of Argostoli. The road from Argostoli to Poros runs through Vlachata.

Xi Beach

Xi Beach

Xi beach is definitely one of the most famous beaches in Kefalonia characterized by its white rocky hills that surround the beach and the reddish brown sand. It is a long drive from Argostoli about 40 km and 10 km from Lixouri. The beach took its name from the cove that has the shape of the letter X. The beach is quite well-organized with straw umbrellas and sunbeds. Right on the beach is a nice bar serving cold drinks and snacks and a water sports center for the most adventurous types. The shallow waters and the gentle waves create the ideal environment for the children. Around the area one will find many taverns, rooms to rent and small shops. A number of hotels are also available for your stay. The beach is easily accessed by car or public buses from Lixouri and Argostoli.



Minies beach consists of three sandy beaches with few pebbles, found 7 km south of Argostoli, the capital of Kefalonia. The first beach is covered with grey sand and there is a cantine is the only thing available here for the visitors. The second beach is much preferred by the fishermen without any tourist facilities, while the third one is much more peaceful. Right opposite is the tiny islet of Vardiani.

Myrtos Bay

Myrtos Bay

Myrtos is without doubt one of the most important poles of attraction in Kefalonia. It is located 30km north of Argostoli, in a beautiful area around huge verdant hills. Myrtos beach has gained worldwide reputation and has been constantly included in travel magazines among the best beaches in Greece and in the world. It has been awarded many times for its cleanness and the natural beauty.

Cities in Santorini region



Kamari is a coastal village on the southeastern part of the Aegean island of Santorini, Greece, in the Cyclades prefecture with a population of approx. 1800 according to the 2001 census. It is part of the Municipality of Thira and is situated approximately 8 km away from the island's capital Fira. Kamari was built by residents of the nearby village of Exo Gonia that was almost flattened by a devastating earthquake that hit Santorini in 1956. The village got its name from a small arch (Greek: Καμάρα, Kamara) that still rises at the south end of its beach and is what remains from an ancient sanctuary dedicated to Poseidon.

Santorini All Locations

Santorini All Locations

Santiorini is an Aegean Sea island, apart from the Cyclades Islands, Greece with a population of 13 600 instead. and area de73 km ². Thira is the capital of the island. In the middle of the island is a blue-water lake that has formed on a very old volcano, according to legend, he destroyed the lost continent, Atlantis, when it erupted 3500 years ago, burying the ancient city of Akrotiri (now is excavated ) under tons of ashes. Santorini island has two towns, Fira and Ia, located in the highest areas of the island. Here are built hotels, restaurantae, bars and many other tourist facilities to keep tourists well when dispusiatunci relax between visits to the archaeological ruins of ancient Thera.



While Kamari is more suitable for the tourists comfortable , Perissa is the ideal place for young people. In this village , the architecture is modern , especially hotels , restaurants and taverns , but Perissa preserved and oldest construction , value , Timios Stavros like nineteenth-century church . It is an impressive building with a tower where you can see every corner of the resort.



Fira is the capital of the island and the most important village and is located on the west part of the island of Santorini Greece, 10km away from the Port of Athinios. Fira is perched on the edge of a 260 meter cliff and offers a fantastic panorama on the volcano. The earthquakes of 1956 destroyed a part of the town but hopefully, some of the18th century houses are still standing.



Perivolos lies between Vlihada and Perissa. Perivolos is the place to have a great time in the well organized beach bars and restaurants. Beach bars are lots of fun, they combine a "day club scene" with swimsuits, beach volley and happenings. Perivolos beach is easily accessible from Perissa. Buses and cabs can be hired that will take you to the Perivolos beach. Visitors with high energy levels can choose to walk the distance and the walk is indeed invigorating as the surrounding countryside is bewitchingly beautiful. Perivolos beach in many ways is an extension or continuation of the Perissa and Agios Georgis beaches and there are absolutely no barriers in between the beaches.

Akrotiri Santorini

Akrotiri Santorini

Akrotiri is a Minoan Bronze Age settlement on the volcanic Greek island of Santorini (Thera). The settlement was destroyed in the Theran eruption about 1627 BCE and buried in volcanic ash, which preserved the remains of fine Frescoes and many objects and artworks. The settlement has been suggested as a possible inspiration for Plato's story of Atlantis. The site has been excavated since 1967.



Imerovigli is an expansion of Fira, a traditional village. The city's name comes from the word "vigla" meaning "day". It was developed following a new tourist trade, Imerovigli becoming an important accommodation base in Greece.



Even if officially considerated as a distinct village, Firostefani is the continuation of Fira. A quiet village, which is mostly constituated of hotels, traditional houses, villas, studios and rooms. The area proposes just a couple of restaurants and cafe but Fira, where all the activities are concentrated can be reached on foot (walking distance about 15 min ). It is also, one of the most picturesque and peaceful neighborhood which is perched on the cliffs of the Caldera, that 's really worth visiting it.

Monolithos Santorini

Monolithos Santorini

Monolithos is a quiet beach but well organized, with all the comforts (even sea sports). Hotels, beach bar, umbrellas and taverns are available. The village was named (monolithos in Greek stands for one rock) after the solitary rocky outcrop. With its broad beach of fine black sand and seemingly endless shallows, Monolithos has inevitably developed into a family resort.



Oia (pronounced Ia) - is the most populous attraction of the island, especially at sunset. It is the northernmost point in Santorini, 11 km from Fira and the second largest city after the capital, situated on the edge of the rocks . Approx. 60 old traditional houses in Oia are restored and entered into the tourist circuit, so guests can also find accommodation here.



Megalochori is one of the most picturesque villages on the island. Its existence is recorded back to the 17th century. Home to historical mansions, old traditional houses, pirate hideaways and wine canavas, it has a history of merchants and wealthy land barons exporting Vinsanto wine that the island still produces.

Pyrgos Santorini

Pyrgos Santorini

Pyrgos was built on the top of a hill and was until the early 1800, the capital of the island. The village is composed of traditional houses built around the Venetian Castle and the small streets follow the shape of the hill.



Vlihada Beach is situated next to Agios Georgios, 13 km from Fira town and very easily accessible since it is in the main bus route. The beach is beautiful, composed of volcanic grey sand surrounded by high cliffs, and is the ideal spot for privacy since it is not as crowded as other beaches in Santorini.



Messaria village is situated the center of Santorini island. Its existence is recorded back to the middle of 17th century. During the 19th century Messaria was the center of industry in Santorini. An impressive landmark is the old Markezinis knitting factory. The original architecture of the village is interesting, a combination of stately homes and domed shape cave houses tunneled into the volcano rock. Messaria is vineyard country.



Armenians (in Armenian Հայեր transliterated Hayer) are a people, natives of Armenia, unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh autonomous region in the composition of Azerbaijan and some regions bordering Georgia and Iran.



Emporio, the largest village of the Greek island of Santorini beckons visitors with its enticing sequence of old windmills on the hillside, its narrow whitewashed alleyways, its gorgeous blue domed churches, a 3rd Century BC sacred site to a pagan goddess and a ruined medieval castle.

Cities in Parga region



Parga is very picturesque with a very mild climate. The seas are crystal clear and there are many sandy beaches along the coast. It is in the area of Epirus which is in North West Greece and can be located by first finding Corfu or Paxos and following the mainland coast opposite to them. Parga has a beautiful harbour with many colourful boats which are used for daytrips or to take visitors to small secluded beaches or maybe to Valtos or Lichnos which are the popular local beaches. In the bay is the Island of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The main beach is called Valtos and can be reached either by water taxi or by the much more interesting way of walking.

Valtos Beach

Valtos Beach

Even though the beach is very large and wide, it gets very crowded in high season (July and August). Even so, you can always find plenty of space to spread out on the south end near the castle, and at the other end to the north. As you approach the beach from the road, the beach to your right is flanked by bars and you can head that way if you prefer more "mingling", beach games, and music. If you want more peace and quiet, head to your left toward the castle, and stay in the middle for the sun beds and parasols.

Cities in Athens Metropolitan Area region



Athens is the capital of Greece. Athens glorious evolved, especially in ancient Greece, is inhabited by humans since the Bronze Age and governed until around 1000 BC Ionian kings. Acropolis in Athens was placed in 1987 on the UNESCO world cultural heritage list. Athens was originally inhabited about 6,000 years later pelasgieni and Ionians who settled in this natural fortress, the great rock of the Acropolis or the city from above, as the Greeks call it. The city has developed and been recognized the goddess Athena. He saw the first flowering of the Mycenaean era (1600-1100 BC).

Glyfada Athens

Glyfada Athens

Glyfada is a suburb of Athens, situated in the southern parts of the Athens Metropolitan Area. The area, which is home to many of Greece's millionaires, ministers and celebrities, stretches from the foot of the Hymettus mountain to the Saronic Gulf. It is the largest of Athens' southern suburbs. This fashion-conscious suburb is known in Greece for its upmarket cafes, well-known restaurants, boutiques and cosmopolitan summer clubs.



Attica is one of the 13 regions of Greece, being subdivided into 4 prefectures: Athens, Piraeus, East Attica and West Attica. The capital of the province and Greece is the city of Athens.

Athens Coast

Athens Coast

In the last few years more tourists have discovered the southeast coast of Athens, and many were delighted to find that they could stay right on, or within easy walking distance of the sea and still have access to the Acropolis and the museums and archaology sites of the city by public transport.

Piraeus Athens

Piraeus Athens

Athens port of Piraeus is old and still works as the chief exit point from the big city destinations including the Aegean Islands and elsewhere in the eastern Mediterranean. Piraeus flourished in antiquity, but over the centuries, and only declined in the nineteenth century, when Athens was declared capital of Greece and especially after the end of the Second World War this port city has regained its glory for once, even surpassing it, becoming one of the most important ports in the world. The hill is located Kastella Veakeio Theatre, a popular amphitheater for performances during the summer and that of offering splendid panorama over the Saronic Gulf.



Vouliagmeni is famous for a wooded area with two small peninsulas, Kavouri and Lemos, which have some very nice pay beaches, a couple decent free beaches, some nice swimming areas off the rocks (if you are a good swimmer) and some of the most beautiful resort hotels on the mainland.



The town of Poros is built amphitheatrically over two hills. In ancient times consisted Poros actually two islands, Sphere and KALAVRITA, but the last volcanic explosion in 273 BC Méthana area morphology changed.



Drosia ( Greek: Δροσιά , which means " dew " before 1947 : Ρωσσοχώρι - Rossochori ) is a suburban city in Attica , Greece . Since the 2011 local government reform is part of the municipality of Dionysos .

Nea Makri

Nea Makri

Nea Makri is a region in the Attica region of Greece, located on the coast of the Petalian Bay on the Aegean Sea.



Rafina is just 28 kilometers away from Athens and 10 km from Athens Airport. It is considered to be one of the most important cities important for the region of activity, therefore it continues to be a permanent attraction for beautiful beaches and abundant greenery. Rafina port is possible to unload a passenger port after Piraeus for the shuttle to Cyclades and Evia. Also, through the port portul is faced with the mainland by ship and through the tourism of the ship the Greek islands: Cyclades, Limnos, Chios or Lesvos. The closest islands to Rafina are Evia, Tinos, Mykonos, Paros and Skyros.



Mati is a village in Greece. The village is located on the coast of the Attic region, 29 kilometers east of Athens and is a popular holiday resort. Mati can be seen at the mention of Penteli, Marathonas Boulevard, north of Rafina and south of Nea Makri.



Alimos is situated on the Saronic Gulf coast, 11 km south of Athens city centre.



Kineta is situated on the northern coast of the Saronic Gulf, south of the Geraneia mountains. The rocks of Kakia Skala lie to the east. The nearest towns are Agioi Theodoroi (8 km to the southwest) and Megara (12 km to the east). Corinth is 25 km to the west, and Athens is 45 km to the east.



Marathon is a town in Greece, the site of the battle of Marathon in 490 BC, in which the heavily outnumbered Athenian army defeated the Persians. The tumulus or burial mound of the 192 Athenian dead, also called the "Soros," which was erected near the battlefield, remains a feature of the coastal plain. The Tymbos is now marked by a marble memorial stele and surrounded by a small park.



Spetses (Spetsai) is located at the foot of Peloponnese, Greece, and it is among the best islands near Athens. A small island full of pine trees and beautiful beaches, ideal for short or weekend escapes near Athens due to its close proximity to the capital, Spetses offers a great variety of choices despite its small size.



Itea proper is situated on the north coast of the Gulf of Corinth, 2 km (1 mi) west of Kirra, 8 km (5 mi) southwest of Delphi, 11 km (7 mi) south of Amfissa and 52 km (32 mi) east of Naupactus. The Greek National Road 48 connects Itea with Naupactus, Delphi and Livadeia, the Greek National Road 27 with Amfissa and Lamia.



Voula is a southern suburb of Athens, 16 km south of the city centre. It is located on the Saronic Gulf coast, at the southwestern foot of the Hymettus mountain. Adjacent coast towns are Glyfada to the northwest and Vouliagmeni to the south. The Greek National Road 91 (Athens - Sounio) passes through Voula.



Anavyssos is a town and a former municipality in East Attica, Greece. It is situated near the Saronic Gulf coast, at the foot of the Olympos hill (487 m). It is 2 km north of Palaia Fokaia, 4 km east of Saronida, 10 km west of Lavrio and 34 km southeast of Athens city centre. The Greek National Road 91 (Athens - Sounion) passes south of the town, along the coast.



Grand Resort Lagonissi welcomes you to enjoy a seafront paradise, set on a 72-acre verdant peninsula. Boasting twenty exclusive sandy beach coves and lush natural beauty the resort is nestled in a magnificent private peninsula offering breathtaking sunsets and views to inspire.

Palaio Faliro

Palaio Faliro

Palaio Faliro is a seaside town and a municipality in the southern part of the Athens agglomeration, Greece. Palaio Faliro is situated on the east coast of the Phalerum Bay, a bay of the Saronic Gulf, 6 km southwest of Athens city centre. It is surrounded by other suburbs of Athens: Kallithea, Nea Smyrni, Agios Dimitrios and Alimos. The Pikrodafni stream flows into sea on the border of Palaio Faliro and Alimos.



It is the largest mountainous village of the district of Trikala and the most touristic of them all. If you are into winter sports or relaxation in the midst of the mountain, Elati is the place for you. At a distance of only 34km from the city of Trikala and perched on the slopes of Mt Koziakas at an altitude of 950m, the village offers all the joys and benefits of a mountain holiday.



Kifisia is one of the most expensive northern suburbs of Athens, Greece, mainly accessed via Kifissias Avenue, running all the way from central Athens up to Theseos Avenue in the suburb of Nea Erythraia. It has traditionally been home to the major Greek political families.

Cities in Skiathos region

Skiathos All Locations

Skiathos All Locations

The only town on the island is situated on the east coast, in a bay scattered with small islets. Away from the waterfront, the narrow streets wind past traditionally whitewashed houses with their picturesque red roofs. The waterfront itself, a bustling, lively scene, is split in two by the Bourtzi promontory, which boasts a medieval fort, and holds open-air summer concerts. To one side is the Old Harbour, lined with cafes and restaurants, and with an evening fish market; boats from here will take you to various beaches around the island. The new port is the stopping-point for all ferries, and is also the place to catch the hourly buses, or taxis.



This is the most famous beach of Skiathos, therefore the most crowded. It is well-known for its extremely fine white sand and its fragrant pine trees forest from which the region took its name. It is considered as the most unspoiled natural beach of the Mediterranean and is a protected environment. The beautiful crystal-clear deep blue waters are a real pleasure. Since the beach is well-organized, it offers many water sports, chairs, umbrellas, beach bars. The region around the beach is full of restaurants, taverns and hotel units. A local bus links this beach to the capital every 30 minutes. A biotope can be found in the pine forest boarding the beach where different species of plants and birds are protected. This place, as well as the beach, is developed for ecotourism, financed by the Municipality and the European Union.

Agia Paraskevi Skiathos

Agia Paraskevi Skiathos

Aghia Paraskevi is a tiny tranquil beach resort surrounded by attractive countryside on the south coast of the island of Skiathos, 30 minutes from Skiathos airport and just 5 miles from the vibrant capital Skiathos Town. Holidays in Aghia Paraskevi offer a mix of lazy beach days, calm taverna-based evenings, a few excursions to nearby Skiathos beaches and perhaps a trip to Skiathos Town. Aghia Paraskevi holiday evenings focus on a selection of beach tavernas or tavernas in the tranquil village of Platanias where you can find some more authentic Greek atmosphere and sample local wines.

Achladies Skiathos

Achladies Skiathos

Nestled on the east coast of Skiathos, Achladies Bay is a sleepy Greek village that’s still got its fishing-village charm. It’s backed by lush greenery that goes right up to the golden beach – and along the water there are authentic Greek tavernas and a couple of chilled-out bars too. And if ever you need a break from all that relaxation, the much livelier Skiathos Town is just up the coast.



Vasilias beach was named during the Byzantine period because it was the beach chosen by the Byzantine emperors for their holidays. In the area there are numerous archaeological finds.

Megali Ammos Skiathos

Megali Ammos Skiathos

This is a long and well-organized beach situated within a short walking distance of 2km from Skiathos Town. Megali Ammos is one of the most popular beaches in Skiathos due to the crystalline waters and the extended coast that gets really crowded, offering two rows of sundecks. Thus is a favorite spot of the locals due to its proximity from the town centre and of visitors who stay in the Town. There is a water sport center, offering training lessons for all ages. The area is known for its tourist infrastructure as there are many hotels and other kinds of accommodation. The sea is shallow, an ideal spot for families. For more privacy, walk around the rocks and head east way.



This lovely beach lies in the south coast of Skiathos, 8 km from the town. The region of Kolios is a perfect place to spend your vacations and explore the natural beauties of the island. The beach is not only popular for the crystalline waters but also for the water sport centers and the various facilities it provides, such as sundecks and umbrellas. There are two taverns on the beach and a mini market, for the last-minute things you might need. The area offers plenty of accommodation from luxury apartments to simple rooms. Kolios is a great place for families and for those who are fond of less crowded vacation. The road to access the beach is safe and there are frequent public buses from Skiathos Town that run all the southern beaches and make a stop in Kolios.



Situated on the south coast of Skiathos, Vromolimnos beach is 8km away from Skiathos town. It is located close to the Kolios resort and is considered to be one of the most popular beaches on the island. It comes second to the Koukounaries beach and benefits from calm waters and lush fine golden sand. Its name comes from the nearby brackish lake and translates to ‘Dirty Lake’. However, the beach itself is far from dirty; it is one of the most beautiful beaches in Skiathos. At times when the Greek sun becomes a little too much, there is plenty of shade provided by large trees at the back of the beach.



The scenic Kanapitsa Beach is a mere 2 Kms from the No 12 bus stop. In the past this beach used to be very popular. This beach is ideal for family beach vacations. The best part about this beach is that it is never crowded. The beach is subject to the north easterly breeze and in the summer months this breeze is like a breath of fresh air from the burning hot mid day sun. The vibrant town of Skiathos is a mere 4 miles from the Kanapitsa beach while the airport is just a 30 minutes drive from the beach. A fabulous way to indulge in fun and frolic is by embarking on short cruises to adjoining beaches by water taxis. The entire Kanapitsa neighborhood has numerous well-defined walking trails that crosses the peninsular region of Kalamaki.

Troulos Skiathos

Troulos Skiathos

Embraced by olive groves and attractive countryside, TROULOS is the most developed tourist area outside of Skiathos Town. Troulos village lies a little way inland and holidaymakers should check out distances to Troulos beach when booking holiday apartments and studios. Troulos village centre has a reasonable choice of supermarkets, bars and tavernas. For those who want a livelier night out, Skiathos Town is just 10 km away by bus to the east and the very popular Koukounaries beach is just five minutes to the west. Troulos has a long, deep and very sandy beach.

Agios Fanourios

Agios Fanourios

Saint Fanourios is undoubtedly a figure youthful important and sacred that stands out in a par-ticular among other saints of Christianity, as he is honored just one time, but believers often use well -commonly known "fanouropita" (Fanourios cake)

Punta Skiathos

Punta Skiathos

Punta is a peninsula with impressive sandy beaches, pine forests and olive groves. This idyllic location is just minutes from Skiathos town and is very close to the airport.



Tzaneria is a coastal settlement situated 7km from Skiathos Town. The beach is well-organized offering three rows of umbrellas and sundecks as well as a water sport center. It is surrounded by vast greenery and high pine trees, a typical feature of Skiathos. There is plenty of parking space as well. Surrounding the beach, there are many options for accommodation and several taverns with delicious flavors from the local cuisine. Due to its short distance from the town centre, it becomes very crowded with tourists.

Ftelia Skiathos

Ftelia Skiathos

The beach of Ftelia is on the eastern coast of Skiathos, at almost 1 km to the south of the port, close to Ftelia village. It is a sandy beach with very nice waters and some vegetation in the surroundings. There are many accommodation options close to Ftelia beach, which is generally well-organized, with sun-beds and umbrellas in some of its areas. There is regular access to Skiathos Town by daily buses. The good thing is that tourist development in Ftelia is not massive, so it is still a good location to relax.

Cities in Macedonia region



Komotini is a city in Thrace, northeastern Greece. It is the capital of the periphery of East Macedonia and Thrace and of the Rhodope peripheral unit. There are two airports near Komotini. The nearest is in Alexandroupoli (65 km), and the other is in Kavala (80 km). Komotini is, nowadays, a thriving commercial and administrative centre. It is heavily centralised with the majority of commerce and services based around the historical core of the city. Getting around on foot is therefore very practical. However, traffic can be remarkably heavy due to the daily commute.



Stavros is the first resort in Halkidiki at the entrance . It covers a considerable distance from him along the main road ; It is the beach and very long .

Sidirokastro Serres

Sidirokastro Serres

Sidirokastro is a city and a former municipality in the regional unit of Serres, Greece. Since the local government reform in 2011, it is part of the municipality of Sintiki, which is the headquarters and a municipal unit. The city is built near the fertile valley of the Strymonas River, on the banks of the Krousovitis River.



Sérres is a city in Macedonia, Greece. It is situated in a fertile plain at an elevation of about 70 m, some 24 km northeast of the Strymon river and 69 km north-east of the Macedonian capital, Thessaloniki. The Rhodope Mountains rise to the north and east of the city. The city is the capital of the peripheral unit of Serres and is situated in the Central Macedonia periphery. Its population was 56,145 in 2001.



Maroneia is a village and encourages the municipality of Rodopi Regional Unit, East Macedonia and Thrace, Greece. The development of the local administration since 2011, it is facing the municipality of Maroneia-Sapes, which is cared for by the municipal unit.



Keramoti is the perfect holiday destination for lovers of the sea and beaches. In a small fishing village, off the beaten path, they will experience real Greece. Some parts of the beach stretching to infinity are well organized and offer many goodies (sun umbrellas, lounge chairs, hammocks, etc.) that make a day long stay on the beach not seem too long, while others are secluded and isolated, giving the chance to the visitor to reclaim his privacy.



Kastoria is a wonderful city in northern Greece. Located on the western outskirts of Macedonia's capital city of Kastoria Prefecture, extends its sacred worship places and houses on the west shore of Lake Orestiada, in a valley surrounded by low mountain ridges. Orestiada Lake lies at an altitude of 630 meters above sea level, and is part of a larger platter Macedonian lakes.



Kozani is a city in northern Greece and the capital of Western Macedonia and Perfecturii Kozani. The settlement is situated at an altitude of 710 m above sea level, 15 km from Lake Polyfitos and 120 km from Thessaloniki (Salonika). The city Kozani, comes with high probability of glory: "Koza" means "shell skin. The city was a center of viticulture and production of milk, fur, etc..



The prefecture of Grevena occupies the SW part of Western Macedonia and it borders to the north with the prefecture of Kozani, to the east with the prefecture of Kozani and the prefecture of Larissa, to the SW and W to the prefecture of Ioannina and to the NW with the prefecture of Kastoria. The prefecture of Grevena, rich in natural beauty, is an ideal visiting place for nature lovers, eco-tourists, as well as the lovers of exploration and adventure.



The prefecture of Kilkis, the northernmost point in Greece, is one of the least explored in the country. The truth is that its mountainous masses (Mt. Paiko, Belles and Kroussia) as well as its water areas (Lakes Doirani, Pikrolimni, Limni Metalliou, Rivers Axios and Gallikos) are ideal destinations for exploration, relaxation and an unprecedented contact with nature. Accommodation throughout the prefecture can satisfy the most discerning visitors.

Palaios Panteleimonas

Palaios Panteleimonas

Palaios Panteleimonas is a mountain village of the former municipality of East Olympos, which is part of the municipality of Dio-Olympos, in the Pieria regional unit, Central Macedonia, Greece.



Vergina is a small town in northern Greece, located in the regional unit of Imathia, Central Macedonia. Since the 2011 local government reform it is part of the municipality Veroia, of which it is a municipal unit. The town became internationally famous in 1977, when the Greek archaeologist Manolis Andronikos unearthed the burial site of the kings of Macedon, including the tomb of Philip II, father of Alexander the Great. The finds established the site as the ancient Aigai.



Veria is a city built at the foot of Vermion Mountains in Greece. It is a commercial center of Macedonia, the capital of the prefecture of Imathia. Veria is on the site of the ancient city of Beroea, which was prominent from the 4th century BC and part of the Kingdom of Macedon. Veria hosts one of the largest and most complete public libraries in Greece. Originally a small single-room library with limited funds and material, it expanded into a four-story building offering multimedia, as well as special and rare editions. The site of Elia offers great natural beauty and with an amazing view of the Imathia plain.



The town of Sidirokastro, (meaning «iron castle» in Greek), is situated 25km away from the town of Serres, being crossed by the Krousoritis river. It has a population of approximately 5,500 inhabitants and it is divided into two sections which are connected by traditional bridges. The area of Sidirokastro is rich in minerals, such as marble, iron, lignite, as well as geothermal springs. Of great interest are the ruins of the Byzantine castle, the Issari Fort, (standing 155m. tall) and the beautiful wetland habitat of the artificial lake Kerkini. The visitor may find here all kinds of facilities including hotels, tavernas, cafeterias and commercial shops.



Florina is a town and municipality in mountainous northwestern Macedonia, Greece. Formerly a very popular mountain town with tourists coming across the Yugoslavian border, Florina has seen its fortunes fall with the upheavals to the north. However just because the majority of the tourists who used to come here are basking in the safe warm glow of the Peloponessos and points south, that does not mean that you won't enjoy this very lively, interesting and beautiful town. There is skiing at the resort of Vigla and if you are going to the Prespa lakes you will most likely be coming through here by bus or train.



It is the second most populated town after Alexandroupoli (15,500) and the cultural, administrative and commercial center of the northern Evros region. The modern town was founded in 1923 after the signature of the Treaty of Lausanne by refugees from Adrianoupoli and Karagats. Orestiada is located 115 km NE of Alexandroupoli.



Edessa is a city in northern Greece and the capital of the Pella peripheral unit, in the Central Macedonia periphery of Greece. Archaeological remains have been discovered on the site of ancient Edessa, just below the modern city. Currently there are no major industry at the town. At the beginning of the 21st century, it is a city based on services (mostly linked to its function as capital of the Pella Prefecture) and tourism due to the waterfalls and winter sports. Famous for its many waterfalls and greenery, Edessa is virtually unknown to tourists, which is a blessing and a shame.

Cities in Peloponnese region

Loutra Killinis

Loutra Killinis

Loutra Kyllini or Linzi is an area of exceptional natural beauty. It is at a 40 min distance from Katakolon Port. The thermal springs are between two lines of hills (mostly sandy) which format a valley spreading up to the sea for about 330 metres. The area of the Baths shows dense vegetation with old trees, mainly eucalyptus that were planted at 1890-1892, relocated from France with the help of the company SPAP that exploited the Baths at the time.



The Peloponnese is a peninsula in southern Greece, forming almost the whole country south of the Gulf of Corinth. It is also a region of Greece, consisting of 5 prefectures. Peloponnese peninsula region only partially covers. The Peloponnese covers an area of approximately 21,549 km ². It forms the southern part of mainland Greece, although in theory building is an island after Corinth Canal in 1893. It has two land connections with the rest of Greece, a natural form of the Isthmus of Corinth and an artificial one, represented by the Rio-Antirio Bridge (completed 2004).

Porto Kheli

Porto Kheli

Located on the eastern side of Peloponnese, Porto Heli is a small seaside town with large port. This port is a frequent mooring place for fishing boats and yachts in summer, giving to Porto Heli in Greece a cosmopolitan atmosphere. There are a couple of organized beaches in Porto Heli, but the majority are small secluded coves with relaxing atmosphere. A frequent family destination, this region gets frequented by Athenians who have holiday homes there in summer. The location is convenient for road trips to Ancient Epidaurus, Poros, Ermioni, Mycenae and Nafplion. From the small port of Costa close to Porto Heli, there are very frequent boats to Spetses island.



Loutraki is a city in southern Greece. Mineral springs, known for their healing properties since ancient times, have been widely used since 1855. Loutraki is at a distance of 4 kilometres from the Isthmus Canal, while it is only 80 kilometres away from Athens and 120 kilometres away from Patras. The wider area of the Municipality of Loutraki – Perachora is famous for its beautiful beaches. The crystal clear sea and the beautiful beaches of Loutraki are being awarded continuously since 1987, with the “Blue Flag of Europe” in environmental management, for the benefit of tourism and of the environment.

Tolo Peloponnese

Tolo Peloponnese

An old fishing village, Tolo is spread out along a lovely beach and its inhabitants are renowned for their hospitality. In its sparking sea you will be able to enjoy swimming, fishing and every kind of water sport.



The Castle Town of Monemvasia is among the most impressive places in Greece. Located on the south eastern side of Peloponnese, Monemvasia Greece was entirely carved on the back side of a sea rock in the Medieval times. This huge sea rock is not visible from the mainland, so that the locals could avoid enemy attacks. The only way to reach Monemvasia was by boat, while later on a paved pathway was constructed to connect the castle entrance to the mainland. This is how the name came out, meaning single passage. A new town has been constructed in the mainland, just opposite the rock. A walk around the Castle Town is a travel to the past, while the sea view from the castle top is breathtaking.



Corinth is a Greek city on the Isthmus, the original isthmus, the narrow strait linking the Peloponnese to mainland Greece. Corinth is about 78 km west of Athens. Isthmus is now crossed by a canal. Corinth is the capital of Corinth prefecture. The city is surrounded by mountains Lechaio, Kalamaki, Loutraki and Geraneia. In ancient Greece, Corinth was the most important city after Athens, was inhabited since the Stone Age. Back then he was one of the most important east-west trade centers and the cult of Aphrodite. The city was known by the high prices imposed on foreigners.

Kato Achaia

Kato Achaia

Western Achaia is one of the most beautiful parts of the Greek land. The visitor will be stunned by the sudden scenery changes, the exquisite sandy beaches, as well as the popular resorts on the slopes of Erymanthos and Panahaikos. Kato Achaia is the most important commercial and intellectual centre of the area. According to historians, in antiquity this must have been the territory of the city of Dyme, a member of the Achaean Confederation. Its residents had participated in all national contests and they had developed a remarkable civilization while keeping the name of Achaia, which, according to Homer, was the first name of Greece.

Kalamata Peloponnese

Kalamata Peloponnese

Kalamata is located on the Peloponnese peninsula, a large near-island to the west of Attica and Athens. The peninsula roughly resembles a four-fingered hand spread out with fingers pointing down, and Kalamata is located at the juncture of the little and next "finger" from the left.



Kyllini is a port city and a community in the municipal unit of Kastro-Kyllini, Elis, Greece. It is located on the Ionian Sea coast, 11 km west of Andravida, 28 km northeast of Zakynthos and 39 km northwest of Pyrgos.



Nafplion is among the most beautiful towns in mainland Greece. Only 2 hours drive from Athens, Nafplion town has an intense Medieval atmosphere. A walk around the narrow paved streets of the Old Town is like a trip to the past. On top of a hill above Nafplion, there is the strong fortress of Palamidi with amazing view to the sea. At the entrance of the port, there is a small islet with a fortress that used to protect the town from naval attacks. Nafplion Greece is a popular weekend destination all year round, while its lovely beach resorts make it a great place for summer holidays, too. Tolo is the most popular summer resort close to the town, with a long sandy beach and relaxing atmosphere.



Kyparissia (Greek: Κυπαρισσία) is a town and a former municipality in northwestern Messenia, Peloponnese, Greece. Since the 2011 local government reform is part of the municipality Trifylia, which is the seat and a municipal unit. The city has itself around 5800 inhabitants.



Xylokastro is a seaside town and a former municipality in Corinthia, Peloponnese, Greece. The beach and the forests attract many visitors.



Ermioni in Greece is a small seaside town on the eastern coasts of Peloponnese, in the region of Argolis. Constructed on the hill slopes around a beautiful port, this town has revived over the last decades as many Athenians have holiday homes there. The traditional architecture and the natural beauty of Ermioni Greece attract many families looking for peaceful vacations. The small port is connected by ferry to Piraeus and the islands of Hydra and Spetses. The port promenade is a relaxing place to stroll around and enjoy a meal during your Ermioni holidays. The convenient location serves for day excursions to Ancient Epidaurus, Porto Heli, Nafplion, Hydra, and Poros.



Methoni is a small tourist town known mainly for it’s Venetian fortress. It’s a large and beautiful site with open field covered in flowers in spring inside the imposing stone walls, from which there are lovely views of the rugged, rocky coastline.



Kardamili is a spectacularly beautiful seaside village located in the Mani, a stunning region in the southern Peloponnese, the coast of Greece defined by travel connoisseurs as the New Côte d'Azur. Set dramatically against a backdrop of crystalline aqua-blue waters, majestic cypress trees, wild olive groves, verdant rolling hills and distant snowcapped mountains, it is one of the prettiest of villages that overlook the calm seas and splendid sunsets of the Messinian Gulf. 3 hours and 30 minutes' drive from either the capital of Athens or the port of Patras, and just 35 km from the nearby city of Kalamata, it remains one of the south Mediterranean's best-kept secrets: an exclusive, small, unspoilt resort that boasts stately villas, enchanting stone maisonettes, lush gardens, a picturesque harbour and fantastic beaches.



Gythio in Greece is a beautiful seaside town on the southern side of Peloponnese, in the peninsula of Laconia. Constructed on the hill slopes around a natural bay, Gythio is the largest town in the region of Mani, a secluded barren place with ghost villages and wild landscape. The most popular beach of Gythio is Mavrovouni, a large beach with clean water. Due to the golden sand and the crystal water, Mavrovouni is preferred by the endangered sea turtles caretta-caretta to lay their eggs. With a very convenient location in southern Peloponnese, Gythio can be a base for road trips to Monemvasia, Mystras, Areopoli, Diros Caves and Stoupa.



Stoupa is a charming seaside village located in Mani, a stunning region in the southern Peloponnese coast of Greece defined by travel connoisseurs as the new Côte d'Azur.



Argolida (Argolis) is a Greek prefecture located in the northeast of the Peloponnese peninsula. Actually, it is a peninsula on a peninsula, though it is everywhere surrounded by sea. Argolida is a beautiful area, a combination of wonderful mountains, great plains and there behind, the beautiful sea. There are green fields, high and low mountains, olive groves, picturesque villages,historical towns and cities, great historical and archaeological sites, the most impressive ancient theatres and great sea resorts. Argolida is bordered to the north of Corinth, in the west of Arcadia, in the northeast of the Saronic Gulf in the southwest and the Gulf of Argolis. Many of Greece's most beautiful sights are in Argolida. Mycenae and Epidaurus are among the most famous sights of Greece but there is much more. Capital of Argolida is the fantastic city of Nafplion. It is a city, one of the most beautiful in Greece where some very historical places are located as the castle of Palamidi, Akronaflpia and the islet of Bourtzi. Sights Argolis: Argos, Epidaurus, Kranidi, Methana, Mycenae, Nafplion, Asini, Nea Kios, Folegandros, Ligourio, Porto Cheli, Tolo



Epidaurus is one of the most popular archaeological sites in Greece. Located on the north eastern side of Peloponnese, in the region of Argolis, Epidaurus Greece is mostly famous for its Ancient Theatre. This theatre was constructed in the late 4th century BC to host religious ceremonial events in honor of god Asclepius, whose healing centre was located few steps away. Famous for its symmetry and the incredible acoustics, this classical theatre is surrounded by lush greenery and gives nice view to the valley below. In summer, it hosts performances of ancient Greek drama. Many daily tours depart from Athens to Epidaurus and other places of Argolis. Visitors can also enjoy individual holidays in Epidaurus, in the close village.



The small city of Tripoli is located in the eastern Peloponnese on the broad Mantinea mountain plateau and provides an easy jumping-off point for the nearby hiking areas and adventure travel experiences. Its relatively high altitude keeps it cool in summer, making it a nice retreat from the rest of the Peloponnese which can be both hot and humid during the summer months.



The tiny island of Elafonissos is located on the southern side of Peloponnese, just below the peninsula of Laconia. Mostly famous for its exotic waters, Elafonissos is one of the Greek islands that is considered as the Caribbean of Greece. Simos, Sarakiniko, and Panagia are the most beautiful beaches, with golden sand and pure water. There is only one village on the island, where all activities are concentrated. This place gets popular in the evenings when people stroll around and enjoy a relaxing meal after a long day on the beach. Ferries to the island leave from the small port of Neapoli, on the opposite mainland coasts. Elafonissos Greece can be visited for holidays or a day trip from Peloponnese.



Finikounda is a coastal village of Messenia, which has developed into one of the most beautiful summer resorts of southern Peloponnese.



Koroni its a lovely venetian port with a citadel; a relaxing place to stay with a waterfront lined by cafes, bars and restaurants, and a long sandy beach within walking distance. Narrow stone paved streets, many too small for cars, zigzag up the hill behind the harbour.



Marаthopоli is a small fishing villаge οn thе west coast оf Pelοponnesе, clоse tο Nаvarino bay. The placе is known fоr its fish tаvernas wherе yοu сan eаt fresh fish and sеa foоd. Therе is no beach inside thе villаge but in the arеa there аrе many sandу beасhes which yоu can сhοosе frоm, including οne on Prоti island which is just in frοnt of Mаrathоpοli. Proti is alsо suitаble fοr snorkеling and bоat trips during which yοu саn swim in one оf its secludеd small cοves. The closеst beaсhes tо Mаrathοpoli arе Lаgkоuvardοs to the nоrth Vrοmoneri аnd Gоldеn beach tο the south, at а distanсе оf 7 and 8 кm, respectivеly.



In the southwest part of Peloponnese there is the small seaside village called Petalidi. In the village you will find the big beautiful square with the church of St. Nikolaos, restaurants and cafes and a little further the small harbor. This place is ideal for families and for those who prefer relaxing beach holidays. It is a great destination, quite developed in tourism and offers great options for the accommodation of the travelers. Around the wider area of Petalidi travelers will discover a vast variety of amazing beaches to swim and sunbathe all day long.

Paralio Astros Peloponnese

Paralio Astros Peloponnese

Paralio Astros is a really pretty beach and port village, with a long, beautiful sandy beach that attracts tourists from all over the Peloponnese. Along the beach are pleasant cafes and taverns; in the back streets you’ll find shops and more cafes. In the north end of town a small hill rises up, with a castle on top. The castle was built in connection with the Greek revolution in 1821, on top of the remains of a medieval castle. Inside the castle are three houses built by brothers who fought for Greece's freedom at this time.

Kalo Nero Peloponnese

Kalo Nero Peloponnese

Kalo Nero or Kalonero is a village and a community of the Trifylia municipality, Messenia, southern Greece. The population of the entire district is 741 (2001 census, real population), the main village alone 540, the remaining 201 living in the smaller settlements Ano Kalo Nero, Kakavas, Stasi Sidirokastro (Sidirokastro station, a railway halt), Marmaro and Vounaki.



Vrahati is a seaside small town located at the north of Peloponnese and about 12km west of Korinthos. It is developed into a popular summer resort with some luxurious hotel complexes and apartments in the wider area. The verdant seaside settlement offers a beach with crystal clear water which was awarded with Blue Flag.



Gerolimenas este un mic sat de coastă pitoresc și o comunitate din unitatea municipală din Oitylo, la capătul sudic al Peninsulei Mani, în Laconia, Peloponez, Grecia. Se crede că numele, care înseamnă „Portul Vechi”, derivă din vechiul „Ἱερός Λιμήν” (Hieros Limen), care înseamnă „Portul Sacru”. Una dintre cele mai îndepărtate așezări din Peloponez, până în anii 1970 a fost atinsă în principal cu barca. În trecut, a fost un important centru de pescuit și avea o infrastructură substanțială, cum ar fi un șantier naval, aprovizionarea cu gheață și o piață de pește. Astăzi, industria principală este turismul. Conform recensământului din 2011, populația sa era de 99 de locuitori (inclusiv satul Ochia).



Diakofto is a small seaside town with a magnificent view of the Corinthian Gulf. The town is mainly known for the train “Odontotos” which crosses the Vouraikos Gorge on a beautiful route until Kalavrita. In the summer period the visitor has the opportunity to visit the coasts of Diakofto and during the winter visitors of the area visit the magnificent ski center of Kalavrita.



This little seaside town attracts mainly two type of travelers. Those who want to spend their day in extraordinary beaches and the nature lovers who get amazed by the wild beauty of this area. The main landmarks of this town are the church of Agia Triada (St. Trinity), which is visible throughout the city and the statue of the Vatika Seaman. The town has a good variety of hotels and rooms to let as well as cafe bars and traditional restaurants. The local food will excite you and don’t forget to taste some goat cheese, pumpkin pies and sweets like samousadhes and kourabiedhes. Neapoli offers on a daily basis transfers to the beautiful islands of Elafonisos and Kithira.



This small picturesque settlement will charm its visitors. The natural beauty of the Gialova lagoon in the north, the extraordinary beaches and the history of the wider area offer you more than enough reasons to visit this magical place. This beautiful village is located in the Navarino bay, north of Pilos. Many important historical events took place in this area and until today the visitor might see the remains from the shipwrecks of the Battleship of Navarino in 1827 while snorkeling in the nearby beaches. Today in this lovely village agriculture and tourism are the main economical activities. You will find here some beautiful hotels, rooms to let, campsites, restaurants, cafes, bars, hospitable people and the amazing long organized beach of Gialova. The most famous local products of this area are of course the olive oil and the wines. The exceptional wines of Messinia were already famous since the Mycenaean Period, when Nestor was the king of this area.



Katakolon is conveniently located on the west coast of the Peloponnese. It 320 km southwest of Athens and administratively it belongs to the Municipality of Pyrgos. The harbor is within walking distance of the picturesque fishing village that reminds you a little of an island. The village is surrounded by low hills with forests. Katakolon now sees plenty of traffic, mainly from cruise ships with visitors to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Ancient Olympia and the surrounding area. Also, nearby is the sunken ancient city Pheia, once one of the harbors of the nearby cult site of Olympia.



Kalavryta este un oraș și o municipalitate în partea central-est muntoasa a unității regionale Achaia, Grecia. Orasul este situat pe malul drept al râului Vouraikos, la 24 km (15 mile) la sud de Aigio, 40 km (25 mile) sud-est de Patras și 62 km (39 mile) nord-vest de Tripoli. Munții importanti în municipiu sunt Muntele Râul Erimanthos in vest si Aroania sau Chelmos din sud-est. Kalavryta este punctul terminus sudic al Căilor Ferate Diakopto-Kalavryta, construit de inginerii italieni între 1885 și 1895.



The modern city of Pylos is definitely one of the most attractive coast in Greece. Someone arriving at Pylos, has the impression that he is somewhere on an island. The little town is built amphitheatrically between and on-top of two hills, on the southern side of the Navarino bay; Sphacteria Island (a huge rocky barrier 4.6 km long and rising to a height of 135 m.) protects the bay.



Located on the south eastern side of Peloponnese, Sparti is a small town with famous history. Ancient Sparta was mostly a military city-state. The inhabitants believed that their only purpose in life was to become strong soldiers and protect their homeland even with their lives. A Spartan should be strong in body, healthy in mind and brave in character. They believed that the bravest death was the death in the battlefield. The site of Ancient Sparta is located close to the modern city center, one of the few Greek towns built with an architectural urban space. Tourism is limited in Sparti Greece and most visitors are passing by on their trip to other regions of Laconia.



Areopoli is a town on the Mani Peninsula, Laconia, Greece. The word Areopoli means "city of Ares", the ancient Greek god of war. It was the seat of Oitylo municipality. Areopoli was called Tsimova by the invading Slavs during the 7th century AD. The Greek War of Independence was started at Areopoli on the 17th of March 1821 by Petros Pierrakos, also known as Petros Mavromichalis, the last bey of Mani. Now Areopoli has grown into a flourishing town. Areopoli is situated near the west coast of the Mani Peninsula, 1.5 km from its port Limeni. It is 20 km southwest of Gytheio. There is lively open air market in the main square each Saturday, with a lot of local producers present.



Amaliada is a town and a former municipality in northwestern Elis, West Greece. It is near the archaeological site Elis, the city-state whose territory was the site of the ancient Olympic Games. It is situated in the plains of Elis, 6 km from the Ionian Sea. It is 10 km southeast of Gastouni, 16 km northwest of Pyrgos and 60 km southwest of Patras.



The prefecture of Ilia is well-known for its fertile land, as well as its natural beauties. The wonderful Zacharo landscape is composed by the green of vines and olive trees, and the yellow of the corn. Kaiafas is among the most popular sites in the region since it combines pine trees with a vast sandy beach and clear blue waters. It is 26km from Pyrgos. The nearby beaches are among the finest in the area.



Vytina is a mountain village and a former municipality in Arcadia, Peloponnese, Greece. The seat of the municipality was the village Vytina. The village is located at the foot of the mountain range Mainalo. The area produces marble, a variation called the Black of Vytina. Vytina is 10 km east of Levidi, 15 km northeast of Dimitsana and 24 km northwest of Tripoli. The Greek National Road 74 (Tripoli - Pyrgos) passes through Vytina. The ancient Arcadian city Methydrion was located near Vytina.

Cities in Kos region



Located on the south coast of the island of Kos, is one of the most popular resort for spending holidays in Greece, offering a relaxing holiday for all ages. What makes this location always be accessed apart of the lovely weather,the beautiful beaches and the vibrant nightlife ,is the locals genuine hospitality .



The lovely beach of Psalidi is located 3 km east of Kos Town, on the road leading to Agios Fokas and Thermes. This long beach consists of sand and pebbles and is quite well-organized with umbrellas and sundecks. For the more adventurous tourists, there are many water sports centers as well. Moreover, they have the opportunity to enjoy the Greek cuisine and fresh fish in the seaside taverns situated nearby. Many luxurious hotels can be found there and the beach is easily accessible by taxi, car or public buses. For your romantic walks in the beach, Agios Fokas is the perfect place with an amazing sunset and a wonderful view.

Kos town

Kos town

The town of Kos was founded in 366 BC, in the same area where modern Kos nowadays is to be found. It climaxed during the Hellenistic and Roman periods, being a crossroad between civilisations, between East and West, the meeting point for both culture and trade. Its public market was of great fame during the antiquity and still is thriving in our days.



At about 3 km north- west of Antimachia, there is Mastichari village, where you will find some of the most beautiful beaches of Kos Island. The port is full with fishermen supplying local taverns with fresh fish. At Wine Festival of Mastichari you can taste homemade wine,  local delicacies and you can listen Greek music. Mastichari is the gateway to the neighboring Island Kalymnos;  there are daily departures to get there.



Tigaki resort is located on the north side of Island, near the capital. White sand beach is 10 km long.  Sea water is shallow at the shore, making Tigaki be recommended for families with children.

Kos Lambi

Kos Lambi

This village is the ideal destination for action lovers, being able to practice here water sports and paragliding. You can fill sports enjoying the beach and having a good meal in one of the restaurants.



Kefalos is 40 kilometers south-west of Kos town and it’s a beautiful village built on a hill at the west side of the island. By antiquity it was the first capital city of the island and today it counts some 2.500 permanent residents. The houses here are built so close one to another that the narrow streets created emphasise the traditional architectural features of most Greek islands, which invite you to make a tour in the history and life of the place. One of the most interesting buildings is the traditional house, a folk museum which includes a representation of the villages’ agricultural life back then and next to it completing the scenery is a traditional windmill. The picture of the old town is completed by the ruins of the old castle, just next to the main village.



The first village you will find on the sea, after living the city of Kos is Marmari. The beach is white and warm sand and crystal blue water. Here you will find many restaurants where you can have dinner.

Agios Fokas

Agios Fokas

Agios Fokas is a picturesque beach located 8 km south of Kos town and 2 km from the famous thermal baths in Thermes. The biggest part of the beach is covered with black sand and pebbles, whereas the other part consists mainly of sand. The locals have managed to organize the beach quite well with umbrellas, sundecks and other facilities. Usually it is less congested than other beaches of Kos. The left hand part of the beach is used by nudists. Agios Fokas has an excellent view to the Aegean, especially during the afternoon and the night hours. There are many taverns serving nice delicacies and Greek cuisine. It is reachable by car or taxi and there are buses running frequently from Kos Town.

Cities in Meteora region



Kalambaka is a small modern town with near Meteora. The most interesting feature of the town is the dramatic backdrop of the steep Meteora rocks that frame the northern part of the skyline. Kalambaka offers a number of hotels accommodations for visitors to Meteora, and its busy main street is filled with smalls tourist shops, cafes and restaurants. The high rock named “Agia” is the landmark and separates it from Kastraki (2 km westward), and the paved road leads to the monasteries. The town is clean and quiet, with one main street that runs through it like a backbone, and several squares adorned with lavish fountains that become pivot points for families and boisterous children late in the evening.

Cities in Preveza region

Preveza All Locations

Preveza All Locations

Preveza is a town in the periphery of Epirus, northwestern Greece, located at the mouth of the Ambracian Gulf. It is the capital of the peripheral unit of Preveza, which is part of the periphery of Epirus. An immersed tunnel, completed in 2002 which runs between Preveza and Actium, connects the town Preveza to western Acarnania in Aetolia-Acarnania region. The ruins of the ancient city of Nicopolis lie 7 km north of the city. Inside Preveza municipality there are the ruins of five ancient cities or citadels, Ancient Nicopolis, Berenike, Cassope, Elatria and Trikastron, while also exist five fortresses.



Kanali is a coastal village and a community in the Preveza regional unit, in northwestern Greece. It was the headquarters of the former Zalongo Municipality. The community consists of Kanali, Kastrosykia, Mazi, Nea Thesi and Pidima Kyras. Kanali is located on the Ionian Sea coast, 13 km north of Preveza.

Vrachos Loutsa

Vrachos Loutsa

Vrachos-Loutsa beach in Preveza has a length of 6 km and a fine sand, and is also one of the most popular beaches in Epirus.

Cities in Samothraki Island region



Samothraki is a magnificent destination in the northern corner of Greece with hidden treasures for unique travelers to explore.



Paleopoli is located in the northern part of Samothraki Island, 6.5 km from the port of Kamariotissa.



The port town of Kamariotissa, where the ferries arrive, is located on the west side of the island and is surrounded by hills with grass and some trees, and behind that the high barren mountain Fengari (1660 m) which actually makes the whole picture of the island. Kamariotissa is slightly elongated along the coast and the town is nicer than you might initially think. It's pretty green and there are quite a few restaurants and kafenions. There are also banks and a post office. At the port of Karmiotissa, where the Greek wooden boats are, you will find a supermarket, a ticket office (for ferries) and a pharmacy. In the small park on the waterfront you find the bus station from where buses depart to the capital Chora, to Paleopoli (Sanctuary of the Great Gods) and Thermi / Loutra in the north, and the Profitis Ilias in the south of Samothrace. In the streets behind the waterfront there is a bakery and a greengrocer (near the church). Most of the accommodations and nightlife of the island can also be found in this town.



The spa town of Therma is also one of the attractions of Samothrace. The village lies in the north of the island thirteen kilometers from Kamariotissa in a forest of plane trees (a bus twice a day). Here there are healing hot springs with different temperatures. Therma is the best place from where you can go hiking trips. It is a small village with a few inhabitants, but there are some shops, restaurants and accommodations. Also just east of the village there are two campsites. The village is situated on a pebble beach with clear waters and a small harbor, where in high season you can make boat excursions. Even during the Roman period was a Thermal spa.

Chora Samothraki

Chora Samothraki

The capital of the island of Samothrace is called Chora. It is situated about 5 km east of Karmiotissa. Here between the small and tightly packed houses, go back in time. Chora is situated at the foot of a hill and from the sea it is almost invisible. It was built a bit "hidden away" like that in the Middle Ages to protect if from pirate attacks from sea. This village with its maze of narrow cobbled streets and its Genoese fortress (which was originally Byzantine) is the most beautiful of the island. From the large central square, where you will find a couple of taverns, you have a nice view over the sea. A little further down the village at Palaiopoli there are more fortifications in the shape of three towers from the 15th century (1431).

Cities in Mykonos region

Mykonos All Locations

Mykonos All Locations

Typical Greek, Mykonos town is a picturesque cluster of narrow streets and stairs and corridors with whitewashed houses, tiny churches and chapels innumerable, tiny squares and fountains protected, and a multitude of colorful shops, all these make up a beautiful chaos, scene can become a successful vacation in Greece.

Plati Gialos

Plati Gialos

The Greek island of Mykonos is renowned for the glamorous nightlife, but there are some low-key, family-orientated resorts, the best known of which is Plati Gialos (Platys Yialos).

Elia Mykonos

Elia Mykonos

The island’s longest beach just 10 km (6 miles) from Mykonos town and one of the most beautiful and pristine sandy beaches in Greece consistently awarded the Blue Flag, cosmopolitan Elia Beach attracts a diverse and colorful crowd from VIPs, celebrities and jetsetters to vacationing families, newlyweds and nudism aficionados.

Agios Ioannis Mykonos

Agios Ioannis Mykonos

Considered being the most beautiful beach of the island's south-west coast, Agios Ioannis has soft sand and crystalline blue waters. From there, one can enjoy an amazing view over the island of Delos. A good place to get away from it all. Not too close to the town to be packed so a good place to enjoy a smallish beach.

Aghios Stefanos Mykonos

Aghios Stefanos Mykonos

Agios Stefanos Beach is located just around the corner from the new port of Tourlos. It is a sandy, family - friendly beach with shallow waters along the shoreline for children to play in. The water is so clean and clear, it creates a perfect swimming environment including a wonderful, sandy sea floor. When the north wind blows it can be somewhat windy on this beach.

Megali Ammos Mykonos

Megali Ammos Mykonos

The closest beach to Chora, reachable by a 15 min walk, ideal for those who only have a few hours to spend.

Ornos Beach

Ornos Beach

This is a convenient, family-friendly beach where you can find a relaxing atmosphere, though sometimes it can be very crowded. Ornos is a large beach with many sun beds and umbrellas available for rent and also space to lay a towel. Shallow water along the shore line that is perfect for children to play.



Tourlos is a small village about a 15 minutes walk from the main village Mykonos town. It's a quiet place with not many activities. Because of the large amount of ferries and cruise ships visiting the populair island of Mykonos and the rather small old harbour, which makes is hard for larger ferries to dock, all cruise ships and some of the larger and faster ferries dock at Tourlos, a small village about a 30 minutes walk from the main village Mykonos town (or Chora as it is also called). It's a rather sleepy kind of place with not much to do.

Kalo Livadi

Kalo Livadi

Kalo Livadi is one of the longest beaches in Mykonos and quite popular for the facilities and the parties. It is found between Kalafatis and Elia beach, located 10 km from Mykonos Town and 2 km from Ano Mera.



Kalafatis is situated in the southern coast of Mykonos Greece. It is one of the quietest and calmest beaches of the island



Glastros is not actually a village, but a suburb of Mykonos Town. Located about 1,5 km south of Mykonos Town, Glastros is very close to the airport. It has lots of summer houses and many hotels. Its location is very suitable because it is found on the way to the southern side of Mykonos island, where all the popular beaches are, and also in a walking distance from Mykonos Town. Bus connection is very frequent.



The pebble stones is a characteristic feature of this beach known as Houlakia. This lovely beach is located 4 km north of Mykonos Town and it is divided in two parts. The left side has a small cove and a small sandy spot. The right side is full of large pebbles. The place offers an amazing sunset and wonderful scenery due to this natural phenomenon. It is a protected area therefore it is not recommended for swimming except from the small cove behind the rocky shoreline but you can also visit the beach to admire the beauty of this idyllic location and the houses built on the beachfront despite the strong winds. Houlakia beach is accessible by car or motorbike where there is a small parking area.



This is a wide beach with small pebbly sand and a steep slope down to the water. Agrari Beach attracts a small gay crowd who want less of a party scene and a good mix of Greeks and tourists. Sun beds and umbrellas are available for rent and there is a water sports area in the center of the beach.

Mykonos Chora

Mykonos Chora

Mykonos or Chora is the main settlement on the island of Mykonos and is a charming village with white houses and many churches and windmills. Typical Greek, Mykonos town is a picturesque cluster of narrow streets and corridors with whitewashed houses and stages, countless churches and chapels tiny, tiny squares and fountains away and many shops colored However compose beautiful chaos, can become a successful stage a holiday in Greece.



Paradise Beach is one of the ten most well known beaches of the world. This party beach was originally made famous by the hippie generation dating back as far as 1969. This is still the place to go if you are looking for a beach where 'anything goes''.

Fanari Mykonos

Fanari Mykonos

Fanаri is an areа in thе nortwest part оf Myκonоs, alsο known аs Farоs Armenistis beсausе οf the lighthouse nеаrbу ("farоs" means "lighthοuse" in Grеeк). It has hotels аnd villas scattеred оn а hill οverloоking Tinоs island, and frοm the lighthousе уоu cаn see thе sunset οver thе sea. Myκonоs Tοwn is about 8 km аwaу. The closеst beaсh is Hоulакia (2 κm) but it is nаrrοw and has lаrge pebblеs instead of sand, sо it is suitаble οnly for swimming.



Psarou is guarded by locals and vip visitors as a tranquil beach destination, where crazy partying is frowned upon! It is actually an attractive -not too small, not too big- beach with clear waters, umbrellas and sun beds available for rent and a place for boats and private yachts to anchor. Psarou beach has a restaurant, a traditional taverna, a cafe-bar, and even a sushi bar for the most demanding! Also, water sports lovers will not be disappointed, with the extra plus of a scuba diving centre right at hand. The beach can be reached by local bus (bus leaves you off at Platis Gialos, a short walk away from Psarou), by car or motorbike (prepare to drive down a steep slope), as well as by boat leaving from Ornos beach.

Agios Sostis Mykonos

Agios Sostis Mykonos

Agios Sostis Beach at Mykonos Island in Greece is a wild and windswept beach that sits at the northern mouth of the bay and again a big favourite with surfers thanks to its exposure to the meltemi winds. Rollers crash in on a superb sand beach especially in July and August when the meltemi winds are at their strongest. In such an exposed spot the relatively long does tend to pick up rather a lot of litter as well.

Ftelia Mykonos

Ftelia Mykonos

Ftelia Beach is the largest of all the undeveloped beaches in Mykonos. This wild, north beach is one of the favorites of wind surfers. Even as a non-participant you can spend some time watching the spectacle of wind surfers flying across the sea. When the rare south wind blows, this is the beach to come to.

Paraga Beach

Paraga Beach

Paraga Beach is located on the south coast between the beaches of Mykonos Platis Gialos and Paradise Beach. Because of its short distance from Mykonos Town makes the access to Paraga beach very easy and that is one of the reasons why it is so packed during the entire season. To get there, you can take the bus, motorbike, car or the traditional boats that depart from Platis Yialos beach at regular intervals. Paraga Beach is equipped with deckchairs and umbrellas. Service at the sun bed (beach service) is offered from all bars and restaurants located on the beach.

Ano Mera

Ano Mera

Ano Mera is the second bigger village after Mykonos Town and is one of the oldest villages of Mykonos. It offers a few luxurious hotels and some rooms and studios for rent. It is a quiet village where locals are continuing their every day life without being interrupted by a crowd of tourists, as is happening all the time in the capital. Near Ano Mera is the interesting monastery of Panagia Tourliani which main church houses a superb collection of icons made by a Cretan painter and holy vessels and vestments. The wonderful bell-tower and marble fountain are in the courtyard of the monastery and are worth-seeing.

Cities in Chania region

Crete Chania

Crete Chania

Chania Prefecture is on the west end of the island and most of its surface is covered White Mountains. This spectacular mountain range rises just a few kilometers from the northern coast, reach the maximum height of 2543 m and then descends to the arid and rocky slopes Libyan Sea. In the northeastern prefecture of Chania Souda Bay is the largest natural harbor in Greece, in the northern Gulf of Chania and Kissamos Bay to the east, the last two with wide sandy beaches.

Cities in Pilio region



Volos is a provincial town, located on the bay Pagastic. Commercial port and industrial center with activities directed specifically towards industry and trade in fruit, Volos is however a pleasant resort. Museum of Volos is extraordinarily interesting, some of his collections were considered unique in the world. Tombstones, rectangular slabs of marble placed on top frontons, as was common in antiquity, are not only remarkable in terms of genuine artistic and historical documents. About twenty of them are decorated with wonderful paintings, well preserved.

Agios Ioannis Pelion

Agios Ioannis Pelion

Agios Ioannis is just 5km from Mouresi, located in a particularly idyllic place, and it is one of the most famous tourist destinations of Pelion during the summer and not only. Its beautiful and large, blue flag beach, with small pebbles, is the main reason for the significant touristic development of the village.



Probably the most famous village in Pelion is Tsagarada. It is also one of the largest, and is very popular with visitors all year round. In the summer, there are beautiful clean sandy beaches, and during the winter, there is of course, the famous ski center of Agriolefkes near to the village of Chania.

Pelion Kala Nera

Pelion Kala Nera

The coastal village of Kala Nera, is one of the most charming and beautiful in all of Pelion. It has a wonderful sandy beach that is perfect for lazing away during the summer months. With it's friendly and hospitable atmosphere, Kala Nera is one of the best destinations in Pelion that you can head to.

Pelion Tesalia

Pelion Tesalia

Pelion is a mountain in the southeastern part of Thessaly, in central Greece, forming a peninsula in the form of a hook between the Pagasetic Gulf and the Aegean. The highest peak, Pourianos Stavros, has an altitude of 1624 meters.



Portaria in Pelion (Pilio) is one of the most beautiful, interesting and unique traditional villages in this entire region of Central Greece. With its stunning natural beauty, fresh spring waters, impressive traditional mansions and winding cobble-stoned paths, Portaria is surely one of the few places where you can find tranquility and beauty right in the heart of Greece.

Pelion Platanias

Pelion Platanias

The fishing village of Platanias lies in front of the stunning long stretched beach of Platanias. This stunning golden sandy beach is ideal for a peaceful swim, surrounded by pebbles. Near the beach there is a camping site and the little port offers regular connections to Skiathos island in summer. From there, a coastal path leads to the astonishing sandy Mikro beach with crystal clear waters.

Pelion Chorto

Pelion Chorto

Chorto (or Horto) is a small seaside village on the southern side of Pelion Peninsula. At a distance of 46 km from Volos, Chorto is located in the inner side of Pelion, on the coasts of the Pagasetic Gulf, in the midway between Argalasti and Milina. Archaeological excavations have shown that Chorto has been inhabited since the times of Homer. In fact, the bay of Chorto formed a busy port for the ancient local tribes. In the Byzantine times, the village was called Chortokastro, while its present name was probably given in the Venetian times from the world chortus, which means paled garden. From the 19th century till the 1950s, Chorto was an important trade centre for the agricultural products that were produced in the region. From the 1970s, tourism has developed and today it is a lovely family place for summer holidays.

Pelion Afisos

Pelion Afisos

Afissos is a small and lovely summer resort about 25 km from Volos. It is geographically found on the southern side of Mount Pelion, built amphitheatrically with view to the Pagasetic Gulf. This fishing village has developed a bit over the last years with delicious taverns at the port and family hotels, but it hasn't lost at all the traditional charm. Surrounded by lush greenery, Afissos is a nice family place. Mythology says that Jason and the Argonauts made a stop there for water, before starting their long trip to Colhis. The region around Afissos has many sandy beaches, partly organized and partly secluded, including Kallifteri, Lagoudi, Ambovos. Afissos is also a good base for excursions in the southern side of Pelion.



Afissos is a small and lovely summer resort about 25 km from Volos. It is geographically found on the southern side of Mount Pelion, built amphitheatrically with view to the Pagasetic Gulf. This fishing village has developed a bit over the last years with delicious taverns at the port and family hotels, but it hasn't lost at all the traditional charm. Surrounded by lush greenery, Afissos is a nice family place. Mythology says that Jason and the Argonauts made a stop there for water, before starting their long trip to Colhis. The region around Afissos has many sandy beaches, partly organized and partly secluded, including Kallifteri, Lagoudi, Ambovos. Afissos is also a good base for excursions in the southern side of Pelion.

Pelion Agios Dimitris

Pelion Agios Dimitris

Agios Dimitrios is an village situated on the eastern side of Pelion and is perched at an altitude of 300 m. The village is surrounded by dense green vegetation and offers an incredible view over the sea. Agios Dimitrios is situated approximately at 60 km from the busy city of Volos. It is a traditional village which has many paved little paths lined by many houses and traditional mansions and is offering nice opportunities for walking.

Pelion Lafkos

Pelion Lafkos

The Medieval village of Lafkos has a square with tall, beautiful plane trees. Remains of a fort and tombs from the 4th century BC have been found in the area of Chontri Amos. Lafkos proudly exhibit its impressive three aisled basilica of Genessios tis Theotokou, wonderful example of Peliot ecclesiastical architecture.

Cities in Epirus region

Sivota Epirus

Sivota Epirus

Satul Sivota a primit numele de la Bătălia navala de la Sivota (433 î.Hr.) dintre Corint şi Corfu în timpul războiului peloponeziac, aşa cum este descrisa de istoricul antic Tucidide (460-400 î.Hr.). Sivota este un sat pitoresc de coastă, cu frumuseţe naturală rară. Acesta se află la doar 24 km sud de Igoumenitsa, vizavi de insula Corfu. Frumuseţile sale naturale atrag un numar mare de vizitatori, ceea ce indica o creştere semnificativă în ultimii ani.



In this village you might think that you are in Swiss, with the beautiful mountains, nature and houses made of wood and stone. Metsovo is located near the border of Albania. With local produced cheese, the woodcraft industry wines, handcraft work, a modern conference centre, an art gallery and elevators for ski, Metsovo is a remarkable village. There are some nice comfortable family hotels.



Ioannina is the capital of Epirus in Greece, with a population of 100,000, at an altitude of 600 m above sea level. It is the capital of a prefecture of Greece with the same name. The city is located on the west side of Lake Pamvotis. It lies at an elevation of approximately 500 meters above sea level, on the western shore of lake Pamvotis. Ioannina is located 450 km northwest of Athens, 290 km southwest of Thessaloniki and 80 km east of the port of Igoumenitsa in the Ionian Sea. The combination of innumerable historical monuments and museums with the unbelievable natural beauty of the landscape is a guarantee for the visitors.



On the southern edge of the island is the small fishing village Perdika. This is perhaps one of the most picturesque places on the island and still has the characteristics of the Aegean style of the square houses and the narrow streets with many taverns where fresh fish is eaten. From here you can take a small boat to Moni island.



The largest and most organized beach in the region between Sivota and Parga. It belongs to Perdika village, which is 10 minutes from the beach and is famous for traditional taverns. In recent years, many hotels have been built near the beach



Igoumenitsa is a modern coastal town, it is the capital of Thesprotia and one of Greece's most important ports and one of the country's gateways to Western Europe. Here is where The Egnatia Highway starts and links Europe with Turkey and the Middle East. There are several beautiful beaches in the surroundings.

Zagori Area All Locations

Zagori Area All Locations

The beautiful and famous area of Zagori is a network of 46 villages spread all over the mountains on the north east of the city of Ioannina. The word Zagori first appeared in a document of 1321 and it means "behind the mountains". It is one of the many toponyms that come from the Slavic language (from the proposition Za, which means "behind" and the noun gora that means "mountain"). The villages of Zagori are famous for their unbelievable natural beauty, their unique architecture and their long history. Not without a reason of course, since the smashing natural landscape, the picturesqueness of every single village and the unlimited opportunities for sallies and every kind of activities really charm and impress the visitor. There are so many things that one can admire that we cannot say for sure which is more impressive.



Epirus is a geographical and historical region in southeastern Europe, shared between Greece and Albania. It lies between the Pindus Mountains and the Ionian Sea, stretching from the Bay of Vlorë in the north to the Gulf Ambracian south. It is now divided between the region of Epirus in northwestern Greece and the counties of Gjirokastër, Vlorë, and Berat in southern Albania. The largest city of Epirus is Ioannina, Epirus region headquarters, and Gjirokastër largest city in the Albanian part of Epirus.



Konitsa is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful border areas not only in Epirus but in Greece on the whole. It is built on the slope of Trapezitsa Mountain in 630 m altitude. There are many assumptions about the origin of its name. The most dominant ones are the stance of the historian P. Aravantinos who claims that it comes from the name of the ancient city Knossos that gradually became Konitsa, as well as the stance that it comes from the Slavic word Konitza, which means "horse bazaar".



Vovousa is a village and a former community in the Ioannina regional unit, Epirus. Vovousa is located on the river Aoos and is one of the easternmost villages of Zagori. It is also located near the National Park of Valia Kalda.

Cities in Lesbos Island region

Lesbos All Locations

Lesbos All Locations

The unique unspoiled beauty of Lesvos (Lesbos) is an astonishing contrast to lush splendour of the rest of the  cosmopolitan islands with its mysterious forests, dramatic coastline, tranquil sunsets and rugged mountains.   A wealth of opportunities allows every visitor to pursue particular interests from sporting and adventure activities to cultural and leisure attractions. The mild Mediterranean climate, warm hospitality and friendliness of the people  make your holidays to Lesvos island an unforgettable experience... There are numerous sand and pebble beaches and many sheltered and isolated coves dotted along the spectacular indented coastline.



Petra is a former municipality on the island of Lesbos, North Aegean. It is located at the northwest of Lesbos and comprises the villages Petra, Skoutaros, Stypsi, Lafionas, Ypsilometopo and the settlements Petri and Anaxos. The town Mithymna is approx. 6 km to the north. The municipality has a land area of 72.479 km² and a population of 3,358 people.



Molyvos, also known as Mythimna is one of the most beautiful medieval villages in Lesvos located 60 km west of Mytilene, the capital of the island. Molyvos is a traditional preserved settlement attracting thousands of visitors with its natural beauty and picturesque corners. Narrow alleys winding around the traditional stone built houses, the Turkish style fountains and beautiful mansions compose an idyllic setting. The landmark of Molyvos is the medieval castle that stands at the top of the rocky cliff and is the second largest castle of Lesvos. Its entrance is quite impressive as well as the view to the Aegean. The archaeological collection, the numerous Byzantine churches and the neoclassical buildings witness a place of special importance. Plenty of accommodations, seaside taverns and nice cafes are found in the village. Some kilometres outside Molyvos is Eftalou, a stunning location with beautiful isolated beaches.



Eftalou beach is a pebbled and sandy beach located 60 km north west of Mytilene and 3 km from km from Molyvos Town. Eftalou is famous for the natural springs that can be seen right on the beach. It has several facilities such as restaurants, taverns, hotels, and many more amenities. Clear waters are ideal for swimming and it also offers renovated bath houses that have communal and private tubs. The distance from the airport to the beach is about 72 km.

Skala Kallonis

Skala Kallonis

The town of Skala Kaloni is both the port, beach and tourist center of Kaloni. The water is shallow and almost never rough and the beaches are very sandy. There are several restaurants along the shore and in the town square, along with supermarkets, hotels, tourist shops etc. The port, which is home to the island's sardine fishing fleet is colorful and active but to see them unloading their catch you have to get there pretty early in the morning. If you do you can buy a container of sardeles pastes when they are in season usually in July and August. Perhaps because of the surrounding mountains the bay of Kaloni is a great place for wind-surfing.



Anaxos is a nice tourist resort lying 60 km north west of Mytilene, the capital of Lesvos between the villages Petra and Molyvos. The area combines an extraordinary natural beauty and some modern facilities that make this area ideal for family holidays.The beach is surrounded by olive groves, oak-trees and pine forests. It is long and sandy with crystalline shallow waters for nice swimming, and extremely safe for the children. Numerous umbrellas and sundecks cover the shore and a beach bar. A few restaurants and taverns line the beachfront offering delicious seafood and many more delicacies of Lesvos. There is a frequent bus service during the summer months that connect some villages with Anaxos beach.



Forty-two kilometers from Mytilini on the southern coast of Lesvos, Plomari, the ouzo capital of Greece, is built amphitheatrically near the sea and is the second largest town on the island after Mytilini. This is where the famous Barbayannis Ouzo comes from as well as several other smaller labels like the excellent Ouzo Giannatsi, both distilled in the traditional method. Whether it's from drinking the extra strong ouzo that many of the inhabitants seem to favor or for some other reason, Plomarian's have the reputation of being a little bit crazy and enjoying life to its fullest. The women of Plomari have the reputation of being a bit stubborn or to put it in better terms strong-willed.



Mytilene is the capital of the Greek island of Lesbos, and its port. It is also the capital and administrative center of the North Aegean Region, and hosts the headquarters of the University of the Aegean. It was founded in the 11th century BC. Mytilini is not a town. It's a city. But it is an amazing little city full of life and surprises and if you are someone with a long history in Greece it may actually remind you of Athens or Pireaus in the fifties.

Skala Eressos

Skala Eressos

Skala Eressos, with its 3km unspoiled beach and crystal clear sea, is a unique village on the beautiful island of Lesvos, and offers a warm welcome to independent travellers & holiday makers from all over the world.



The 9-kilometers Vatera Beach is the longest beach in Lesvos. You will be fascinated from its splendid, clear, blue waters and its white sand. It’s a beautiful beach, where there are many beach bars that provide visitors with umbrellas, sunbeds, food and soft drinks. You can also do various watersports. Vatera is a resort where you can find many souvenir shops, restaurants and fish taverns.



The Gulf of Gera has to be one of the most beautiful area in Greece and therefore in all the world. Like the Gulf of Kaloni it is a large bay with a small mouth and a breeding ground for sardines and other fish and sea creatures. Also like Kaloni it is surrounded by olive groves and forests and some of the most fertile land on the island. There are large areas of wetlands and marshes, home for wild birds and animals and there are also hot-springs in the area of Thermi, a 15 minute drive from the city of Mytilini. There are a number of small sea-food tavernas that serve the freshest local fish and are inexpensive. The towns in Yera are mostly agricultural and those on the coast of the bay were formerly industrial with tanneries and olive-oil factories. The ruins of these factories create an interesting background to the natural beauty of the sea and coast.

Skala Mistegnon

Skala Mistegnon

Skala Mistegnon is a large and calm beach, situated 17km northwest of Mytilene, the capital of Lesvos. The surrounding area is discreetly covered with lush greenery, tall pine trees and olive groves. The waters create the ideal conditions for swimming. The beach is not organized but it is a good place for various activities. It is surrounded by many hotels and apartments and rooms for rent. There are a few restaurants and traditional taverns right on the beachfront with delicious seafood and many other delicacies for the visitors to enjoy.

Pyrgi Thermi

Pyrgi Thermi

Pyrgi Thermi is a real Greek village only 11 km north from the old town of Mytilini (buses every half hour) and 20km from the airport of Lesvos. Besides the superb swimming and the excellent ouzo at the water side tables, there are many other reasons to choose Pyrgi Thermi for your holidays: first of all because it has been untouched by modern tourism, second because of its archaeological interest. Pyrgi Thermi offers you a unique opportunity to explore its history. Pyrgi means tower in Greek and at the end of the 19th century there were 160 pyrgi in this area.

Cities in Ionian Islands region



Kalamos with its 25 km2 area is the largest of the islets that lie around the island Lefas / Lefkada. It is situated east of Lefkada and not far from the mainland. The island is like a mountain ridge, that runs from one side to the other. The highest point of Kalamos is 754 meters and is located in the center of the island. The coast is rocky and there are few ports. There are approximately 465 people living in Kalamos. The north and the east of the island is mainly covered with a pine tree forest and there are many small beaches.



Famous all over the world as the mythical island of Odysseus, Ithaca charms visitors with the laid-back island, the blue green water and the lush greenery. This is a small place ideal for families and romantic couples. Swim in the crystal water, walk along trekking paths, have your meal in fish taverns and chat with the welcoming locals. In the day, enjoy the hot sun and the clean water, while in the evenings stroll along the beach promenade of Vathy and have a relaxing drink with view to the night sky. Filiatro, Sarakiniko and Agios Ioannis are amazing beaches of Ithaca island, while you will find many other secluded coves to swim. You can go for holidays or as a day trip to Ithaca Greece from Kefalonia.



The tiny island of Paxi is located south of Corfu, on the northern side of the Ionian Sea. This is a place with intense cosmopolitan style due to the many yachts that moor in its ports in summer. Paxi island is mostly famous for the wonderful beaches with the exotic blue color. Particularly the uninhabited islet of Antipaxi has few of the most wonderful beaches in Greece, with true Caribbean water. The islet of Antipaxi can be visited by boat from the port of Gaios, the capital of Paxi Greece. Gaios, Lakka and Logos are the three villages of the island, with traditional architecture and relaxing beach promenades. The island can be visited for holidays or as a day trip from Corfu and Parga.

Cities in Skopelos Island region



Greek archipelago consists of about 6,000 islands, but only few of them can boast a similar beauty Skopelos island. Dressed from one end to another in pine forests, plane trees, olive and plum orchards, Skopelos island is considered to be the greenest island of the Aegean Sea, a small paradise budgets accessible to the Romans and ideal for relaxing and spending holidays together loved ones.

Neo Klima

Neo Klima

Neo Klima is a relatively new village on the West coast of Skopelos Island. We are a welcoming community and we enjoy some of the most beautiful views available on the island. The village has expansive sea views and several large beaches with sun loungers during the summer season. We are bordered by majestic forest covered mountains for you to explore, with many paths accessed from Neo Klima.

Panormos Skopelos

Panormos Skopelos

Panormos is located 12 km north west of Skopelos Town and despite the long distance, the route is quite pleasant. The sandy beach is enclosed in a stunning bay and consists of two small islets. It is a quite popular area with beautiful surroundings, many facilities and an impressive lush green setting. Close to the beach lies the village of Panormos where you will find plenty of taverns, restaurants and many local shops. Next to the sea are some ancient wall remains.

Cities in Trikala region



Trikala (Greek: Τρίκαλα) is a city in southwestern Thessaly, Greece and the capital of Trikala regional unit. Town Lithaios cross the river, which is a tributary of Pineios. According to the National Statistical Service, Trikala is populated by 81 355 inhabitants (2011), while total Trikala regional unit is populated by 131 085 inhabitants (2011).

Cities in Aegean Islands region



Milos is a wonderful island of Cyclades, full of surprises and special charm. It is mostly famous from the statue of Venus of Milo (Aphrodite), a fine piece of Greek Ancient Art, that was discovered on the island and it is today hosted in the Louvre Museum, Paris. Over the last years, Milos Greece has also become famous for the astonishing lunar landscape in Sarakiniko, the exotic water of the beaches and the picturesque architecture of villages, like Klima, Plaka and Pollonia. Milos holidays are perfect for families and romantic couples, as the island has a unique relaxing atmosphere. Do not miss a boat trip to Kleftiko, also known as the Sea Meteora, an amazing region on the southern side with exotic water.



Hydra is the most impressive island in the Argo Saronic Gulf. Due to its close distance to Athens, it gets very popular as a summer weekend destination. The town is constructed on the slopes of a hill around a port and impresses visitors at first sight with the elegant stone mansions. The special thing about Hydra island is that cars and other motor vehicles are entirely prohibited in all the island, so all transport is done on foot, by boat or riding the donkey. In fact, the donkeys are very characteristic figures of Hydra Greece. Beaches on the island are actually small coves with crystal water and green surroundings. Agios Nikolaos, Bitsi, Vlichos and Kaminia are the most beautiful beaches on the island.



A small island of Dodecanese, Leros is located between Patmos and Kalymnos. In fact, holidays in Leros can be easily combined with trips to Patmos, Kalymnos and Lipsi. According to mythology, Leros island was where goddess Artemis would go for hunting, as it had a rich population in deer. The long history of Leros Greece is depicted in the many sights around the island, such as the Medieval Castle and the interesting museums. Alinda and Agia Marina are the most tourist places on the island, while a drive around the island will bring visitors to relaxing, crystal beaches. Over the last years, the island is developing as a diving destination due to the many ancient shipwrecks that have been found in the surrounding sea.

Serifos Island

Serifos Island

Serifos is a beautiful island of Western Cyclades, in a short ferry ride from Athens. Not much developed in tourism, Serifos island has kept its traditional character and the virgin landscape. Chora is the most picturesque spot in Serifos Greece, constructed on the slopes of a mountain and with fabulous view to the Aegean Sea. The most tourist places are Livadi and Livadakia, while the island has crystal beaches all around its coastline. Ideal for families or romantic couples, many trekking paths also cross the island, providing interesting landscape to explore.

Astypalea Island All Locations

Astypalea Island All Locations

Although Astypalea belongs to the Dodecanese complex, it has an intense Cycladic character. This is a small island and its shape looks like a butterfly. Tourism is not much developed but tourist facilities are enough to cater for the limited number of visitors. Astypalea island looks very charming with the picturesque architecture of Chora, the Venetian Castle on top of the hill, the traditional windmills and the relaxing beaches. Few beaches close to Chora are organized, but as you drive away from the capital, you will find totally secluded places to enjoy privacy. Astypalea Greece is an ideal place for families and romantic couples.



An island with wild natural beauty, Folegandros in Greece is located between Paros and Santorini. Although it is found close to popular islands of Cyclades, Folegandros island remains away from mass tourism and keeps an authentic character. With traditional Cycladic architecture, breathtaking views and secluded beaches, this island is ideal for families and romantic couples. You will love walking along the picturesque streets of Chora and up to the small church of Panagia, located on the highest spot of the island with gorgeous view to the sea. By bus or boat from the port, you will reach amazing beaches with private atmosphere and crystal water.



Kimolos is a small island next to Milos Cyclades. Although it is located very close to a popular Greek island, Kimolos island maintains its pure nature and the calm ambiance. Famous for its lovely beaches with the crystal water, all activities are concentrated in Chorio, the only village on the island, and around the port. In fact, it is around the port that the most organized beach and the tourist facilities of the island are found. The other beaches can be reached on foot or by boat. They all have crystal water and relaxing atmosphere. The island can be visited for holidays or as a day trip from Milos. Ferries to Kimolos Greece depart daily from the port of Pollonia in Milos.



Kythnos is a harsh, rocky island with healing waters and a nice variety of things to do, lazy days by the sea and a good, but not too busy nightlife. Even though it is practically without vegetation, the locals live off growing olives and making wine besides tourism. The island is a little bit different from the other Cycladic islands, since its architecture is quite varied, and parts of the villages are quite modernized.



Caracterized by Unesco as the island of Peace and Friendship,Halki(Chalki, Khalki)is a jewel of an island, small and rocky, situated some 6 km west of the island of Rhodes in the Dodecanese Archipelago. With an area of 28 km2 and a population of a few hundred people in the summer, it is one of the smallest inhabited islands not only in the Aegean but in all of Greece. The landscape is mountainous with the most important peaks being those of Prophet Elias (518m), Kapouli (512) and Kapnikari (500m). With the exceptions of the main port of Imporio and the beach of Pontamos, the other beaches found of the island are small and rocky.



The least famous island of Sporades, Skyros is located in the center of the Aegean Sea. Skyros island is a place with vivid tradition and special character. Chora is located along the slopes of a hill, offering great view to the Aegean Sea. Walk around the narrow streets of Chora, have a relaxing coffee and explore the Medieval Castle above the town. The most popular beach on the island is Molos, a long crystal coast with many tourist facilities. Around the island, there are equally beautiful places with fewer facilities and totally relaxing atmosphere. Ferry to Skyros Greece departs from the port of Kimi in Evia island, while in summer there is local ferry connection to Skopelos and Alonissos.

Cities in Samos region



The island's longest beach is found at KAMBOS , also known as VOTSALAKIA. The beach of fine sand and a few stones is most attractive though it turns to shingle in the sea and is marred by an ugly and sprawling tourist resort that has grown up behind it. The saving grace is the glorious backdrop of Mt. Kerkis and when the beach gets crowded which is not too often, they give every reason to go hiking off into the surrounding countryside where there are many fine walks. There is a good range of the usual shops in the resort and plenty of bars, all low key and closing around 1am.



The village Kokkari is a bathing and major tourist resort in the north of the island Samos, not far from the capital Vathi or Samos city. Here are also quite some hotels in a pleasant environment. People who have been there speak generally positive about this village. The village has a long and pleasant pebblebeach and many restaurants, super markets and tourist shops.

Samos Island

Samos Island

Samos is an island with unique natural beauty. It is situated in eastern Aegean, very close to the shores of Asia Minor. A channel of 1200 m (7 ancient stadium) separating them. North of the island of Samos is erythrea peninsula, north-west is the magnificent island of Chios, while in the west and southwest is Ikaria and the island group of small islands known as Fourni. The archipelago is located south of Samos Agathonisi Dodecanese islands, Patmos and Arkia is closest to her. Samos is an island with mountains, endless vineyards, where the famous wine producing samiotiko, rocky shores and embroidered into the water.



Pythagorion has an unstopped history of 3000 years. It is the place where past and present are impartibly and fully harmonized with the magic nature and the superb climate. All of the above compose a total that impresses and pleasantly surprises everyone that visits the home of science and culture.



VOTSALAKIA is a 2 km long village where you can get just about everything you need on your Holiday. Many Tavernas are to be found all along the street and on the beach. there are umbrellas and sun beds on the beach and there is enough space for those who don't require them as well. Until to now, there are no jet-bikes to be seen. Behind the village you can walk up to the 'Monastry of Evangelistria' or if you dare, right to the top.

Agios Konstantinos Samos

Agios Konstantinos Samos

The beautiful coastal settlement of Agios Konstantinos offers a very long beach and preserves elements of traditional architecture. The village was named after a church, built in 1890. Agios Konstantinos consists of two neighborhoods the one is 'Pano Agios' which is on the mountain and the other is coastal. The neibohuring ravine Aidonia (Nightingale) is particularly beautiful. At nightfall, one can listen to the song of the nightingales.



One of the most famous regions of Samos. Here, according to the mythology been born the view Ira and here it was worshipped as it appears also from the ruins of eminent ancient temple that were dedicated in this. It is found in distance of 8 km from Pythagorio. His coastal settlement is considered one from more beautiful the island. His ancient history, the architectural layout of settlement that remains faith in the traditional islander rythm, they create a nostalgic atmosphere that it charms each visitor.

Vathy Kalami

Vathy Kalami

On the north - east side of the Samos island is situated Vathy, with the seat of the municipality the town of Samos. Built amphitheatrically around a large bay, it is a harmonious fusion of Aegean Sea colours, a neoclassical coastal zone and the gorgeous beaches surrounding it. Vathy is one of the 3 main ports on the Samos island and is almost linked to Samos, although the division between the 2 towns is difficult to see.



Stretched out imposingly in the northern side of island Samos and gone around from green villages with a lot of vegetation and beaches with crystal clear waters, is found Karlovasi, the second largest town on the island, 35 km from Vathi. An unusually planned town, it is divided into five sections: Old, New and Middle Karlovassi, the Bay and the Harbour. A stroll around the town will provide ample evidence of past glories, with mansions, large and impressive churches, and deserted tanneries. In the area there are several bays for swimming, and in particular, the idyllic Potami and large and small beaches of Saytani.



The neighbouring kilometre of windswept sand and shingle at Mikali has attracted three large package holiday hotels despite the area being a protected nature reserve where storks, herons and flamingos are frequent winter visitors. The beach is stony but turns to sand under the water.

Pythagorion Potokaki

Pythagorion Potokaki

Potokaki Beach is a pebble beach at the edge of Pythagorion towards the village of Ireon in the south. There are a couple of umbrellas and sunbeds. The beach is mainly for the couple of hotels that are built around this beach. Amongst the pebbles there is plenty of sand and actually it is not a bad beach at all. It is easy to get into the water here because the sea is shallow. In the last couple of years luxury hotels have been built along this beach and the beachchairs and umbrellas have taken over. Potokaki Beach is an option for people that want to be near Pythagorio, which is within easy walking distance, but still prefer to stay at a beach instead of in the village.



This is a very quiet and relaxed beach located on the east coast of Samos, perfect if you want to spend a day at the beach without being disturbed. The beaches consist of pebbles and stones, there are taverns next to the beach offering among other things a free shower for guests. Access to the beach is really simple as you drive all the way donw to the beach.

Marathokampos Ormos

Marathokampos Ormos

Ormos Marathokampos is found in the south-western side of Samos island, on the foot of the tall mountain Kerkis overlooking the deep blue Aegean sea. In distance of 30 km is found the island's airport and 40 km is the capital of Samos, Vathi.

Chrissi Ammos

Chrissi Ammos

Chrissi Ammos (golden sand in Greek) is fine sandy small beach (about 300 meters long) at the south west part of Samos between Kambos and Limnionas. A part of the beach is organised with umbrellas, there is a beach bar for drinks and snacks, a restaurant and water sports. The beach is awarded the blue flag.



The beach of Posidonio consists of a number of small pebble beaches around a bay. The beach is accessible if you take the turn to Paleokastro leading from the road between Vathi and Pythagorion. In Paleokastro you take the turn to Posidonio. The beaches are located in the southeast of the island of Samos and the route here is very nice. leading through the woods and with beautiful views here and there. In this area there are even more beaches such as the beach of Kerveli or the beach of Klima. On the beach at Posidonio there are some tavernas and cafes and you can rent umbrellas and sunbeds. In the bay there can be some wind, making it popular for watersurfers.

Cities in Greece region



Agistri is the smallest island of the Argosaronic with an area of 14 sq km. It is only 22 nautical miles from the Piraeus and 3,5 nautical miles from Aegina island. The tallest spot of the island is 245 meters and is located at Kontari. The population of the island is 1.000 inhabitants.

Cities in Aegina region

Insula Egina

Insula Egina

Aegina lies almost in the center of the Saronic islands and is the closest island to Athens with the exception of Salamina, just a few miles away. There are many reasons that made Aegina a popular holiday destination. The beautiful Aegina town, beautiful beaches, traditional architecture, picturesque settlements like Agia Marina and Perdika and of course the sanctuary of Afea Athena and the famous church of Agios Nektarios next to Paleohora. Aegina can be reached by boat from Piraeus. The distance from Piraeus is about 17 miles to the city of Aegina, 16 miles to Agia Marina and 12 miles to Souvala and it takes the small Ro-Ro ferries about an hour and a half to reach it.

Cities in Patmos Island region



Patmos is not a big island, but it is one of the best known. It was here St. John had his vision and wrote the apocalypse, and this is why Patmos is sometimes called "The Jerusalem of the Aegean". The Monastery of St. Johns towers above the capital, Chora, and the whole island breathes of faith and devotion.



Grikos bay is situated in the southeast. It is approximately 4.5 km from the port in Skala.The road runs parallel to the coast making walking to and from Skala very beautifuland popular especially for joggers. The bus stops by several times a day leaving you 50 meters from the beach.

Cities in Patras region



Patras is the largest city and main port of the Peloponnese. The city was founded in 1100, but grown into an important port in Roman times. After the Second Crusade became the site of a Roman Catholic archbishop. In 1408 the town was under the rule of Venice, and in 1460 returned to the hands of the Turks, who destroyed it in 1821. It was then rebuilt in neo-classical style with stacked rectangular streets. Every spring the city hosts one of the most colorful carnivals in Europe. It includes parades with giant satirical figures in assisting thousands of visitors. Patras is famous for supporting the development of local culture and urban literature; was the European Capital of Culture in 2006.

Patra town

Patra town

Patras, 130 miles (230km) west of Athens, is situated just west of the narrow mouth to the Gulf of Corinth, on the northwest shore of the Peloponnesian peninsula. Three of the "Eptanisa" (seven islands) off Greece's western coast are about a two hour trip from this, Greece's third-largest city (metro pop. 213,000). The three islands, who have their own beauty, are Zakinthos, Kefalonia, and Ithaca. Ithaca was the home of Homer's Ulysses. One of the reasons Patras is called Greece's Gateway to the West is that thousands of Greek emigrants passed through this port city on their way to new lands, chiefly the USA, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Another reason is that Patras is still a major shipping center. It has constant, close communication and trade relations with Italy and the rest of Western Europe.

Patra Rio

Patra Rio

Rio is a town and a former municipality in Achaea, West Greece. The former municipality had a population of around 13,000. The campus of the University of Patras is located in Rio.

Agios Andreas

Agios Andreas

Agios Andreas is a neighbourhood in the south-central part of the city of Patras, 2 km from the downtown core.

Cities in Dodecanese region



Symi is located in the Southern Dodecanese, north of Rhodes and close to the coast of south-west Turkey. Symi is just over 13 km north/south and about 8 km east/west with an area of some 68 square km. Symi is an island that has a little bit of everything: beautiful surroundings, nice taverns and wonderful waters. You come here to relax, but it is not one of those islands where time stands completely still. It has quite a lot of visitors every summer, but has remained genuine to a great extent. The people on Symi live off tourism, fishing and some farming.



Tilos is a tiny island of Dodecanese, located between Kos and Rhodes. Away from mass tourism, Tilos island is an alternative destination with secluded beaches and small villages. Although it has few tourist facilities, they are enough to cater for the limited number of visitors. Livadia is the port of the island and the most tourist place. However, the most interesting place is Mikro Chorio, a ghost village with abandoned buildings. The beaches of Tilos Greece are mostly unorganized and ideal for total privacy. Some of them are also naturist places and they can be accessed on foot or with the small local bus. The island can be visited for holidays or as a day trip from another Dodecanese island.



A small island of Dodecanese, Nisyros is not developed in tourism and remains a peaceful, alternative destination. With few tourist facilities, this is the ideal place for total calmness and privacy. Nisyros island is mostly famous for its still active volcano that is found in the center of the island, the youngest volcano in Greece. Mandraki and Nikia are the most picturesque villages in Nisyros Greece, with traditional architecture and great views. The beaches are clean and due to the limited visitors they have a relaxing atmosphere. The island can be visited for holidays or as a day trip from Kos. Also holidays in Nisyos can be easily combined with other islands of Dodecanese, as there is daily ferry transportation in summer.



At the south easternmost edge of Greek dominion, spreads out the calm and beauty of Kastellorizo island. Belying former grandeur of the island of Megisti, as it is officially know from ancient times. The island has a total surface of 9,2 km2 and is located 72 miles east of Rhodes and only 2 kms from the turkish coast. It is a mountainous and rocky island that combines beautiful scenery, ancient monuments, kind people, peaceful holidays and relaxation.



The Dodecanese islands are located on the south eastern side of Greece, between Cyclades and the coasts of Turkey. Less popular than Cyclades and with a different style, these greek islands distinguish for their Medieval architecture and the peaceful beaches. The most popular islands of Dodecanese Greece are Rhodes and Kos, while Karpathos is also getting famous over the last years. Kalymnos is developing as a rock climbing destination, Leros is a diving destination, while Patmos is famous for its spiritual character. The rest islands of Dodecanese, smaller in size, are considered more alternative holiday destinations.

Cities in Paros region

Paros All Locations

Paros All Locations

Paros is the third largest archipelago between the islands of the Cyclades Islands and is known for the extraction of marble. Paros has thrived due to their all and did not need to attract tourists, just as largely as his neighbors. From classic marble here has been used as raw material by the best sculptors and architects, so that Paros has become a source of raw material for the whole of Greece. Paros marble was made in the 2nd century BC, the statue of Venus de Milo, the winged goddess of victory or staying on the island of Samothraki.



Also called Paros Town or Hora, Parikia is the capital of Paros Greece and has about 3,000 inhabitants. Parikia was built on the same site where the ancient city and capital used to stand. This little town is the commercial and cultural centre of Paros as well as the main harbour of the island, serving many other islands. For the numerous connections Paros offers, thousands of visitors visit Parikia during summer just to catch a connection for another island.

Naoussa Paros

Naoussa Paros

The beautiful picturesque fishing village of Naoussa is located in a huge bay in the northern part of Paros, 10 kilometres east from the capital, Parikia. Naoussa is considered to be one of the prettiest villages in the Cyclades and, despite the tourism development, this lovely village has manage to keep its authenticity, its traditional character and its charm, with its whitewashed and flowered little houses and its tiny whitewashed churches and chapels, surrounded by labyrinth-like narrow, stone paved streets.

Chryssi Akti Paros

Chryssi Akti Paros

The beach of Chrissi Akti (Golden Coast) is a huge sandy beach with blue waters and a view of the island of Drionissi, a small island to the south-east of Paros. It is an organized beach, with many water sport schools, restaurants and rooms to let. The visitors who do not love windsurfing, should avoid coming to this beach when it is windy, however the beach is ideal for those who long for the wind in order to cleave the waves with their windsurfing board! Chrissi Akti (the Golden Coast) has been awarded the European Union's blue flag.

Agia Eirini

Agia Eirini

The small beach of Agia Irini is located a few kilometres south of Parikia and is boarded with beautiful palm trees, giving to the place a tropical atmosphere. A lovely church of the same name stands right on the beachfront. This is a dreamy site but it can get crowded sometimes for it is really small. Just behind the beach is a very relaxing campsite, almost non-organized, full of palm trees and olive trees and has a very good tavern serving a big variety of Greek traditional food. Agia Irini beach is located far away from the asphalted road and has to be reached from a footpath.

Piso Livadi

Piso Livadi

The small fishing port of Piso Livadi is located a couple of km south of Marpissa and 19 km south-east of Parikia. Piso Livadi used to be a calm little village but it has been transformed and intensely developed in order to attract tourists. This important holiday resort has many restaurants and cafes located on the waterfront and a few rentals; it is famous for its fine Greek cuisine. From this little port, daily trips for Naxos, Ios, Santorini and Amorgos are organized regularly. South of Piso Livadi one can found many superb beaches as the Golden Beach, considered as one of the best spots in the Mediterranean for slalom windsurfing. The big religious festivity of this little resort is the celebration of the Ascension Day, during which many happenings are organized and sea food and wine are served to the participants.



Ambelas is a small yet lovely fishing village located 12,5 km far from Paros town and 5km from Naoussa. It has a small sandy beach where all the fishing boats come to. Mostly famous for the fishing port and the delicious fish taverns, Ambelas is a nice alternative if you don't want to stay in the busy town of Naoussa. The water is crystal clear and safe for the children. It is not an organized beach but it is a nice place for those who prefer the tranquil locations. The sea front taverns and the traditional restaurants offer some of the greatest fish food on Paros. In Ambelas, there are many hotels and apartments to stay.



Aliki is beautiful coastal village with a picturesque port, located 13km south of Parikia. This is one of the places that has known a huge tourist arrival during the past few years. Most of the tourists seek the peacefulness and the warmness that Aliki offers. Even during the high season where the tourist number is highly increased, the village keeps its traditional character. The locals stand out for their kindness and open heart. Aliki takes great care of the food lovers, as a result you will be greatly satisfied from the traditional taverns and the restaurants whose owners grow their own products in order to offer you the best dishes. The village is mostly recommended for family holidays due to its clear sandy beach and the fish taverns. During the summer months, the beaches around Aliki are favorite places for windsurfers. There are also many small coves ideal for total privacy and relaxation. It is worth mentioning that a Cycladic folklore museum can be visited in the suburbs of Aliki. This museum hosts handmade exhibits and miniatures of ships or important monuments, depicting the interesting tradition of Cyclades islands.



Parasporos is located south of Parikia, the capital of Paros, next to a campsite, which is the reason why it is often very crowded. It is a large beach with emerald waters and golden sand. A couple of beach bars are available on the beach and organise a few parties during summer time, with dancing and drinking all night long. Parasporos Beach is reachable by local bus that stops nearby the beach or by private car for a good asphalted road leads to it. The beach is well sign posted from the town. If you take the first turning you can park above the beach, otherwise there is a second turning with a car park on the same level.



The village of Drios is located 25 kilometers southeast of capital Parikia on Paros Island. It is a small picturesque fishing village and in recent decades has turned its attention to tourism. The picturesque harbor is home to many fishing boats, as well as several restaurants and cafes.



Drios is a small fishing village located on the east coast of Paros and surrounded by various nice sandy villages. This is another smal fishing village of the island. There is a row of restaurants (specializing in fish of course) and below them is the picturesque harbour. Looking out from the village you can see the uninhabited island of Drios.

Santa Maria

Santa Maria

Santa Maria is located near Naoussa, in Plastira Bay and is a long coastline divided in two soft, golden sandy beaches which offer a beautiful view on the island of Naxos and the crystal emerald waters. The first is commonly known as Santa Maria Camping due to the nearby site. They both face onto Aliki Bay. The second is about a kilometer beyond the first and is on the right side of the road. It is a nice bay with good views.



Krios is a lovely beach situated very close to the centre of Parikia, just 2km away. It is a long sandy beach with crystalline waters that are surrounded by a bay and are well protected from strong summer winds. The beach is well-organized with umbrellas and sundecks and has small taverns that serve food and drinks. Krios has a great view of the town of Parikia and the surrounding landscape. The access is very easy by public transport and you will also find a large parking area, next to the beach. In close distance, there are other beautiful beaches and also many hotels and rooms to rent can be found in the region.



One of the loveliest villages of Paros, Lefkes is situated in the central part of Paros, 11 km south east of Parikia. Lefkes has 500 inhabitants and is built at an altitude of 300 metres above the sea level, on a verdant hill covered with olive trees and pine trees and offers a breathtaking view of Naxos Island. This beautiful village used to be the capital of Paros during the Middle Ages and is full of little traditional whitewashed houses, mixed with Venetian architecture, wonderful churches dating from the 15th century, whitewashed windmills and beautiful dovecotes. The charm and the beauty of Lefkes are still untouched by mass tourism, which help it maintain its authenticity. The Church of Agia Triada (Holy Trinity) is the village's main church. This is a beautiful Byzantine church made of fine white marble, glimmering under the sun. Rare and valuable Byzantine icons are housed in this church and are very worth-seeing. In Lefkes are also the Folk Art Museum which exhibits various local tools and clothing and the Museum of Aegean Folk Culture. From this marvelous village, the Byzantine Road, a paved footpath dating from the Byzantine period, leads to the village of Prodromos and ends up to the sea.

Cities in Cyclades Islands region



A tiny island of Small Cyclades, Iraklia is geographically located between Naxos and Ios. Although it is found between two popular Greek islands, due to its small size, Iraklia island has managed to keep its calm vibe away from mass tourism. This is a perfect destination to enjoy some private and peaceful moments. The beaches are not organized in Iraklia Greece and they can be reached mostly on foot, which makes it a great place for trekking and free camping. Tourist facilities are few on the island, but there are enough to cater for the limited number of visitors. The island can be visited for holidays or as a day trip from Naxos. There is local ferry connection from Naxos and the other islands of Small Cyclades.

Andros Cyclades

Andros Cyclades

Andros is the northernmost strip of land in the Greek Cyclades island group, with a long naval tradition. His landscapes are breathtaking on almost every postcard. Beyond the obvious any specific sandy beaches seaside landscape, this region enchants and through its rocky coasts through mountainous areas alternating with fertile plains, through lush vegetation and abundant water flows through flowing by.



Cyclades Islands are an archipelago of islands in the Aegean Sea belonging to Greece, comprising 211 islands, of which 24 are inhabited. It has an area of 2572 km2 and a population of 119,549 inhabitants. These islands sunburned and worn by the waves are haunted by terrible storms, due to winds from the south.



Amorgos is one of the most beautiful Greek islands in the Aegean Sea. Located near Naxos and Ios, on the southern side of the Cyclades, this island amazes visitors with the natural beauty, the traditional architecture and the fabulous beaches. Its virgin beauty inspired the filmmaker Luc Besson to shoot scenes of the movie The Big Blue in the beach of Agia Anna. The most famous sight of Amorgos island is the impressive Monastery of Hozoviotissa, constructed on the slopes of a rock with breathtaking view to the sea. A walk in Chora and the other villages of Amorgos Greece will be unforgettable, while hikers will also have the possibility to hike many interesting paths.



Antiparos is a small island of Cyclades, located just next to Paros island. This is a nice destination for a day excursion from Paros or even many days of relaxing beach holiday. The most popular activity in Antiparos island is swimming: many sandy beaches with crystal water are found in close distance to Chora, even in a walking distance. Nudism and camping are particularly popular on these beaches. Chora, the capital and only village of Antiparos Greece, has traditional Cycladic architecture with narrow paved streets, whitewashed houses and lovely blue-domed churches. On the southern side, there is an impressive cave with stalactites and stalagmites.

Kea Island

Kea Island

Although Kea belongs to the Cyclades complex, its architecture and landscape has little similarities to the other islands of the complex. Also known as Tzia, Kea island is located south of Attica and right opposite the town of Lavrion. An island with rich history and relaxing beaches, Kea Greece receives mostly Athenian weekend vacationers. It is not much open to foreign tourists, but still it has nice seaside villages, a picturesque capital and crystal beach waters. The architecture has more earthy colours that match the wild, mountainous landscape. The island can be reached only by ferry from the port of Lavrion, on the southernmost spot of Attica.



Koufonisia is actually a complex of two islands: Pano Koufonissi which is inhabited and has tourist facilities, and Kato Koufonissi which is totally uninhabited and visited only for a beach trip from Pano Koufonissi. Located between Naxos and Amorgos, Koufonisia island is an ideal place to relax. Perfect for walking and cycling, there are many fantastic beaches to visit and many of them are actually nudist places. Most activities in Koufonisia Greece are concentrated in Chora, where most tourist accommodation, taverns and shops are found. The islands can be visited for holidays or for a day trip from Naxos and Amorgos. The island belongs to the complex of Small Cyclades, along with Donoussa, Schinoussa and Iraklia.



A tiny island of Small Cyclades, Donoussa is located between Naxos and Amorgos. This is among the smallest islands of the complex and has not developed in tourism. Due to its small size, it has remained a virgin place for summer holidays, with few tourist facilities and much privacy. The main thing to do in Donoussa island is swimming: the beaches of Donoussa Greece are not organized and all have crystal water. They are mostly accessible on foot and offer all the calmness you need in holidays. As there are few means of transport on the island, it is also ideal for trekking. Donoussa island can be reached by ferry from Piraeus or with local boat from Naxos and Amorgos.



The town extends around the large, natural harbour and it is distinguished for its imposing beauty of neoclassical marble building, of which still, today constitute the architectural decoration and create an admiration for the visitor. On the hill, above the town is situated the picturesque settlement of Ano Syros, of which until today, the cycladic medieval architecture has remained untouched over the years.



The village of Azolimnos lies 4 km to the south of Ermoupolis. A beautiful small beach by the village has been attracting lots of local and foreign tourists who come for a swim and a sunbath. Several diving centers offer underwater trips in the calm crystal clear waters while the beach is covered with numerous tourist facilities. The taverns and restaurants by the beach are popular for the fresh seafood served with spaghetti and wine. You can relish the delicious cocktail shrimps and stuffed cuttle fish in traditional Greek style, while enjoying the view of the blue sea and the nearby citadels. You can also stroll around the small yet attractive church of Analipsi (Resurrenction). The nearby village of Mana with its beautiful farms and green houses is perfect for relaxing. There are hotels and studios near the beach which offer a luxurious stay at an affordable budget, but the numbers are limited and the rooms need to be booked earlier during the season. The village is connected by bus with Ermoupolis.



Schinoussa is a tiny and remote island in the centre of the Aegean Sea. Located south of Naxos, Schinoussa island belongs to the complex of Small Cyclades, along with Koufonissia, Donoussa and Iraklia. This island is perfect for calm, alternative vacations. The wild landscape, the isolate beaches and the relaxing atmosphere captivate visitors and creates a perfect place for total privacy. Tourist facilities are few in Schinoussa but enough to cater for the limited number of visitors. The beaches are crystal and are mostly accessible on foot. Visitors can go for short holidays in Schinoussa or as a day trip from Naxos and Amorgos with local ferry.

Aghios Ioannis Cyclades

Aghios Ioannis Cyclades

Considered being the most beautiful beach of the island's south-west coast, Agios Ioannis has soft sand and crystalline blue waters. From there, one can enjoy an amazing view over the island of Delos. A good place to get away from it all. Not too close to the town to be packed so a good place to enjoy a smallish beach.

Cities in Naxos Island region



Plaka is like a continuation of the beach of Agia Anna and is one of the most beautiful beaches of the island. It is a calm and endless sandy beach with, in some parts, big flat stones and amazing crystal clear waters. In the beginning of the beach one can find sun beds and umbrellas but most of it keeps its unspoiled natural beauty, without any tourist facility to disfigure it. A few hotels, restaurants and cafes can be find behind the sandy dunes boarding the beautiful beach.

Naxos Island All Locations

Naxos Island All Locations

Naxos Island is a beautiful, fresh green, which is among the most fruitful of Kiklada. The region here is embellished by olive crops and fields. Although the island is largely mountainous, with a large inviting offers superb beaches. Although the weather is mild, there are no crowds, and therefore many times you can enjoy solitude on the beach. The island is ideal especially if you want a quiet holiday. The main island is the bustling city of Naxos, where you can admire the high ramparts of the fortress Zoodochou Pigis Venetian 18th-century cathedral.

Agios Georgios Naxos

Agios Georgios Naxos

This sandy beach is the closest to the capital and for that it is one of the most popular and crowded beach of the island. It is very long, extending for many kilometres and is full organized, proposing sun beds and umbrellas for rent as well as various water sports facilities. The first thing you notice about the beach is its size. It rolls on and on. If you are used to beaches on other Cycladic islands then it will come as a shock. The other difference is that this beach actually has waves, and they get bigger the further you go from the town. The sand here is soft and the water clear. Across the sea you get a lovely view of Paros. If you walk round the headline on the southern end of the beach you will find a considerable amount of windsurfers. It is one of the most famous spots of the island for windsurfing. Lessons are conducted here because the water is quite shallow and the wind is good. Several cafes and restaurants are lining the beach and many hotels, rooms for rent and studios are available in the surrounding area.



The beach of Kastraki is located just after Sahara and is a beautiful golden sandy beach with crystalline waters. A few accommodations can be found behind the beach. Kastraki is long and winding with lots of different bays. The area is quite unspoiled and surprisingly few people make their way down this beach. There is a slight wind but it doesn't deter from a visit. There are interesting rock formations just out into the clear water.

Agios Prokopios

Agios Prokopios

The beach of Ag. Prokopios, one of the most beautiful beaches in the Mediterranean Sea with the unique red coloured lakes located nearby the golden sand, tends to be the most popular beach on island. Aghios Prokopios was the old port of Naxos where Turkish and pirate boats arrived. There is a shipwreck near the rocks found on the end of the beach. At the end of the beach you will find the small church of Agios Prokopios On July 8th Agios Prokopios church celebrates and at this time , you may enjoy greek traditional music and special events organized by the Cultural Organization of Agios Arsenios.

Agia Anna

Agia Anna

Located 7 km from the capital, following Agios Prokopios, there is the beautiful beach of Agia Anna. It is the group of several sandy beaches, interrupted only by a small fishing port and some rocky formations. Some parts of the beach are fully organized and some are not. The crystalline turquoise waters are forming, with the soft golden sand, an idyllic picture. Agia Anna Beach can be reached by bus from Naxos Town. The village of Agia Anna has many hotels, studios and rooms for rent as well as numerous fish restaurants and taverns, cafes, bars and night clubs.

Mikri Vigla

Mikri Vigla

The incredibly beautiful beach of Mikri Vigla on Naxos island is located 18 kilometres away from the capital and consists in two wonderful sandy beaches separated by an impressive hill. - The northern beach of Mikri Vigla beach is wonderful, with soft golden sand and crystalline turquoise waters and is blessed by the meltemi (north winds specific to the Cyclades) which make it an ideal place for wind/kitesurfing. For that reason, the beach is an internationally famous kitesurfing and windsurfing spot and has 2 good clubs for renting high quality material and take courses. - The southern beach of Mikri Vigla (on the other part of the hill) is an endless sandy beach (also called Sahara or Limanakia) with amazing crystal waters; because it is protected from the meltemi winds, it is reccommended for family holidays. A typical greek tavern is also located there. Several nice hotels and restaurants can be found in the area surrounding area. Try Kontos with excelent food and amazing views over the Mikri Vigla bay.



Aliko is a wonderful beach on the south western side of Naxos Cyclades. Located only 17 km south of Naxos Town and just after the beaches of Kastraki and Glyfada, Aliko is lovely place to relax away from the crowded resorts of the island. This special region consists of many small bays with soft white sand and crystal water. Some tamarisk trees on the shore provide shade to visitors, while the beach is not organized with sunbeds and umbrellas. Above the beach of Aliko, there is a unique cedar forest with marvelous sand dunes. This forest has been declared a protected natural area and creates an exotic landscape. Aliko can be reached by private means or by bus. A local bus to Aliko departs from the port of Naxos 6 times a day.



Pyrgaki is one of the most beautiful sandy beaches of Naxos that reflect the peace and serenity of the island. It is located in the southwestern coast of the island at a distance of 18 km south of Chora. This beautiful beach has some umbrellas and sunbeds for tourists, while the close restaurant also serves coffees, drinks and snacks. The beach is frequently affected by the winds, so it is a nice spot for windsurfing. The shallow waters are a great advantage for children and the small forest areas form an unusual scenery. Driving south, the peripheral road of Chora will end at Pyrgaki. Other lovely beaches in the area are Sahara, Kastraki and Mikri Vigla.



Moutsouna Naxos: Moutsouna is a small fishing village on the eastern coast of the island. At the small port of Moutsouna, many fishing boats moor in summer and give a picturesque atmosphere. This port was used for the transport of marble from the marble quarries of Koronos-Apiranthos. There the marble was loaded in boats and was transported to Athens or other islands. The region of Moutsouna is dotted by beautiful secluded beaches with clean water, such as Psili Ammos, Klidos, and Ligarida. These beaches are frequently affected by winds, which make them nice windsurfing spots. Next to the port of Moutsouna, there is also a small sandy beach to enjoy some relaxing moments.

Cities in Thessaly region



Larissa ( Larisa ) is the capital city of both the county of Larissa as well as the entire region of Thessaly. It is a modern city with all expected services and facilities. Many of the large streets have been transformed to include pedestrian areas, and walking paths around the city have been extended, allowing the hidden beauties of the city to be much more prominent. The area of Mount Olympus is very rich in flora and fauna, and the charming wildlife and natural scenery make it a very popular destination for trekking and alternative activities such as hiking and rock climbing.



Almyra is the capital of the homonymous province of the Prefecture of Magnesia in Greece, the center of a prosperous plains called "Krokio Pedio" Afost an important and populous city, famous for its port and its share of the Persian wars. Because of pirate raids, they built the city in the position it is today. Further, after the Second World War the city began to develop. In 1980 a catastrophic earthquake destroyed the whole city. In addition, the Almyra has been primarily an agricultural center and commercial importance, and then began to develop as a tourist center.

Nea Anchialos

Nea Anchialos

Thanks to its picturesque, charming nature, clean seaside, the coexistence of peacefulness and the cosmopolitan life and mainly the clean environment and the hospitality of the local people, have made the town one of the biggest tourist resorts of the area. Nea Anchialos has dense vegetation, full of pine trees, vineyards, olive trees, almonds trees.



Visitors who will have the lick to visit Makrinitsa will be amazed by its unique beauty and will never want to leave this dreamy place. The village of Makrinista is a pure jewel hanging on the side of the amazingly green mountain.



Mouzaki Village 20 minutes from the city of Karditsa town and 15 minutes from the city of Trikala town , making the hotel the close of the most popular destinations such as the beautiful lake of Greece, Lake Plastiras, the mountain of Pertouli village and the majestic Meteora. Here you have the opportunity to enjoy the warm hospitality and the traditions of our country, you can escape with lots of alternative activities.



Agiokampos is a village in the municipality of Agia (section Skiti), in the Larissa regional unit in Greece. It has 285 inhabitants (2001 census). It is a beach resort. Agiokampos' beach along with Velika's and Sotiritsa's has a length of 10.5 km (~6.5 miles) and are the most popular beach in the regional unit of Larissa with masses of tourists coming every summer mainly from Hungary, Czech Republic and the entire Greece.



Stomio is a town in the Larissa regional unit, Thessaly, central Greece. It was the seat of the former municipality of Evrymenes. It is situated on the Aegean Sea coast, south of the mouth of the river Pineios, and at the foot of densely vegetated Mount Ossa. It is 13 km southeast of Pyrgetos, 17 km north of Agia and 37 km northeast of Larissa. Stomio is a popular beach resort. The landmark of Stomio is the lighthouse on the beach, near the port.

Lake Plastiras Area

Lake Plastiras Area

There's a stunning contrast to be experienced in the prefecture of Karditsa, from the continuous plains of Thessaly to the mountains of Agrafa and the villages dotting the shores of Lake Plastira. Apart from the peaks and endless views of unspoilt nature, adventure lovers will also be lured by the Acheloos river and the massifs of Argithea.

Kokkino Nero

Kokkino Nero

Kokkino Nero is a beach located at the foot of Mount Ossa in the municipal unit of Evrymenes, Thessaly, Greece. The name, which means "Red Water", is derived from the hot springs in the area, which are colored by mineral salts.



Thessaly (Thessalia) is the geographical department that occupies the central section of mainland Greece. It is surrounded by high mountain ranges encircling a low plain. It borders Macedonia to the north, Sterea Ellada to the south, Epirus to the west, and its eastern shoreline is on the Aegean. It has a higher percentage of flatland than any other district in Greece.



Karditsa is a city in western Thessaly in mainland Greece. The city of Karditsa is the capital of Karditsa regional unit. Inhabitation is attested from 9000 BC. Karditsa is linked with GR-30, the road to Karpenisi, and the road to Palamas and Larissa. Karditsa is south-west of Palamas and Larissa, west of Farsala and the Volos area, north-west of Athens, Lamia, Domokos and Sofades, north of Karpenisi, north-east of Arta, and east-south-east of Trikala, Grevena, Ioannina, and Kalampaka. Karditsa is one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in Greece with an extensive network of bicycle paths. Approximately 30% of all the city transportation, according to the National Technical University of Athens, is done by bicycles.

Cities in Ikaria Island region

Aghios Kyrikos

Aghios Kyrikos

Agios Kirikos is the capital of Ikaria as well as its main port. It counts on 1800 inhabitants most of whom are engaged in fishing and tourism. The village lies on the south eastern side of Ikaria and is considered as one of the most picturesque settlements of the Aegean. Agios Kyrikos was founded three hundred years ago by sailors and has been built amphitheatrically over the gulf of the port. It is a lovely village full of two and three-storied Neoclassical houses with flowered balconies and slate roofs, picturesque narrow streets, stone steps and a fine central square lined by little shops and cafes. Agios Kirikos is the main gateway of the island, connected by land, sea and air to other islands of Greece. Most of the public services of the island can be found here, as well as most of the night life, with various bars, taverns and clubs. A few hotels and many rooms for rent are available at Agios Kirikos.



Ikaria is one of the largest islands in the eastern Aegean Sea. It is divided into three zones, Agios Kirikos, Eudelos, and the third is mountainous and is called Rahes. The island is characterized by the contrast of landscapes, with green hills and cliffs. Ikaria Island is mountainous, the highest peak is 1040m. It is characterized by mild climate and lush vegetation and no rare species. Most resorts are located near the sea, only a few are located in mountainous regions. What makes this island known is the production of strong red wine.



Armenistis is a small sea-side settlement in the northern part of Ikaria west of Evdilos and just past Gialiskari. It belongs to the prefecture of Raches and has about 70 permanent inhabitants, a number which increases substantially in summer. Locally speaking, Armenistis is a small fishing village with a picturesque harbor, its parich church dedicated to Agios Nikolaos, patron saint of sailors, and the few year-round houses of its inhabitants. In recent years it has become a major tourism center for the island while still retaining a relaxed and traditional atmosphere.

Fourni Korseon

Fourni Korseon

Fournoi Korseon, more commonly simply Fournoi, is a complex or archipelago of small Greek islands that lie between Ikaria, Samos and Patmos in Ikaria regional unit, North Aegean region. The two largest islands of the complex, the main isle of Fournoi 31 km2 and the isle of Thymaina 10 km2, are inhabited, as is Agios Minas Island 2.3 km2 to the east. On the main isle Fournoi (town) is the largest settlement and then Chrysomilia in the north the second largest (and third largest overall, after Thymaina). Fournoi (town) proper is the main ferry harbour, with ferries also landing on Thymaina.

Cities in Chios region



Karfas is located 7 Km south of the town of Chios and is among the most well-known and loveliest beaches of Chios, with a fine sand suitable for beach games and relaxing sunbathing. Being a tourist center, Karfas has many hotels, apartments, studios, restaurants, taverns offering fresh seafood as well as cafes and bars.

Chios Island All Locations

Chios Island All Locations

Chios is the main town and a former municipality on the island of Chios, North Aegean, Greece. It is located on the eastern coast of the island facing the Turkish coastal town of Çeşme. The town has a population of 32,000 and is the administrative capital and main port of both the island and of the peripheral unit of Chios. Chios town is one of eight municipal units on the island.



This beautiful village lies only 5 km south of Chios Town. It is the closest village to the airport and one of the few places in Chios that preserves its medieval character, despite the fact that is situated close to the capital. Kampos has recently been proclaimed by the Ministry of Culture as a historical site. The historical course of the village begins from the Byzantine times, where most of the mansions were built but they were later ruined by the catastrophic earthquake of 1881. Today, there are many Neoclassical houses with traditional architecture which are well-preserved through time. Every mansion and estate is considered a unique masterpiece with exceptional architecture and most of them are two-stored with great gardens and colorful terraces. The surrounding area is covered with citrus trees and mastic trees. The narrow streets and the typical architecture of the stone houses are the most important features of this beautiful settlement.

Agia Fotini

Agia Fotini

Agia Fotini (Agia Fotia) is one of the most crowded beaches of the island with large pebbles and deep water. Cafes, taverns, mini markets and lodgings can be found in the area. Just before the beach, the road passes by the church of St Fotini where the location took its name from.

Megas Limionas

Megas Limionas

Megas Limnionas the haven of the very beautiful village of Thymiana located approximately 9 km south of the town of Chios. Small pebbles and coarse sand compose the texture of the beach is shallow. Organization has at parasols and ideal for families with children.



Vrontados, a seaside town situated among olive trees, gardens, almond trees and many other fruit- bearing trees is located in the north of Livadia (a northern suburb of the Municipality of Chios) and in the East of mount Aipos. It has 4.500 people most of whom are excellent seamen, merchants and scientists. In the revolution of 1821 they offered a lot to the Greek Fleet. Today, there are still Vrondadian ship owners who honor the Chian and Grecian Navy, with their merchant ships.

Agios Minas

Agios Minas

Agios Minas is a former municipality on the island of Chios, North Aegean, Greece. Since the 2011 local government reform it is part of the municipality Chios, of which it is a municipal unit. It is located on the central east coast of the island, just south of Chios (town). Its land area is 13.049 km²



Located about 40km away from the capital of the island, Volissos has a long history. At Volissos, as to Thoukidedes, there was once an ancient Aeolic city, and the rumor that it was the birthplace of Homer is still a legend told. On the top of the hill was built a castle in the medieval times. The Byzantine castle has a trapezoid shape with six circular towers. Inside the castle there were several buildings, cisterns and churches. There was also a tunnel connecting the castle with the seashore and the Pithonas district. Volissos is the biggest village in NW Chios - Amani mountain area - and it’s the capital of Municipality of Amani.



The small village of Mesta is located 35 km south west of Chios Town, in the area called Mastihochoria (Mastic Villages). Mesta used to be a heavy producer of mastic and its inhabitants were wealthy, as testify today the beautiful mansions. It has about 400 inhabitants and is the best preserved medieval village of Chios. The houses are built attached one to another, forming a fortified wall. This is one of the finest examples of defensive architecture. Narrow cobbled alleys are winding around the houses, leading to the lovely central square. The wonderful traditional architecture of Mesta is protected and all interventions alternating the original architectural style are prohibited. The inhabitants of the village are also preserving their traditional customs and traditions.

Cities in Alonissos Island region



Alonissos is the least developed of the Northern Sporades; a green haven in which to swim, walk and easy to explore. Around its shores are many coves and beaches lapped by clear seas and backed by green hills. It is a picturesque inner joy, and the network of marked trails through varied country could do to walk excellent.

Cities in Messinia region



Messinia is located at the southwestern part of Peloponnese region. It borders with Laconia in the east, Arcadia and Elia in the north as well as the Ionian Sea and the Messiniakos gulf.

Cities in Tinos Island region



Tinos Cyclades archipelago is part of being the third largest island. It is an island of pilgrimage. The island is surrounded by Andros, Syros and Mykonos, situated in the northern Aegean Sea. 40 small and picturesque villages, over 700 churches and monasteries, beautiful sandy beaches adorn the beautiful island of Tinos. The island is known as the Ydroussa (Hydra - water) because of the abundance of water which he flooded the banks. Greek mythology says that Tinos is the home of the god of the winds, Aeolus. Still unknown by most foreign tourists, Tinos Greek attracts pilgrims who come here specifically to achieve the miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary.

Cities in Kalymnos region



Kalymnos is located on the northern side of Dodecanese and close to the Turkish coasts. This island distinguishes for the wild rocky mountains, which is why it has developed as a rock climbing destination over the last years. In fact, an International Climbing Festival takes place in Kalymnos island every September. In the past, the locals used to make their living from sponge fishing. Although this activity has declined today, there are many sponge sellers at the beachfront of Pothia, the capital of the island. The beach resorts in Kalymnos Greece are nice and relaxing, while during your Kalymnos holidays you should not miss a day trip to the small island of Telendos, a popular nudist destination.

Cities in West Greece region



Situated on the northern point of the Peloponnese, this picturesque village has more than a touch of Greek magic. Cocooned in lush, pine-covered hills, overlooking the Patras Gulf, Niforeika boasts its own attractive beach washed by bright turquoise waters, where it's tempting to stay put all day long. Ideal for escaping the masses, holidays to Niforeika are the sort of place where you blend in with the locals and enjoy the stunning natural beauty. Just a few kilometres from Kato Achaia where you'll find a wider selection of open-air tavernas and shops, sleepy Niforeika has a small handful of locally renowned tavernas serving the catch of the day. Criss-crossing walking trails beckon you up into the pine-scented hills behind the village, and if sightseeing is more your thing, visit the centre of Patra - a lively port with plenty of history and a Medieval Castle. Niforeika is also perfectly placed to pay visit to the famous archaeological site of Olympia - birthplace of the first Olympic games.



The big town, that is built upon the exact spot of ancient Aigio, was named Vostitsa during the Middle Ages and is an industrial and commercial harbour. Quite interesting is the old part of the town towards the seaside. Aigio was the first city that was liberated from the Ottoman occupation during the Greek Revolution of 1821 (March 26). It is 41 km away from Patras.



Messolonghi is the capital of the county of Aetoloakarnanias and it is the sacred town of the immortal heroes, a town of freedom and it is very picturesque. It is located 250 km NW of Athens and 510 km SW of Thessaloniki (via Amfissa-Nafpaktos).



Amfilochia is a town and a municipality in the northwestern part of Aetolia-Acarnania in Greece, on the site of ancient Amfilochia. Under the Ottoman Empire, it was known as Karvasaras. Amfilochia is situated by the Ambracian Gulf and features an amphitheatre. Amfilochia dates back to the ancient times and also features the ancient cities of Amphilochian Argos and Limnaia (or Limnea).



Astakos (meaning "lobster") is a town and a former municipality in Aetolia-Acarnania, West Greece. Since the 2011 local government reform it is part of the municipality Xiromero, of which it is a municipal unit. It is located on a bay on the eastern shore of the Ionian Sea, near the southern end of the Acarnanian Mountains. It takes its name from the ancient Acarnanian town Astacus (Ancient Greek: Ἄστακος - Astakos), and was named Dragamesti in the Middle Ages. It is 16 km southeast of Kalamos (island), 30 km southwest of Agrinio, 35 km northwest of Missolonghi and 55 km southeast of Preveza.



Agrinio is the largest city and municipality in Aetolia- Acarnania prefecture of Greece, with a population of 96321 inhabitants. The city is the economic center of Aetolia- Acarnania, although capital is the city Mesolonghi. The settlement dates back to ancient times. Old Agrinion was 3 km north-east of the present location of the city. From medieval times until 1836, the city was known as Vrach.

Cities in Paxos region



Lakka is the northern port of Paxos set gorgeous horse shoe shaped bay and flanked by high ground covered in olive and cypresses trees. The bay which is almost completely sheltered from the open sea is excellent for swimming, water sports and for mooring boats including overnight.



Gaios is the main port on Paxos, the smallest of the seven principal Ionian Islands, in Greece. Gaios is situated on the east coast of the island. It is named after a homonymous pupil of Paul the Apostle, who brought Christianity to the island.



Loggos is a small fishing village on the east coast of Paxos just around the corner from Lakka. Tavernas and bars surround the harbour, a very pleasant place to sit and while away the hours. There are three mini-markets and a bakers shop which have a good selection of produce, fresh fruit and vegetables are brought in from mainland Greece on a regular basis. Loggos is on the main bus route and is well serviced by the local friendly taxis service.

Cities in Syros Island region



Although Syros belongs to the Cyclades islands, its architecture is more Medieval than Cycladic. The capital of Syros island, Ermoupolis, distinguishes for the elegant Venetian mansions, the picturesque quarter of Vaporia, the large churches and the impressive Neoclassical buildings, such as the Town Hall and Apollo Theatre in the central square. The beaches of Syros Greece are nice and relaxing, with many tourist facilities and accommodation surrounding them. The island is ideal for families and couples looking for romantic holidays. Syros holidays can be combined with many other Greek islands, because it serves as a ferry transportation hub in the Aegean.

Cities in Sifnos region



Sifnos is a beautiful island located in the western part of the Cyclades. This is a typical sample of Cycladic island, with traditional architecture, calm beaches, seaside taverns and low hills. The most popular beaches are located on the southern side of Sifnos island and have crystal water, soft sand and many tourist facilities. There, you can also visit the fabulous Monastery of Chrissopighi, the protector of the island. Kastro is the most picturesque village in Sifnos Greece, with narrow paved streets, stone houses and great sea view. At the entrance of Kastro, there is the small church of Seven Martyrs, the most photographed chapel of Kastro. Holidays in Sifnos can be combined with other Cycladic islands, like Milos and Serifos.



The toponym Kamara or Kamares derives from the many caves that existed on the rocky south coast of the bay. Kamares is the largest coastal village and the port of Sifnos. The central settlement extends at the right side of the bay of Kamares. Here you shall find the port’s dock, ATM, travel agencies, stores, groceries, traditional taverns, restaurants, cafeterias, bars, patisserie workshops, potter’s workshops with genuine ceramics of Sifnos, rooms to let, hotels, car and motorcycle renting offices, greek press agency, a kiosk, a private camping area and at the west border of the settlement the mansions of the wealthy residents of Sifnos.



Apollonia is the capital of Sifnos since 1836 located literally in the heart of the island. The town is dedicated to the worship of the God Apollo. The village itself is a beautiful site as it is built amphitheatrically around three hills. The picturesque village consists of narrow stone paved streets, Cycladic style houses decorated with bright coloured flowers and whitewashed arches. A walk in the picturesque town of Apollonia reveals many beautiful churches like Agios Spiridonas, Panagia Ouranofora and Agios Ioannis. For those interested in the history of Sifnos can visit the Folklore Museum that hosts interesting exhibits, including a collection of textiles, costumes, weaponry and paintings. Apollonia is the commercial and administrative centre of Sifnos providing a variety of services from travel agencies to banks and pharmacies, shops and gas stations. You can taste the popular cuisine of Sifnos at the various restaurants, pastry shops and Greek taverns. Apollonia offers a beautiful setting for your morning coffee and night walks.

Platy Yialos

Platy Yialos

Platis Gialos is situated at the south side of Sifnos. The toponym in the local dialect of Sifnos derives from the words Wide Seashore (In Greek: Platis Aigialos) and it means waterside relatively wide, spacious waterside. It is one of the most much-frequented beaches of Sifnos and it is considered one of the longer beaches of Cyclades which also got the the prize of the European Union’s "Blue Flag", having met the required criteria of the program!

Cities in Lemnos region

Lemnos All Locations

Lemnos All Locations

Limnos, one of the busiest ports in Greece, with beautiful beaches, traditional villages untouched by modern tourism, hardly fits the stereotypes that circulate about the Greek islands. It is an island quite flat with rolling hills, green meadows sprinkled with yellow ocher spring and summer. It was the island's native-blacksmith god Hephaistos (Vulcan mythology Romanian), who was venerated on Mount Moschylus. In the past, it was emitting gas, but today is manifested by his past volcanic hot springs and the land limnian sulfuric astringent, used for wound healing time of Turkish occupation and to relieve stomach ache.



Myrina is the capital and main port of Lemnos and counts on 4500 inhabitants. The settlement stretches around two beautiful bays and between stands the imposing Venetian castle surrounded by massive formations of volcanic rock. Visitors are charmed by the old neoclassical mansions, Ottoman buildings and fountains, traditional houses, narrow streets and modern constructions that compose the setting of Myrina. Along the waterfront lie plenty of restaurants and traditional taverns. Between the picturesque alleys of Myrina are found numerous local shops and cafes. One of the most beautiful churches of Myrina is Panagia Kokoviotissa perched at the top of the cliff. Behind the beach of Riha Nera lies the prehistoric settlement of Myrina.

Platy Lem

Platy Lem

One of the most popular tourist resorts in Lemnos that lies amphitheatrically right beneath Plati village. This lovely beach stretches for about 700 meters and offers various tourist facilities, including umbrellas and sundecks. It is found 2km southeast of Myrina, the capital of Lemnos. There are cafeterias, bars and a water sports center offering training lessons and equipment for all ages. The waters are always clean and shallow, ideal for the children who can play safely on the sandy beach. Some tall trees along the coastline provide good shade in hot summer days. Within a short walking distance, there are taverns and accommodation for every budget.



Kaspakas is a traditional village nestled at the foot of Mt Agios Athanasios, 5 km north of Myrina, the capital of Lemnos. It counts on 700 inhabitants most of whom are engaged in agriculture. The village is built around a protected area amidst the lush green hills, thus it is not visible from the sea. It consists of traditional houses and picturesque alleys that compose the beautiful scenery of Kaspakas. Over the years the village has become really popular with tourists due to the impressive rocks of Kaspakas and the superb sandy beach of Agios Ioannis. Plenty of restaurants and accommodations are available in the wider region.

Cities in Ios Island region



Mylopotas Beach is the most visited beach in Ios Greece Located close to the main village , Chora . This is a long beach , white lounge chairs for rent, but also large untapped some areas to put towel for free.

Ormos Beach

Ormos Beach

Ios port is called Ormos and the port's beach is called Gialos, but nobody says so: everyone says "port", meaning both the port and the beach.



Manganari is one of the most picturesque beaches of Ios, located 23km south of Chora. The beach itself has golden sand and crystal waters. Due to its remote location and the long distance from Chora, the beach remains undisturbed from the noisy crowds, the most part of the day while it provides a fantastic opportunity to explore its natural surrounding. The secluded bay is protected from the strong winds offering calm swimming and snorkeling. The beach stretches for many meters. Scenes from the famous movie "Le Grand Bleu" were actually shot in Manganari, revealing the extraordinary water quality and beautiful scenery.

Cities in Karpathos region

Karpathos Island

Karpathos Island

Karpathos is one of the most beautiful islands of Dodecanese. It is located on the southern side of the Aegean Sea, between Rhodes and Crete. Due to the secluded location and the distance from the other Greek islands, Karpathos island started developing in the last decades. In fact, the southern side of the island has mostly developed in tourism, while the central and the northern side has remained unspoiled and authentic, with picturesque villages away from mass tourism. Karpathos Greece is mostly famous for the exotic beaches with the golden sand and the crystal water. Holidays in Karpathos are ideal for families and trekkers, as the trekking paths that cross the island leads visitors to amazing spots.



Diafani is the second most important port of Karpathos. It is located on the northern side of the island, 67 km north of Pigadia and about 10 km east of the beautiful Olympos village. Diafani village is built around a small bay. The white houses with flat roofs lie around the sheltered bay with a nice view to the fishing boats and the port. Over the last years, Diafani is developing as a tourist village. It has small, family hotels and lovely fish taverns. Frequently tour boats arrive in Diafani. The small beach next to the port consists of pebbles and trees for shade. It is a nice choice for swimming close to the settlement.



Arkasa is one of the 12 villages of the Karpathian district Province of Karpathos , Prefecture of the Dodecanese Islands located on the Southwest part of the Island 15 klm from karpathos town and 8 klm from Karpathos international airport and maintains almost pure the once ancient name of Arkesia ( one of the 4 ancient cities of Tetrapolis).



The coastal village of Lefkos lies 31 km north of Pigadia, the capital of Karpathos and close to Mesochori village. Built on a fabulous location at a high altitude on the slopes of mountain, Mesochori is one of the most picturesque villages of the island offering some amazing sea views. A short walk in the narrow paths of the village is enough to soak in the striking beauty and its authentic aspect. Wonderful lilies and purple flowers bloom all over the village and adorn every little corner of Lefkos. If you choose the village for your summer vacation, you will have to cover a short distance to reach the idyllic beach. Plenty of apartments and traditional guest rooms are available in Lefkos during the summer. Some of the sightseeings around or close to the village is the 13th century of Agios Georgios and the wall remains of the ancient acropolis.

Kyra Panagia

Kyra Panagia

This beautiful sandy beach lies in a small cove right between the mountains and has a fine mixture of white sand and smooth pebbles, and crystalline waters. It is located 14 km north of Pigadia, the capital of Karpathos and close to Apella beach. This beach is considered to be one of the best beaches in Greece. This beach offers an amazing swimming experience and a striking mountain backdrop. It is reachable by car, motorbike or boat from Pigadia. A few rooms and apartments as well as a hotel and a fish tavern are found on Kyra Panagia. Umbrellas and sun beds are available for rent.

Cities in Kythira Island region



Located on the southern side of Peloponnese, Kythira is a secluded island with relaxing atmosphere. Although Kythira island is considered part of the Ionian Sea, it is located far from the other Ionian islands. After a long time of Venetian occupation in the Medieval ages, this island has a vivid Venetian architecture, especially in Chora, the capital town. On a hill above Chora, there is a strong castle with breathtaking view to the Aegean Sea. Kapsali, Agia Pelagia, Avlemonas and Diakofti are the most tourist places on Kythira Greece, while a drive around the island will bring visitors to wonderful beaches, lovely monasteries and even ghost villages, like the abandoned town of Paleochora.

Agia Pelagia Kythira

Agia Pelagia Kythira

he village of Agia Pelagia started its development in the 1980s, and for several years was the island's main harbor. Today, it is a village specifically geared towards tourism, with many good hotels, restaurants and shops. Along the seaside and close to many beaches, Agia Pelagia is one of the best choices for visitors. Recommended visits include the beaches of Lorentzo, Lagada, Firi Ammos (of Agia Pelagia), the Cave of Saint Sophia (one of three caves with the same name on the island) with an area of more than 120 m² full of stalactites and stalagmites, as well as the Cave of Venus in the small ravine of Galani. Arriving in the village from Potamos, just before entering it, is a drinkable water source. Legend has it that those who drink from the spring will get married in Kythera. The stone windmill in the heart of the village is also worth a visit.



Located right next to Kythera's capital, this modern trading center is the largest village in the southern part of the island, as its development has by far outstripped that of Chora over the past few years. Livadi was built in a rich valley laden with olive trees, vegetable gardens and vineyards. Here you will find places where you can shop, as well as cafés and restaurants, always full of people. Accommodations include a wide selection of hotels and agro-tourist lodgings.



Up until the early 1990s Diakofti had no more than 5 or 6 houses. Even back when the island was governed by the British there were plans to build a harbor and set up a small town. Nothing was erected until 1995, when the island's main harbor started to operate. Diakofti has been developing ever since. Today, it is one of the busiest places with its beautiful beach, cafés, restaurants, shops and several accommodations.



A picturesque village by the seaside in the eastern part of Kythera. The architecture is typical of the Cyclades (a group of islands in the center of the Aegean Sea). Avlemonas is one of the most beautiful villages on the island, owing to the small inlets with their emerald-green crystal-clear waters. The short walks on cobblestone paths around the village are one of the best attractions for couples in love.

Cities in Xanthi region



Amphitheatrically built on the foot of Rodopi mountain chain, Xanthi is located in Thrace (Northern Greece), the crossroads of the Black Sea and the Aegean, Europe and Asia. Kosynthos River divides the city into the west part, where the old and the modern town are located, and the east part, the “Samakov district”, that boasts a rich natural environment. Both parts still preserve their traditional flair, mesmerizing visitors with their nobility and magnificence.

Cities in Lamia region



Lamia is the capital city of the region Phthiotis (central mainland Greece), considered the birthplace of the legendary character Achilles. It is located at the foot Othrys. Acropolis site is currently occupied by a medieval castle.

Cities in Saronic Islands region

Saronic Islands

Saronic Islands

The Saronic Islands or Argo-Saronic Islands is an archipelago in Greece, named after the Saronic Gulf in which they are located, just off the Greek mainland. The main inhabited islands of this group are Salamis (where the ancient Greek navy defeated the Persians in the Battle of Salamis), Aegina, Angistri, and Poros. The islands of Hydra and Dokos, which lie off the northeast tip of the Peloponnese (technically between the Saronic Gulf and the Argolic Gulf), are sometimes included as part of the Saronic Islands. Many mainland Greeks have vacation homes in the Saronic Islands, which are regularly served by ferries from Piraeus and the Peloponnese.

Cities in Andros region



Batsi is also part of the municipality of Hydroussa. It is located 7 kilometers away from Gavrio, separated from it by beautiful sandy beaches, small picturesque harbors and hidden coves. Like Gavrio, Batsi used to be a fishing village. It has now become the touristiest place of Andros and is therefore the major resort of the island. Despite its touristy character, Batsi has kept a traditional and picturesque charm.

Andros Town

Andros Town

Andros Town is a settlement located in the northeast of the island of Andros, Bahamas component. At the 1990 census the town had 2,730 inhabitants.