Resorts and cities in Turkey

Resorts and cities in Turkey where you can find offers in our portal.

Cities in Antalya region



Alanya, modern city located 100 km east of Antalya stretches along with the elegance of the two bays wide, with a beautiful and peaceful air, and is certainly one of the most popular resorts of Turkey. The city is the location that was once the most powerful and most spectacular fortress on the coast of Turkey, consisting of 150 towers. Alanya dating from Greek times, when called Coracesium and was led, in turn, by Romans, Byzantines, Armenians, Seljuks and Ottomans. Byzantine church dedicated to St. George, which dates from the sixth century, the row of red brick steps that are said to have been used by Cleopatra when she descended to the sea to bathe, there are other attractions that should not be missed.



Side is located on the southern Mediterranean coast about 75 km from Antalya. This unique resort sits on a small peninsula payment, with a width of 300 m and a length of 800, on which the archaeological wonders crowd. At certain points on the main street of Side, which runs from downtown to the old fishing port, including large buildings can zari on both sides of the street. Once Side was an important commercial city. With its vast fleet to trade with the countries of eastern and western Mediterranean, serving as a port for Turkey. Side was a market for slaves brought from Africa and a center for pirates.



A true paradise for tourists on sight Mediterranean territory, surrounded by a pine forest. With its natural beauty, Belek was discovered in 1984 as a tourist area and was declared as "Belek Tourism Center, eventually becoming what it is today, a paradise earth, thanks to collaboration between Belek Tourism Investors Association and the Tourism Ministry.

Lara Antalya

Lara Antalya

Lara is a district of Antalya, Turkey. The famous Lara is one of the longest sandy beaches in Turkey. Most hotels are replicas of famous places around the world (for example, Topkapi Palace, Venice, the Kremlin), which led to the designation of the area "Las Vegas Turkey." Lara - Kundu is a tourist area in Turkey on the Mediterranean Sea, consisting of district and suburb Kundu Lara Antalya belonging to this area is located about 12 km to the east of the resort of Antalya. You can get in the tourist zone Lara - Kundu bus "dolmus" in Kalekapisi station situated in the resort of Antalya.



Kemer is a city in southwestern Turkey, located on the Mediterranean coast at the foot of Taurus Mountains. It has 17,300 inhabitants and is the administrative center of the district with the same name in Antalya province and an important tourist resort. The port provides facilities for water sports and on the seafront near the port are many shops, cafes, restaurants and chic bars. Gulf beaches and lush Kemer make one of the most popular resorts on the Turkish Riviera. The climate is typically Mediterranean in Kemer, with hot and dry weather and warm sea water.



Antalya, a city in south-western Mediterranean coast of Turkey, the Turkish capital of international tourism. Located near the Gulf of Antalya, Antalya city has its origins deeply rooted in history, since the 1st century BC when, according to legend, when he discovered this land, the second global Attallos King told his people that "it is definitely paradise. " Today, tourists come here from all over the world say that only after watching a sunset in Antalya, you can say you saw everything you can see in a lifetime. Antalya is a tourist destination, characterized by a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and dry winters and warm and rainy, one of the reasons for the growing wave of tourists choose Antalya as a holiday destination not only in summer but in winter .



The town of Manavgat, which is 72 km from Antalya province was founded on the plain which stretches on both sides of the river Manavgat. The city center is 4 km from the shores of the Mediterranean. The northern part of the city is bordered by the Taurus Mountains covered with beautiful forests.



Konakli Town is located 10 km west of the famous holiday resort of Alanya - Turkey, between the Mediterranean Sea and the Taurus Mountains range and what are the natural boundaries of the city. Konakli beaches stretch over 10 km, but there are several beaches where you can enjoy the seaside town neighbor, the total is 72 km. This is an excellent town where the sea and the mountains are so close to each other, so it is possible to enjoy the mountain view while sitting on the beach.



Beldibi is located at a distance of 25 km to the west of the provincial center of Antalya. Beldibi is today included within the “Olympos Beydaðlarý National Coastal Park” and located on a thin, long plain covering an area of four thousand acres from cape Reis to Akyarlar. To the east of the plain mountains plunge very steeply into the sea, forming cliffs of falez rock.



Kranevo is a tourist village located 25 km from Varna and 84 km from Vama Veche. It is located between Albena and Golden Sands. The village is situated on an area of 140 hectares, with 450 houses and about 730 permanent residents dealing with tourism and agriculture.



GÖYNÜK is a plain in semicircular form extending from Beldibi to Kemer. Kýndýl Fountain, with its fine sandy bay at the entrance of Kemer, is one of the daily resorts.



Camyuva is located south west of Antalya. It is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea on its eastern side, Tahtali Mountain to the west and Agva and neighborhood ancient city Phaselis and Tekirova on its southern side.



Kaş is a tourist destination situated in the Turkish province of Antalya, 168 km west of the resort of Antalya. Or Kas Kas offers several pebble beaches and, although less than 10 m width, the beaches are ideal for swimming and sun pampering.



Kiris, which is one of the tourism centers of Kemer, provides an unforgettable holiday opportunity by hosting thousands of local and foreign tourists every year, with its great sea, natural beauties and holiday opportunities.



The historic town of Kalkan is an enchanting place and one of the most beautiful locations along Turkey’s gorgeous Lycian Coast. With the absence of mass tourism, Kalkan remains a charming and unspoiled haven of lush nature, brilliant blue crystal-clear sea, historic architecture, ancient history and warm traditional Turkish hospitality.



Pebble beach in the north of the thigh, has a great structure suddenly deepened. The middle section of the coast sand sea stone structure has a shallow section. The south coast about 20 meters of fine sand and açılsa even with a shallow sea, so that the feet touch the ground. This property is a true wonder of nature offering 3 types of Adrasan beach type.



Tekirova is located on the coast of Mediterranean Sea of Turkey, where the nature and the history fall in love with each other. Tekirova is about 60 km far to Antalya and 70 km to the airport and integrated with unique views of the mountains and sea all along the way.



Olympos was an ancient city in Lycia. It was situated in a river valley near the coast. Its ruins are located south of the modern town Çıralı in the Kumluca district of Antalya Province, Turkey.



Kargicak tempts with its lovely coast line and an impressive green landscape.



Boğazkent is a village in Serik district, Antalya province, Turkey. It is about 15 km from Belek.

Cities in Kusadasi region



Kusadasi, one of Turkey's principle holiday resorts, offers an excellent environment for an unforgettable holiday. Situated on the west coast of Turkey- 90km south of Izmir, Kusadasi, is reputed for one of the most attractive city of the Aegean, as it is close to the important historical sites including Ephesus, Didyma, Priene, Miletos-the principals of ancient times, and ideal for sightseers.

Didim Altinkum

Didim Altinkum

Altinkum is a small resort set around the beach, situated 20 minutes walk from Didim. The name Altinkum means "golden sand" resort features three beaches: Main Beach Front beach or situated in the center and lined with cafés, restaurants and shops, Second Beach and Third Beach, which are quieter. Este renumită prin numărul mare de cluburi şi restaurante tradiţionale. Vizitatorii pot face scufundări, pot pescui sau călări. Staţiunea este preferată de englezi. Locul are propriul sau micro-climatic, cu umiditate mai scazuta decât partea de sud a Turciei, şi este recomandat de Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii (OMS), deoarece climatul în Altinkum are un efect pozitiv pentru persoanele cu astm şi boli comune.



Davutlar is a fairly small city in the district of Kusadasi in the province of Aydın. It is only a few kilometers from the Aegean coast. The distance to Kusadasi is 15 kilometers and up to Aydın is 55 kilometers. The city center is further from the sea.



Ozdere (English pronunciation: /ˈoʊzˌdɛreɪ/, Turkish pronunciation: [øzdeɾe]) is a Turkish coastal settlement and resort town in the Menderes district of İzmir Province, along the Aegean Sea coast. It has a permanent population of around 15,000 people, which can rise to nearly 100,000 during the summer[a] as a result of its popularity amongst tourists.



Güzelçamlı is a city and municipality in the district of Kusadasi, in the Aydın province of Turkey, and an increasingly popular seaside resort. It is located 25 km south of Kusadasi.



Pamukkale resort is 25 km north-east of Denizli and 652 km south of Istanbul, the Aegean region (southwestern Turkey), on the river Menderes.



The second largest city of the Aegean region, the cradle of many civilizations and ancient cities and a world heritage site famous for its Pamukkale travertines the history of Denizli goes back to the fourth millennium BC. Home to many cultural artifacts and monuments as the center of many civilizations, Denizli draws also attention for its scenic views. Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, Pamukkale is among the most intriguing natural wonders of the region.



Selçuk is the central town of Selçuk district, İzmir Province in Turkey, 2 kilometres (1 mile) northeast of the ancient city of Ephesus.

Cities in Marmaris region



Situated in a beautiful and breathtaking golf, at the meeting point of Aegean and Mediterranean resort of Marmaris is surrounded by a beautiful pine forest leads you to think of peace and harmony. Port almost perfectly natural and beautiful location surrounded by mountains with trees deserve adulation visitor. Marmaris, can be considered a starting point for cruises along the Turkish coast, while offering fun and the opportunity to shop.



Datorită oamenilor, stilului de viaţă, cultură, istorie și natură, Turcia este o ţară nemaipomenită. Regiunea Mării Egee a asistat la aproape fiecare perioadă a Anatoliei, un moştenitor la cultura de secole, cu zeci de aşezări care au umplut paginile istoriei. Un paradis printre aceste aşezări este Turunc, un sat frumos ascuns în spatele dealurilor, unul din centrele turistice din zilele noastre, fost sat pescăresc. În față golful curat asemănător ghearelor unui crab şi dealurile pe care golful stă dau impresia unui vultur ce își adăpostește copilul său. Ca toate celelalte regiuni din zonă, Turunç a fost neîncetat o aşezare din vremurile helenice  până în cele bizantine.Mult timp după perioada bizantină aflăm că primele popoare stabilite aici erau cunoscute sub numele de yoruks, care au venit jos din Munţii Taurus în satul Osmaniye. Surse inevitabile ale vieţii pentru nomazi sunt oile, agricultura, cimbrul, frunze de dafin, salvia şi roşcovele. O mare contaminare i-a învățat pe vechii coloniști să cunoască marea. În timp ce o mare din populaţie s-a mutat în jos pe mal, restul s-au stabilit  în zona denumită azi Dereozu Mahallesi. Viaţa la mare a schimbat rapid obiceiurile oamenilor din Turunç. Alternativele oferite de mare au crescut diversitatea resurselor, iar pescuitul a devenit un mod de viaţă.Cu toate acestea, Turunç este un centru cu facilităţi de vacanţă, de la pensiuni la hoteluri de lux și centre comerciale. Clima vă permite să înnotați 7 luni pe an (din aprilie până în octombrie). Vă puteți alătura excursiilor cum ar fi drumetii montane, jogging, scuba. Desigur, dacă doriţi puteţi face aceste activităţi pe tot parcursul anului, deoarece cea mai friguroasă zi în Turunç nu coboară sub 15 - 20 C. Totuşi, în cele mai fierbinţi zile (între iunie şi septembrie) briza rece vine din spatele dealurilor de vest și vă permite să vă răcoriți. Acesta este de 120 km de aeroportul Dalaman, şi 135 km. la Bodrum Airport. Turunc se află la 120 km de aeroportul Dalaman și la 135 km de aeroportul din Bodrum.Cei care preferă o croazieră pot folosi bărci, iar cei cărora le place să călătorească pe drum pot merge cu autocarul. Dezvoltarea rapidă a turismului a trasat un drum drept şi important  prin contribuţiile oamenilor care trăiesc în Turunc. Acesta este principiul comun al întreprinderilor locale ce servesc turiștii (indiferent dacă vin pentru o noapte sau o şedere mai lungă) la cele mai bune standarde. Datorită contribuţiilor poporului său, Turunç a primit Premiul European Blue Flag, care este un simbol al dezvoltării adevărate, deoarece în ciuda dezvoltării sale rapide, natura din Turunc a rămas nepoluată.Turunç este localizat pe coasta de est a frumoasei Peninsule Bozburun. Aici există sate mici de explorat de-a lungul peninsulei, multe dintre ele încă relativ neatinse de creşterea turismului. Golfuri ascunse şi plaje pot fi găsite unde de obicei puteți înnota doar alături de familie în apele albastre ale Mării Egee. Cel mai simplă modalitate de a explora este de a închiria o maşină, însă puteţi folosi și sistemul de transport public utilizând ”dolmus” sau serviciile de autobuz.Piaţa din Turunç nu trebuie ratată. Are loc în zilele de luni pe unul din drumurile de-a lungul străzii din spate. Pur şi simplu urmaţi mulţimile pentru a-l găsi. În lunile de vară există o mulţime de tarabe care vând suveniruri turistice obişnuite, precum şi produse locale. Miere de pin din stupi de albine de pe munte (cutii mici albastre pe care le vezi pe marginea drumului) şi măsline (recoltate de la plantaţiile din apropiere) sunt vândute de mai multe tarabe.Dacă doriți să vă petreceţi o după-amiază în plimbare puteți merge în jurul satului. Este interesant de văzut cum trăiesc turcii la faţa locului, varietate de animale pe care le păstrează - de la pui la capre și chiar vaci. Ciripitul păsărilor te va însoţi, iar flora locală este fascinantă. Migdale, măsline şi smochini cresc peste tot. Florile includ lupine

Icmeler Marmaris

Icmeler Marmaris

Icmeler is a seaside resort located just 8 km from Marmaris, Muğla province.



Formaly known as Osmaniye , with traditional shops, eateries and a drop-dead gorgeous beach, it's got everything needed for a classic Sun and Sand holiday.



Protect somewhat tourist circuit consisting axis Kusadasi - Bodrum - Marmaris - Fethiye town neapǎrat should not be regarded as a resort. It is the village importantǎ the peninsula of the same name, port and small resort for relaxation lovers Internet High-something quieter surroundings, totally different from what offers its larger cities mentioned above.



Dalyan is a town in Muğla Province located between the well-known districts of Marmaris and Fethiye on the south-west coast of Turkey. The town is an independent municipality, within the administrative district of Ortaca.



Muğla, at the crossroads of the Aegean and Mediterranean Region, is a piece of paradise comprised of coves such as Bodrum, Marmaris, Fethiye, Gocek and many more.



Dalaman is a district, as well as the central town of that district, situated on the southwestern coast of Turkey, in the Muğla Province. The town of Dalaman is located in the coastal plain, whereas the rest of the district – towards Fethiye district on the coast and towards the high mountains on the northern border to Denizli Province – is upland, dominated by the valleys of the Dalaman Stream's eastern tributaries.



Akyaka is a coastal township with its own municipality in the Ula district of Muğla Province in southwestern Turkey. The town is situated at the far end of the Gulf of Gökova, at the start of the fertile Gökova plain, and is a rising center for international tourism due to its advantageous location and natural beauties.

Cities in Bodrum region



Bodrum, with its bohemian atmosphere and elitist, is a picturesque village situated on the Aegean coast, on a peninsula near the island of Kos. It is a good place to start a trip along the coast cariene, with its panorama of mythology and history, with a typical Mediterranean architecture with spectacular sandy beaches and rocky coves.



The resort is dotted with restaurants , hotels and boutiques , bars and discos. Its beach , though not very sandy, the water is famous for care remains shallow for general KNOW safe swimming for children.



Guvercinlik is one of the lesser known resorts in the Bodrum peninsula, however, it is famous for the amazing flora and fauna it is surrounded by. It is a small bay, located on the Aegean Sea, with fields of pine and olive trees.

Gumbet Bodrum

Gumbet Bodrum

Gumbet (în traducere 'cisternă de apă') se află la 5 km de Bodrum și are o plajă lungă, nisipoasă, presărată de hoteluri.



Torba is a seaside village near Bodrum in Mugla Province, Turkey.

Icmeler Bodrum

Icmeler Bodrum

In the center of Bodrum, Zeki Muren via Street and pass in front Halikarnas Disco, you came to yacht owners of yachts pulling area called "Bindirek Vadisi 'columns Valley 1001".



Located on the seashore between two steep hills and surrounded by pine forests and plantations mandarin, Gundogan resort is an oasis of peace and tranquility in Bodrum Peninsula



Ortakent is a city divided into two - the inner business district and the beach area. It is located near the intermediate point between Bodrum and Turgutreis.



Milas is an ancient city and the seat of the district of the same name in Muğla Province in southwestern Turkey. The city commands a region with an active economy, and the region is very rich in history and its remains, the whole territory of Milas district containing a remarkable twenty-seven archaeological sites of note.[3] The city was the first capital of ancient Caria and of the Anatolian beylik of Menteşe in medieval times. There was a Jewish community.



Yalikavak is a city simply amazing 'elegant resort with an extremely wide range of points of interest.

Cities in Istanbul Region region



With a population of over 18.8 millions Istanbul is a Megalopolis and the main financial, shopping and cultural center of Turkey. Spread over 27 of the 39 districts of the province with the same name as one of the largest metropolises in the world. The economic capital of Turkey and the prefecture of the province with the same name. The European side is located in the historical region of Thrace and Asia in Anatolia. Officially called Istanbul on 28 March 1928. Along with Athens and Rome, Constantinople's, that is Istanbul's most venerable ranks among the capitals of Europe.



Gebze Kocaeli is a district in the province, Turkey. It is located 30 km east of Istanbul on the northern shore of the Sea of ​​Marmara. Gebze district is located in the most western province of Kocaeli, Tuzla neighbors to the west; Pendik, northwest; Şile north; and Körfez the east.



Surrounded by the Marmara Sea, Yalova is a peaceful and relaxing city rich in thermal springs and abundant nature.



Aksaray ("White Palace" in Turkish) is a neighbourhood in the municipality and district of Fatih, Istanbul Province, Turkey.



Izmit, ancient Nicomedia, is an industrial city in Turkey, about 100 km east of Istanbul to Ankara. It Prefecture Kokaeli province. Occupy deepest shore of Izmit Bay.



Çorlu is a city in northwestern Turkey within Eastern Thrace entering administration Tekirdağ province.



Sakarya is a city and province of the same name in Turkey, located on the coast of Black Sea. The river Sakarya feeds this beautiful location. The river creates a webbing of estuaries in the province and the natural beauty is breathtaking. If you want to be amidst nature, history, calm and comfort, Sakarya is the place to be.



Founded in the southern area of Sapanca Lake and surrounded by green trees as many as the eye can see, Sapanca encompasses numerous sites of interest.



Erdek is a town and district of Balıkesir Province in the Marmara region of Turkey. Located on the north coast of Gulf of Erdek at the south of the Sea of Marmara, Erdek is known as a holiday destination that is popular among domestic tourists. The area has a rugged geology and topography and evergreen wooded areas. There are also large olive groves.



Tekirdağ is part of the historical region known as Eastern Thrace. Tekirdağ is the capital of Tekirdağ. Tekirdağ is situated on the northern coast of the Marmara Sea, 135 km (84 miles) west of Tekirdağ Istanbul.Golful picturesque headland is surrounded by great mountain, which gives the city its name, Tekir Dağı (ancient Combos), a spur 2000 ft hilly plateau which rises in the north. Between Tekirdağ and Şarköy is another mountain, Ganos Dağı.

Cities in Canakkale region



Çanakkale is the city situated on the Asian side of the Dardanelles - Çanakkale in Turkish Boğaziçi where it has a width of 1 km. The European side is called Eceabat. Dardanelles Strait that separates Europe from Asia and linking the south with the north Aegean Marmara Sea.



Assos, also known as Behramkale or for short Behram, is a small historically rich town in the Ayvacık district of the Çanakkale Province, Turkey.



The Gallipoli Peninsula is located in the south of eastern Thrace, in the European part of Turkey in the west and the narrow Dardanelles in the east. Gallipoli is the Italian form of the Greek name Kallípolis, which means "beautiful city", the original name of the modern city Gelibolu. In ancient times, the peninsula was known as the Thracian Chersonese.

Cities in Fethiye region



Fethiye is located on the Mediterranean coast, 150 km south-east of Mugla and 135 km southwest of Marmaris. Bay, adorned with many insulete, is closed from 1936 an island called Cavaliere. Fethiye a charming town with restaurants and beachfront promenade paths along an active port, where ships and fishing boats coexist with elegant yachts. It is also a good place for diving, fishing and excursions. The city is found here since they built licienii Telmessos (site around which stood Fethiye) 3,000 years ago. In 1934 he was named in honor of Fethi Bey Fethiye, one of the local pilot, who died heroically during the War of Independence.



Oludeniz is a resort located in the province of Mugla on the southwest coast of Turkey, bordered on one side of the Aegean and the other side of the mountains Babadag, 14 km from Fethiye Oludeniz Beach is one of the most famous and most photographed beaches in the Mediterranean area. The famous Blue Lagoon appears to be broken in a dream come true just to delight the hearts of travelers. Being declared a nature reserve, construction is prohibited in this area. Turquoise waters, fine sand and brought great landscape Oludeniz beach rank among the top five beaches in the world and practice estefaimoasa Oludeniz Resort and motodeltaplanorismului paragliding, sports that allow admiring vistas.

Hisaronu Ovacik

Hisaronu Ovacik

Hisarönü is a tourist resort village in the Fethiye district of the Muğla Province of Turkey. It is situated at the western extreme of the Mediterranean coast of Turkey and the southern extreme of the Aegean coast. The resort has grown from a very basic village in 1990 to the large resort with its neighbor Ovacık since then. In 1992, the road through Hisaronu to Kayaköy was paved for the first time.



Göcek is a small town in Fethiye district in Muğla Province, Turkey



Ovacık is a small village in the Fethiye district, Muğla Province, Turkey.

Cities in Anatolia region



Kutahya is a small province in the midst of hill country in Turkey, clustering about the walls of an impressive hilltop fortress. It is the hometown of the world famous Yagcibedir Carpets, and Kutahya tiles which you can see everywhere in the country. But the best and the cheapest are in Kutahya, where you may visit the workshops of factory outlets and see these tiles produced with designs from the 16th and 17th centuries. They are especially famous for their cobalt blue on a milky white background.



Province Afyon, Afyonkarahisar is known as the confluence of three major roads in Turkey, presenting itself as a gateway linking the lower regions of the Aegean and Anatolia. Afyon is bordered to the east of Konya, west of Usak, Kutahya the northwest and southwest of Denizli. Despite the name "Black Fortress of Opium", due poppy plantations in the area, Afyonkarahisar is a charming town, with a very rustic. The settlement had its beginning 5000 years ago and was employed at a time, the Hittite civilization, the Phrygians, Lydians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Seljuks and Turks.



Eskişehir is a city in northwestern Turkey and the capital of the Eskişehir Province. The city is located on the banks of the Porsuk River, at 792 m above sea level, where it overlooks the fertile Phrygian Valley. In the nearby hills one can find hot springs. Known as a university town, both Eskişehir Osmangazi University and Anadolu University (which has one of the largest student enrollments in the world) are based in Eskişehir. The province covers an area of 2,678 km2 (1,034 sq mi).



Isparta is a city in western Turkey. It is known as the "City of Roses". Isparta is largely modern architecture, but interesting old buildings are available for special sale of mosques.



Ankara Angora known until 1930 and in the classical Ancyra, the capital of Turkey and the country's second largest city after Istanbul. It covers an area of 2516 km ² and has a population of 3,901,201 inhabitants (2007). At the same time the capital of the province with the same name. Ankara is currently in the growing metropolis. Yenikent stretches of urban settlement, near Sincan more Bayindir Dam 50 km to the east, and north of Baglum, 35 km south to Gölbasi. Development of infrastructure and beauty of historical places that Ankara did come out gradually under the "shadow" of Istanbul, considered as a symbolic capital of Turkey.

Mardin Province

Mardin Province

Mardin is a city in southeastern Turkey. The capital of Mardin Province, it is known for the Artuqid architecture of its old city, and for its strategic location on a rocky hill near the Tigris River that rises steeply over the flat plains.



Gaziantep Province is a province in south-central Turkey. An important trading center since ancient times, the province is also one of the major production areas of Turkey, and agriculture is dominated by the cultivation of pistachios.



Hatay Province is a province in southern Turkey, on the Mediterranean coast. The administrative capital is Antakya (Antioch), and the other major city in the province is the port city of İskenderun (Alexandretta).



Van is a city with a short name, a long history, and numerous interesting things to see, especially if you like history and natural beauty.



An historical city situated on the oxygen-rich skirts of Palandoken Mountain, Erzurum boasts a unique cultural legacy. Having a growing population, Erzurum is one of the largest cities of the Eastern Anatolian Region. It has a humid continental climate, receiving heavy rain and snow during winter and lots of sunlight in summer.



Situated on the banks of Tigris (Dicle) river in South-Eastern Anatolia, Diyarbakir still carries a medieval air with its walls encircling the city.



Malatya Province is a province of Turkey. It is part of a larger mountainous area. The capital of the province is Malatya. Malatya is famous for its apricots.



Uludağ: one of the highest mountains in the Marmara Region open to tourism all the year round and one of Turkey’s most beautiful epitomes of magnificent nature



Abant Lake is 33km away from Bolu, in the west of the Black Sea region, and exactly halfway between Ankara and Istanbul.



Ilgaz is a town and district of the province of Cankiri in Central anatoleza region of Turkey. Ilgaz is also the name of a mountain range that lies between Kastamonu and Cankiri.



Palandöken Ski Centre is in southern Erzurum and lies in the east-west direction the summit is 3185m. Erzurum has one of the coldest climates and is one of the highest altitude positioned provincies of Turkey covered with a blanket of snow for 4-5 months during winter.Under normal weather conditions in Palandöken Ski Centre the snow can reach upto 2-3 metres high.



Konya is the city and was the dervish - Muslim monks - for 800 years. Located about three hours south of Ankara, Konya is a very old city, with roots in the times of the Hittites. Over the centuries XII and XIII Konya was the capital of Seljuk Turks and advanced rapidly to the rank of a cultural center. Today Konya is the most religiously conservative city in Turkey, but also a place in which they stand contrary aspects. Given the approximately 50,000 students from Konya, there are acts of rebellion - but apart from a very high alcohol consumption, "rebellion" is to young skirts slit up to her knees and a little red lipstick.



Kahramanmaraş is a city in southern Turkey, provincial capital of the same name. In 2000 it had a population of 326 198 inhabitants.



Kayseri is an important industrial and commercial center, qualified and pearl of Central Anatolia. Throughout the history of Kayseri quality continued to be an important place of settlement. Hundreds of elevation of land called "Höyük" or "mound" was sent today because of important evidence belonging to the Anatolian civilizations. Kayseri oldest cities of the world (Mazak ancient Kaisareia) was founded in the classical era in the region called Cappadocia. This region lies south of the river Kızılırmak at Lake Tuz (Sarat) to the Euphrates River.

Eregli (Konya Province)

Eregli (Konya Province)

Eregli is a city in Konya Province, Central Anatolia Region, Turkey.



Province Ağrı is a province of Turkey with an area of ​​11,376 km ², located in eastern Turkey. The city and the province is located in the mountainous region dominated by Ararat.



Kars – a beautiful city with a heterogeneous culture, known as “the frontier city,” literally located at the border of modern Turkey.



Adıyaman Province (Turkish: ILI Adıyaman is a province) in the south central Turkey. It was created in 1954 from part of the province of Malatya. 2] It has an area of 7606.16 square kilometers and a population of 590,935 (2010 est.), From 513 131 in 1990. The capital is Adıyaman.

Sanli Urfa

Sanli Urfa

Sanliurfa - Sanliurfa or Urfa simple - a city in south-eastern Anatolia, 8 km east of the Euphrates River and 180 km west of Kiziltepe.



Safranbolu, an Anatolian city that brings history to life through its mosques, market, neighbourhoods, streets and original houses, was inscribed to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1994. The city is in the Paflagonia region that was described by Homer in his epic poem, The Iliad and its known history dates back to 3000 BC.

Cities in Izmir region



Izmir (formerly Smyrna) is a city in southwestern Turkey with about 3 million inhabitants. It is situated on the Aegean coast in the gulf with the same name. Izmir is the third largest city of Turkey and the second most important port. Izmir is a city with alleys, boulevards and parks comprehensive curves aligned along the circular bay. The city has a warm climate and many hotels. Izmir is a busy commercial and industrial center, is also a gateway to the Aegean Sea.



Cesme - Çeşme - este un mic oraș din vârful peninsulei care formează Golful Izmir. Cesme (çeşme) înseamnă "fântână" sau "izvor" în limba turcă, orașul fiind numit astfel datorită izvoarelor și băilor termale din jur, mai ales în districtul Ilica. Cesme este una dintre cele mai frumoase peninsule din Turcia. Este înconjurată de apele cristaline ale Mării Egee, fiind vestită pentru plajele cu nisip fin, marea nepoluată, izvoarele termale, hotelurile moderne, gastronomia delicioasă și distracțiile nenumărate. Cesme este amplasată la 80 km vest de Izmir, pe țărmul Mării Egee. Este o stațiune ce merită să fie vizitată, datorită plajelor cu nisip alb, a apei albastre și a diverselor facilități pentru turiști. Vizitați și stațiunile termale și de relaxare, Portul Sifne Pasa, Buyuk Liman, Alacati și Golful Boyalik. În Cesme se pot practica aproape toate sporturile de apă. Alacati aflat la 10 km de Cesme este locul cel mai bun pentru windsurfing din toată Turcia.În Cesme sunt facilități excelente de cazare, iar viața de noapte este atractivă. Castelul Cesme găzduiește Festivalul International de Muzică și Mare Çeşme. Castelul a fost construit în 1508 de sultanul otoman Bayazit. Este construit în stil traditional otoman adăpostește artefacte descoperite la Eritreea. Peninsula Cesme are multe stațiuni de mare. La nord-est se află Lidin - cel mai important port din Eritreea, înființat după Războiul din Troia, cu o bună vedere spre acropolă, golf și insule.Plajele din Cesme: 29 km de plaje cu nisip fin și ape curate, 8 plaje Blue Flag. Cele mai bune plaje sunt: Ilica, Alacati (windsurfing), Altinyunus, Boyalik, Pirlanta, Tursite, Tekke, Ciftlik, Kucuk Liman, Altinkum. Plaja Alacati cu izvoare termale se afla la 5 km de Cesme. Temperatura apei are 58 °C și conține clorură de potasiu, clorură de sodiu și clorură de magneziu. Se spune că apa are proprietăți curative pentru cei care suferă de reumatism cronic, metabolism greoi, gută, obezitate, rahitism, boli ginecologice, boli de piele, ficat și tract urinar. În apropierea izvoarelor se găsesc clădiri moderne.Hotelurile din Cesme oferă un raport optim calitate-pret, dotări moderne, facilități speciale pentru copii, business travel și servicii de excepție. Pentru doritorii de distracții, în Cesme sunt: restaurante cu specific local, pește și fructe de mare (zona Dalyan), terase de vară, fast food-uri, baruri de noapte, cluburi, discoteci, cafenele.Cesme Urla (Clazomenae) este un loc liniștit unde puteți servi o mâncare de pește la restaurantul de pe malul mării. Vederea spre Dealul Guvendik este liniștitoare. Drumul dintre Izmir și Cesme este presărat cu sate pescărești precum Mordogan, care se numeste așa după culoarea specifică de la răsăritul soarelui, sau Karaburun, un oraș care se adăpostește între munți și golfurile pitorești Balikliova.Iubitorii de sporturi au la dispoziție în Cesme: windsurfing, skijet, ambarcațiuni, scuba diving, schi nautic, tenis, centre fitnes, tenis de masa, biliard. Din Cesme se pot face excursii opționale în: Izmir, Efes, Pamukkale, Insula Chios (Grecia), croaziere.În peninsulă se pot face următoarele cumpărături: haine din piele, covoare, bijuterii din aur, îmbrăcăminte, dulciuri și băuturi locale în bazar, piața de duminica din Alacati sau în magazinele de pe străzile din orașul vechi.Facilități pentru copii: piscine speciale, cluburi, locuri de joacă amenajate, grădinițe, baby sitting.Business travel în Cesme: pentru oamenii de afaceri există numeroase hoteluri cu facilități pentru organizarea de conferințe, seminarii, întâlniri, team building.



Seferihisar is a coastal district and the center town of the same district in Izmir Province, Turkey. Seferihisar District includes eight villages and two larger settlements, which have their own municipal governments (Doğanbey and Urkmez). Çakmaktepe is the highest point of the district with 680 m., Two creeks, and Hereke Kocaçay Stream Stream crossing and flows into the sea within its borders and in general, they are dry in summer.



The former fishing village of Gümüldür is one of the privileged places for a relaxing holiday. The pleasant climate, beautiful sandy beaches and magnificent landscapes of olive groves, citrus forests and pine forests offer an unforgettable view. Gümüldür is approximately 70 km from Izmir. The rural surroundings of Gümüldür, with its beaches with wide and fine sand, represent one of the youngest holiday areas of the Aegean. With its many bays and tangerine plantations, Gümüldür offers a beautiful landscape and a peaceful holiday. The area has a pleasant climate.



Alaçatı is a very picturesque village situated on the Aegean coast, 72 km west of İzmir. Alacati is a unique destination, which is distinguished by the beauty of the old Ottoman architecture, vineyards and windmills for 150 years old.



Foça is a town and district in Turkey's İzmir Province, on the Aegean coast. The town of Foça is situated at about 69 km (43 mi) northwest of İzmir's city center. The district also has a township with its own municipality named Yenifoça along the shore and at a distance of 20 km (12 mi) from Foça proper.

Cities in Turkey region



Edirne, formerly Adrianople, is a city in Eastern Thrace Turkish region near the borders with Greece and Bulgaria. Edirne served as the third capital of the Ottoman Empire 1365-1453 before Constantinople (Istanbul) became the capital of the fourth and last empire. At present, Edirne is the capital of the Edirne Province in Turkish Thrace.



Bozuyuk is a city and district of Bilecik Province in the Marmara region of Turkey. Bozüyük is the largest city in Bilecik province. The district covers an area of 928 km2.

Cities in Bursa region



Bursa is a city located in the Asian part of Turkey, near the Marmara Sea. The city was the first capital of the Ottoman Empire, and today it is the fourth city of Turkey, after Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir. The bursa is often called "Bursa verde" - Yeşil Bursa, due to the beautiful parks with vegetation that lie on the city, as well as due to the large forests that extend outside the city of Bursa.

Cities in Aegean Turkey region



Ayvalik is a seaside resort situated on the Aegean coast, in Balıkesir province, about 50 km southwest of Edremit. Off the coast of Ayvalik are over 20 islands, the largest being Alibey Adasi or Cunda.

Balikesir Province

Balikesir Province

Balıkesir Province is a province in midwestern Turkey, having coastlines on both the Sea of Marmara and the Aegean. Its adjacent provinces are Çanakkale to the west, İzmir to the southwest, Manisa to the south, Kütahya to the southeast, and Bursa to the east. The provincial capital is Balıkesir City. Most of the province lies in the Marmara Region except the southern parts of Bigadiç Edremit, Kepsut, İvrindi, Savaştepe and Sındırgı districts and ones of Ayvalık, Burhaniye, Dursunbey, Gömeç and Havran, that bound the Aegean Region.



İskenderun is a city and district in the province of Hatay on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. It was originally named Alexandria near Issos and later Alexandretta.



Manisa is a modern and attractive city in the Aegean region of Anatolia. It is the capital of the Manisa province and is tucked away in the peaceful valley of river Gediz, on the northern slope of Mount Manisa.

Cities in Cappadocia region



Cappadocia (Cappadocia) is a region of Turkey with an area of 800 km2. The most important cities in this region are Avanos, Nevsehir Urgup.



Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage for its Cappadocia district, Nevsehir fascinates visitors with its natural and historical attractions.



Uçhisar natural stone fortress is the highest point in Cappadocia, visible for a great distance from the region other towns such as Urgup and Avanos (map). Popular backpacker base of Göreme Town is a short descent from Uçhisar (OOCH-hee-Sahr, "tiptop castle"). Uçhisar has numerous hotels, inns, houses and hostels rental, some rooms cave like Kale Konak Hotel, but the main visitors reason I go there is to climb to the top of Hisar, outcrop high rock tunnels and enjoy the spectacular panoramic view, the best view of Cappadocia, except for what you get from a hot air balloon.



Göreme, located among the rock formations of the "fairy basket", is a city in Cappadocia, a historical region of Turkey. It is located in the Nevsehir province of Central Anatolia and has a population of about 2,000 people.



Ürgüp is a town and district of Nevşehir Province in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey. Located in the historical region of Cappadocia, and near the cave Churches of Göreme, it is renowned for its nightlife and for its good adjustment to tourism, making it a popular night stop for Cappadocia tourists.



Avanos is famous for its abundance of pottery workshops and can only be described as small and quaint, even though it does see a flurry of activity from foreign tourists. The current population of the town is 12,000 and much of the local trade is focused around tourism and pottery.

Cities in Black Sea Turkey region



Şile is a small town on the Black Sea, 70 km from the city of Istanbul, Turkey. Şile is a municipality and is the center of the eponym district of Istanbul.



Samsun is situated between two river deltas jutting out into the Back Sea, north of Turkey. West of the town the Kizilirmark (the Red River), one of the longest rivers of Anatolia, produced its fertile delta, East of the town the Yesilirmak (the Green River), a river that passes some remarkable towns on its way to the sea, did the same.



Bolu is one of the most enchanting areas of Turkey located approximately half-way between Istanbul and Ankara. Bolu is famous for its dense forests, fauna and hot spring facilities.



Rize is blessed with the most beautiful nature that has been preserved over the centuries. The fresh air of Rize has a regenerative effect on you with every breath you take. Located in the greenest area of Turkey, the Eastern Black Sea Region, Rize is renowned for its unique architecture, delicious cuisine and the hospitality of the local people.



Odru is a town located on the site of the Ionian colonies, Kotyora. It says here embarked Xenophon and the 10,000 Greeks to Sinop, in the year 401 Ien Today Ordu is a port and a large processing center hazelnuts. Attractions are the scenery around the city, including the Black Sea coast, Boztepe hill above the town and head Jason.



Amasya is the capital city of the province of the same name, the province has an area of ​​5690 km2 and a population of 324,268 people of which 86,667 live in the city and the remainder in surrounding villages. It lies at an altitude of 411 m. Amasya is one of the most beautiful cities in Turkey. Lying, as Saframbolu in a rocky and narrow gorge of rmak Yesil (Green River), is distinguished both natural beauty and the vestiges of its millenary history of over 5,000 years of Hittite periods, urarta, Phrygian , Persian, Romanian, Byzantine, Mongol and Ottoman.



Akçakoca is both a town and district of Düzce Province, in the Black Sea region of Turkey, located about 200 km east of Istanbul. The town was named after a Turkish chieftain of the 14th century CE who captured the area for the Ottoman Empire, and sports a statue in his honor. The town features a modern mosque of unusual design. Touristic attractions include beaches and a small ruined castle.



Ağva, is a popular resort destination and Şile district in the province of Istanbul, Turkey.



Düzce Province is a province in northwestern Turkey. It is on the coastline of the Black Sea and is traversed by the main highway between Istanbul and Ankara. The main town is Düzce. There are ancient Greek ruins in the province. Düzce broke off from Bolu province and became a province in its own right after a devastating earthquake in the city in November 1999.



Zonguldak, city, capital of Zonguldak il (province), northwestern Turkey, on the Black Sea coast. The well-equipped port is the main outlet for coal extracted from the basin between Zonguldak and Ereğli. The city’s development and rapid rise in population were associated with the growth of this coal industry after the mid-19th century. Mining was extensively developed by the government after 1940, and much of the city’s workforce has remained engaged in work related to coal.

Cities in Adana region



Adana is a city in the central - southern Turkey on the Seyhan River Plain Cilicia, 30 km from the Mediterranean coast, with 1,041,509 (1997) inhabitants. It is an important industrial and agricultural center, one of the largest cities of Turkey.

Cities in Cukurova region



Mersin is an exceptional resort, synonymous with all-inclusive concept. A holiday in Mersin will exhaust most of opportunities, because the resort offers sea, sun, sunshine, mountains, historic monuments, modern tourist infrastructure, sports, places to relax and walks (in Mersin is the largest boulevard in Europe, 12km) . Boulevard, with many works of art and places for relaxation, resembles a park. A monumental nature, waterfalls, rivers, mountains, forests, groves of oranges, lemons, bananas, a very diverse flora and fauna add charm Mersin, where people do not know the word quickly.

Cities in Trabzon region



Trabzon is the most important city and port on the eastern coast of the Black Sea. This picturesque seascape in this area, due to the Pontic mountains peaks of dormant bordering coastal strip.