For the mini vacation of 1st May, Direct Booking offers accommodation in hotels, villas and guest houses on the Romanian seaside resorts and tourist regions or mountain package and stays at minimum prices, specially configured for various budgets and preferences.
You can choose the romanian seaside resorts like Mamaia, Neptun, Costinesti, Vama Veche or Eforie Nord or mountain resorts like Prahova Valley, Sibiu and its surrounding, Bucovina, Maramures and the Danube Clisura.
If you are not yet decided what to choose for mini vacantion of 1st May you can see offers on different regions, both in Romania and in Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Greece or Croatia or special discount offers early booking and the last minute.
For abroad destinations beside accomodation and food services, you can also choose transport, by bus or plane, you can choose what kind of holiday you need and book it online through Direct Booking portal.