Packages and tourist stays Holy Easter Holidays offers accommodation and restaurant services in hotels, villas and accommodation in well-known resorts and tourist areas, both in Romania and the countries of Europe, America, Africa and even Asia. Direct
Booking propose destinations in Bukovina, Transylvania, Sibiu and its surroundings, the Prahova Valley or Maramures, through special offers early booking (early registration) or last minute, minimum prices, a wide range of services and opportunities to spend
mini Easter holiday with family, friends or, why not, and colleagues. If you are not yet decided where you want to spend your Easter choose a tourist region, the region facing our offers and then you can book online or by phone deserved holiday. For those
who want a destination other than Romania, Direct Booking offers packages and bus trips, charter plane or line in Europe, America or Asia. Discover the Direct Booking famous Easter fairs in Vienna, Prague or Vieslan and make a family happy by booking online
or by phone and children one of our tourist packages on offer.